There is a certain pattern in the decoding of dreams: if you dream of something pleasant that brings joy, some dirty trick is sure to happen in reality. The same principle holds true in deciphering dreams related to kisses. Why dream a kiss on the lips - there are many options. It all depends on who the person kisses in a dream and what events accompany this action. Even small nuances can be important in order to understand the dream and interpret it correctly.
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Interpretation of sleep in dream books
Each dream book has its own principles in deciphering dreams, the authors proceed from their experience, best practices, views on life, as well as from human psychology and religious preferences. To your attention there are different interpretations of sleep associated with a kiss on the lips.
Dream Interpreter G. Miller
Kissing your soulmate (spouse, partner) in a dream - everything is under control in your personal life, your love for each other is undeniable.
Kissing with a lover, while it’s dark around - to cheating or other troubles in partnerships, giving kisses in the light of day - you should not be afraid of cheating, a worthy person is next to you.
Kiss on the lips with a stranger - a dream portends that you risk acting immorally.
To see a dream where an opponent kisses your sweetheart - in reality there is a risk of losing a respectful relationship with a lady of the heart.
Kiss with the enemy in a dream - in real life, make peace with a loved one, comrade.
The girl dreamed that she was caught during a kiss with a boyfriend - perhaps in reality there are no friends near you, they only pretend to be like that.
Kissing on the lips of a child - it's time to get your children. If someone in a dream kisses your child on the lips - a bad sign, it means that your child fell under the bad influence, someone manipulates him. The subconscious mind tells you that you are giving too little time to your children.
Dreams of Freud
Freud always focuses on sexual relationships and fantasies in his dream book. So, in this case, a Freudian kiss is an unsatisfied sexual desire, a desire for contact with a partner.
There is a dream in which you only kiss with your loved one - you lack proximity with him. If kisses are the threshold of sexual contact - in reality in a relationship with a loved one everything will be fine. Sleep calls for better listening to the partner so as not to lose harmony with him.
There is a dream in which you are small, and mother kisses you on the lips - to bear fears from childhood through life, it is time to get rid of unnecessary memories and go forward.
Nostradamus about kisses in a dream
Dreams associated with a kiss not with your partner or partner in life mean that it is worthwhile to reconsider relations with a loved one - not everything is as rosy as it seems.
Seeing your lover in a kiss with another is a risk that your partner does not experience the feelings that he shows you.
Kissing in a dream with your wife or husband for a long time - fortunately in your personal life, to fidelity on the part of your partner.
Dream Interpretation Hasse
Seeing a dream with a kiss on the lips - to separation from a loved one.
Dreaming a kiss with a girl or boyfriend is a love affair.
The girl sees a dream with a kiss - a proposal will come in to connect fate with her lover.
Dreams where you kiss do not just happen, a romantic period begins in life, you are expected by dates, original deeds from your loved one, traveling together.
Esoteric dream book
In a dream, kissing the lips with a man - in reality, encounter misunderstanding, there is no good reason for conflict and quarrel, but the mood will be spoiled.
A long kiss with a man - a conflict with a partner will be serious.
Kiss of a friend - this person will experience something not very good in life.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova
According to Tsvetkov, a kiss in a dream promises betrayal by the partner, most likely, the relationship will no longer be the same.
Another person kisses you, not your partner - he will become the cause of your failures.
The above dream books tell us that deciphering dreams is not an easy task. One and the same dream can have many variations of interpretation.
Dream Interpretations help us understand what signals our subconscious sends us. Perhaps kisses in a dream warn that in reality, tenderness and affection are not enough for you? Are we always sensitive and soft with our loved ones? It is worth considering this.
Kissing on the lips with a loved one
Dreams of kisses with a loved one - the most popular dream, besides a good one. After all, many visions are inspired from our lives, the brain in a dream continues to digest the information received during the day. A dream promises a happy future, love prevails in a relationship. Your soulmate will not betray you, you can be calm.
Why kisses with ex-boyfriend
There is a kiss with a guy who is no longer present in your life as a lover - the dream reminds you that feelings still remain, you expect that kisses can still happen in reality. But this is only one version of such a dream.
The second version: the former guy does not remember about you, alas.
Third version: your ex is thinking about you, he has not forgotten you, even he is attracted.
The dream rather reminds that “they do not enter the same river twice”. If there is any doubt that feelings have been preserved, it is worth talking to this person and find out once and for all.
The meaning of sleep for an unmarried girl
A young woman sees from the side a kiss of her beloved with someone - a crack will appear in the relationship. Perhaps the guy had already fallen out of love with her.
Kissing with your young man - in reality a kiss turns into a betrayal on his part or the end of a relationship.
In a dream, kissing a stranger - in reality, an acquaintance with an interesting person will happen, and you will find a common language with him. A kiss with a strange man promises an unmarried girl that she will be in the spotlight, many will show interest in her.
Popularity among the opposite sex is nice. But keep in mind that sleep is still a warning for a young girl, do not be too gullible.
Had a passionate kiss with a stranger
You had a passionate kiss with a complete stranger - in reality, this situation can happen exactly again. Another interpretation of this dream is to wait for good news and happy life events.
According to psychologists, kisses in a dream with strangers dream for a reason. This means that the sleeper has a desire to meet someone from the opposite sex, in life there is not enough communication and a loved one.
If an unmarried girl has a dream, it’s time to find a mate, nature reminds that a person should not be alone.
A family woman had a dream - review your relationship with your spouse, is everything all right with you? Perhaps the feelings have cooled a little, and you live by habit next. Or you just need fresh ideas to refresh your sensations.
See people kissing from the side
To see a dream where others kiss - in reality you are keenly interested in their life. Moreover, you are aware of many of their secrets.
The interpretation of sleep is different if you see from the side the kiss of your partner with another person. The dream warns that the beloved is looking around, you will soon learn about his betrayal.
Watch a passionate kiss from the side - longing has settled around you, not enough communication. Stop watching someone else's happiness, it's time to take up your life.
Kissing a child, relative, brother or sister
To replenish in the family, if there is a dream where you kiss the child. Kissing your mom or dad - everything will work out in business, success and prosperity will come.
The dream with children has another interpretation: to kiss your own, alien or completely unfamiliar child - in life there is a chance to become a laughing stock.
Kiss with your brother - there will be a meeting with a person who will become your best and most loyal friend.
Kiss with your sister - you have a good relationship with her, she is always ready to help if she needs to.
According to other sources, dreams with kisses with a brother or sister dream of a good relationship between relatives.
Dead man kisses in dreams
Kissing the dead - there will be health problems. The dream warns in advance that you are ready for this and take the necessary measures.
Other dream books see a lucrative affair in a kiss with the dead. It is believed that the dream is a stormy romance with a famous personality. And also a kiss with an inanimate person may dream of a change in weather conditions.
Kissing a deceased brother - you do not have enough protection, you feel lonely.
Almost all dream books warn that a kiss with a dead guy is dreaming of hopeless longing for him. The interpreters of dreams advise: you can not live in the past, it is time to think about the present.
We looked at different variations of dreams associated with kisses in a dream. Almost all dream interpreters view them in terms of feelings. Our subconscious mind provides food for thought, prepares for change. Someone shows that you need to work on relationships. Someone reassures that everything is going well, no need to worry. Trust your heart, listen to intuition - and everything will be fine.