Rainbow is an ancient symbol of happiness and victory. The name of this atmospheric phenomenon has a common root with the word "joy." But, according to the dream book, the rainbow promises not only peace and tranquility, because the meaning of such a vision depends on many details.
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Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books
In Miller’s dream book, a rainbow is a symbol of happiness and hope. If the sleeper saw a bright seven-color - a bright streak will come in his life, luck will accompany all undertakings.
Interpretation in Wangi’s dream book promises the dreamer big changes - changes are coming in the familiar environment, long trips are possible. In this period, new acquaintances are possible. The probability of obtaining a long-awaited vacation is high.
According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a rainbow is a sign of an imminent victory. If the sleeper has had difficult times, then it is likely that he will soon find a way out of the problematic situation.
According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, such a phenomenon is considered a favorable sign. A person who sees such a night vision will soon receive good news.
However, this, at first glance, positive sleep has its own nuances.
If the seven-color dream was soon after the appearance of an interesting acquaintance in life, it is worth taking a closer look at it. Perhaps this is not the person for whom he claims to be, but all his wonderful qualities can disappear in the sky, like a rainbow after a rain.
A natural phenomenon can become a symbol of something beautiful, but short-lived, capable of becoming the embodiment of false hopes.
See the double rainbow in a dream
A double rainbow in a dream is definitely a positive sign. Such a heavenly "rocker" symbolizes mutual understanding between people. After seeing the dream, the sleeper will not have problems in communicating with loved ones.All old conflicts will come to naught, in the coming days mutual understanding will be improved in the family, quarrels will stop.
If the dreamer does not stop disagreements and disagreements with one of his friends for a long time, then it's time to rethink the unpleasant situation and the first to extend a hand of friendship.
At work, the sleeper will calm down disputes and conflicts, long-standing rivalry will end.
If a married woman sees a double rainbow in the sky, good changes await her family.
Such a dream before the wedding is also a favorable sign: the family life of the newlyweds will be calm and serene.
When a man visited such a dream, he was expected to be promoted or an extraordinary bonus.
Value for women, men
To a representative of a strong half of humanity, a dreaming rainbow promises an unprecedented financial recovery.
For a married man, such a dream guarantees a happy family life.
If this phenomenon was seen by a guy in love - the chosen one will reciprocate him.
A man on a business trip, such a night phenomenon predicts a speedy and safe return home.
If the dreamer has health problems, a picture seen in a dream in the sky portends a speedy recovery.
Freud's dream book believes that the rainbow dreamed of by a woman often symbolizes a dizzying novel, and can also be a harbinger of the appearance of a reliable and wealthy fan.
If a young girl sees a dream, it can be a omen of outdoor activities and vivid adventures that will leave behind a lot of positive emotions.
A married woman will have happiness in family life. If the husband has cooled down to her, then soon his indifference will not leave a trace, life together will once again sparkle with all the delightful colors of the rainbow.
If a girl is fond of gardening, devotes a lot of time to work in the country house or garden, her work will not be in vain, she will harvest a rich harvest.
More dream books:what is the dream of a little girl
Spread over the green crowns of trees
The rainbow, spreading over a forest glade, symbolizes good luck in business, improving the financial situation. A similar phenomenon, seen in a dream, promises seven-color, spread over the field. This is a symbol of a comfortable and secure life, a sign of family well-being.
The most favorable harbinger is the rainbow above the pond. Such a night story combines hope for career advancement, successful completion of the work begun and new pleasant acquaintances.
If a rainbow appeared in a dream over green trees - the best time comes for the realization of plans and desires. Such a dream can be considered a symbol of the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
Atmospheric after rain
Rainbow after heavy rain is a harbinger of success and expectation of good events in life.
On the other hand, if the seven-color color starts to fade, minor troubles and quarrels with loved ones are possible.
To dream of half the rainbow - to soon separation from your loved one.
In most cases, fabulously beautiful natural phenomenon in many dream books is given a positive value. Rainbow has always been considered a divine sign. A similar sign seen in a dream is interpreted as a special favor from above.
Of course, indulging in such night dreams is always very pleasant, because adults also want to believe in miracles. However, you can get them in reality, if you are kind to family, support friends, keep a family hearth, achieve success with your work. Therefore, in order for magic to always be present in life, it is not necessary to wait for the appearance of “rainbow” dreams.