Any natural phenomenon seen in a dream leaves an indelible impression on a person. Seeing a rainbow is considered a very good sign for a dreamer, one can say this is a manifestation of divine will. What does the rainbow dream of, what does it mean when it appears in a dream, and whether it is always interpreted positively - further in the article.
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Interpretation in various dream books
What does the various dream books say?
A very favorable dream that promises success and luck, changes in life for the better, and even predicts wealth:
- Miller's dream book promises unprecedented happiness. The multi-colored bridge descending from heaven to earth promises the successful continuation of all undertakings and the receipt of a generous reward for their labors.
- According to a gypsy dream book, a seven-color rainbow arc that has been dreamed of will bring unexpected happiness, especially with regard to love relationships.
- Wangi's dream book promises wonderful and amazing changes, but only if the natural phenomenon was colorful. Seeing in a dream how the colors went out means separation from a loved one.
Other interpretations:
- If a sick person sees such a dream, then he will be healed soon and will live a long time.
- For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends that her child will be happy and successful in life.
- Sometimes such a dream suggests that the sleeping person has false fears, baseless anxieties and empty dreams.
As can be seen from the interpretations, the colored arc in a dream, as well as in reality, is almost always a good sign. However, it also matters under what circumstances and how it appears.
See a colored rainbow in a dream
If you dream of a colored rainbow, playing in all colors, it predicts a person a grandiose change, and only for the better.
To a young man, a dream promises:
- rapid career progression;
- luck in work;
- receiving an inheritance or opening a new source of income;
- making the right decisions that will lead his business to success.
For a young woman, what she saw means:
- the appearance of a lover;
- passionate romance;
- successful marriage soon.
Seeing in a dream how the rainbow colors are gradually fading, means that we need to pay more attention to relatives, family.
Such a dream can be intimate. To see all the colors of the rainbow in a dream means that sexual life with a partner will be vibrant and eventful, and everyday relationships will be harmonious.
A dream where a colored rainbow appears in the night sky is a clue. This means that a person will need wise advice to resolve the issue.
Dreamed of a double natural phenomenon
A double rainbow in the sky in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person is on the right track. He made a decision that will lead him to success and prosperity, and his plan will be fulfilled.
For those who are in a quarrel with someone in their circle, a double rainbow promises forgiveness and reconciliation.
If you had a double rainbow, it means that a person will have to make a difficult choice in life. Moreover, any decision made will be successful.
For a woman, a dream can portend the appearance in life of an elderly and wealthy admirer who will support her.
To see the triple rainbow belt in a dream is a very rare occurrence. It means that all the good things done in this life by this person will return to him three times. All the most secret desires will come true.
Lovers rainbow dream
To see such a natural phenomenon to one of the lovers in a dream is an unprecedented success. A sign that their union is blessed in heaven. A dream symbolizes a long, happy life together in harmony and harmony. A rainbow spread over the green crowns of the trees suggests that all their affairs and ideas will be successful.
An unfavorable sign is a dream where the rainbow colors fade. Young people are destined to break up.
For single people, a rainbow in a dream after a rain promises the appearance of a great and bright love in life. A new relationship with an acquaintance from the environment also portends a natural phenomenon that arose in the sky and slowly faded.
For family people, a dream promises a long and happy marriage, a life of plenty. The dream of a rainbow appearing in the house is considered especially safe.
Colored arches, low spreading over the dreamer's head, promise the soon realization of a long-forgotten dream without any efforts on his part.
Why dream of a rainbow over a river
A rainbow spreading across a river is a favorable sign for those who are going on a long journey. The dream promises that the trip will be pleasant, and new acquaintances acquired during the journey are very useful.
The dream of a rainbow above water, sea or lake, predicts businessmen profitable acquisitions and profitable transactions.
In a romantic sense, a rainbow over a pond predicts an unusual love adventure, a short and unforgettable romance.
Rainbow is an unusual natural phenomenon not only in reality, but also in a dream. A person should trust the dream and gratefully accept the events that occur, because he will be happy and lucky.