It is not easy to understand why there is a fire in a dream. Such a plot has various meanings in dream books. It all depends on the details and details of the vision.
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Dream Interpretation: why dream of a fire at home?
In popular modern dream books, fire is interpreted differently. In order for the interpretation to turn out to be as true and accurate as possible, you need to try to remember the whole story in detail in the morning. If it quickly disappears from memory, the best solution would be to write the details into a notebook.
Miller's interpretation of the interpretation
In Miller's work, the symbolism of fire is very ambiguous. If you dream of a bright, beautiful flame that covers the entire house, this means that soon the sleeping person will receive a new position at work. She will be more prestigious and highly paid. The same plot symbolizes material well-being.
But there are less pleasant interpretations. Self-extinguishing a fire at Miller symbolizes problems at work. They will appear as a result of the actions of the enemies of the sleeping person.
If a dreamer in his nightly dreams wanders through the ashes and sees victims of fire, this story promises him health problems. One of the main symptoms of a developing ailment will be a strong increase in body temperature.
Freud Value
Freud considered the fire in the house a symbol of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman. That partner who sees a fire around him is not confident in his abilities in an intimate sense and is very worried about this. Most often, it is men who see such a dream.
It is also noted in the work of a psychoanalyst that a fire can symbolize passion.If in the midst of a flame a person feels comfortable, feels warmth and does not feel fear, then he needs new sexual emotions. Efforts should be made to return passion to a love relationship.
If the fire frightens a man or woman, in a dream there was a desire to run away from him, probably in reality the circumstances are similar - the partner of the sleeping man was too passionate. The dreamer does not withstand the love pressure, dreams of tenderness and tranquility.
Had to put out the fire yourself? This means that in real life a person lives, obeying the instructions of society, completely not listening to his own desires.
Interpretation of the Wangi Dream Book
Vanga explains that fire is a symbol of spiritual purification. If a person in a dream is afraid of fire, feels a strong smell of smoke - his undertakings will end unsuccessfully. But to be a participant in a fire in your own home - to a happy life change.
Extinguishing a fire in a dream suggests that the waking dreamer should be from all new projects and activities. Participation in them can lead to a loss of reputation. Choking from the acrid smell of burning - to intrigues against sleeping among colleagues. It is likely that this will end for him with a loss of work.
What does Nostradamus mean?
According to Nostradamus, the fire in the house symbolizes conflicts within the family. This interpretation is relevant if the flame is not too strong and does not hurt the sleeping person.
In a dream, to see a house falling to pieces under the influence of fire - for a speedy move. Sleeping can change not only the apartment, but also the city or even the country. But the whole city, engulfed in fire, portends a war.
Had to set fire to the house on your own? This means that a person will completely change his own life. True, it is impossible to predict in which direction in advance.
According to Loff's dream book
In a special way interprets the dream of a fire dream book Loff. The interpreter notes that its positive or negative value will depend on how well a person copes with fire. In a similar way, he will resist with the problems that have fallen on him in real life.
A very bright fire, which is admired by a man or woman by the specified interpreter, is a positive omen. He promises a person a quick win in the lottery or an unexpected inheritance from distant relatives.
By Meneghetti
In Meneghetti's work, a large fire from a dream portends the sleeping man to serious losses and material losses. If a person cannot get out of a flaming building, then this can promise him an unexpected illness. To cope with it, you will need to spend a lot of effort, time and money.
To see how the fire goes to clothes - to slander and dirty gossip behind. Their cause will be envy of the dreamer's latest achievements.
Meaning of Hasse's Dream Book
In Hasse's dream book, fire is generally interpreted as a positive omen. Especially if he did without victims. To be in the very center of a burning house - to receive protection and patronage from an influential person in real life. A new acquaintance will assist the sleeping man in various fields and will not require any special thanks for this.
Watching the adjacent building burn and not taking any action at the same time - to big changes in reality. But to put out the fire in your own or another's house - to joy and fun. If the dreamer decided to dance at the place of ignition, then his most cherished desire will soon be fulfilled.
According to Tsvetkov
But in Tsvetkov’s interpretation, the fire in all variations, on the contrary, is a negative symbol. It is associated with destruction and loss.
If only the doors of the house burn in dreams, and all other parts remain intact, then there is a mortal danger to the dreamer.He needs to give up any long trips (and especially flights) for some time, be wary of his own health, and also not leave alone at home in the dark.
Receiving severe burns as a result of a fire promises the dreamer waking notoriety. To regain a positive reputation, it will take a lot of time and worthy deeds.
Dreaming of someone else's house fire
If in a dream a house burns, belonging not to the sleeping person itself, but to its neighbors, such a plot promises a person new successful acquaintances. The same plot may portend a happy set of circumstances that will allow the dreamer to achieve his cherished goal in just a couple of steps.
It happens that a fire dreams in a sleeping friend's house. This is a clear sign that these people will face financial difficulties ahead, and, possibly, complete ruin. The dreamer's task is to warn friends about upcoming problems. This will help people prepare for them and quickly overcome a difficult life period.
If a fire started in a house or apartment with completely strangers, then the interpretation changes dramatically. Such a plot often turns out to be a warning to the sleeper that his work will begin changes that will not bring anything good. If possible, it is better to start looking for a new place in advance. The larger the fire, the more dramatic the expected changes will be. For example, a roof in a bright flame with black smoke is a sign that the whole administration will completely change.
Put out a fire in a dream
Often in the story, the sleeper himself has to deal with the fire.
This plot has several interpretations at once:
- Did you manage to quickly and simply eliminate the fire in a dream? So, in real life, a woman or a man will successfully complete a recently launched new project. He will bring to the sleeper both impressive material reward and moral satisfaction.
- If in the process of extinguishing a person had to pull various things out of a flaming building, then this is also a great sign. He tells us that joyful surprises and valuable gifts await the dreamer, which he does not expect at all. Perhaps, in this way, even the old material dream of the sleeper will come true.
- It happens that the dreamer himself is the culprit of the fire, as a result of which a large number of people die. This means that in reality close and dear people will stop communicating with him. The reason for this will be some unworthy actions of the sleeping person. To try to avoid this, you need to be careful in their statements and actions.
If a representative of the fair sex sees a fire in her own house, this is a clear sign that someone outsider is trying by all means to destroy her personal happiness. Perhaps a rival has appeared on the horizon who wants to lead her husband asleep from the family. No need to step aside and just expect how it all ends. The best solution will be an active struggle for their relationship.
If you dream of a fire without fire - the value
In some cases, a fire dreams without fire. For example, only thick smoke. This is a clue to the dreamer that he will soon be lucky. True, the path to it will be accompanied by difficult emotional torments and experiences.
Had to wander in a dream through fresh ashes? This is one of the most negative signs. Such a plot portends the death of a sleeping relative. It is likely that he will leave the last worthy legacy.
Smoke without fire from someone else’s windows is a hint that someone close to you needs urgent help. A relative or friend of a dreamer will never ask about her. Therefore, the sleeping person should be more attentive and take a closer look at the behavior of dear people. Help to the needy should be provided without prior questioning. Otherwise, a person will categorically refuse it.
If the dreamer looks at the fire without fire and at the same time experiences strong piercing fear, then his cherished desires cannot be fulfilled.You just have to come to terms with this fact and create new dreams.