Why is there a flood in the apartment? In most cases, this is a warning that you will soon have to shed a lot of tears, as water symbolizes the internal state of a person. And also there is a threat of negative situations related to water in real life - a flood or emergency related to water.

Interpretation of dream books

Each dream book is characterized by its own “look” at the dream:

  1. According to the dream book of Gustav Miller. If you had a flood in the apartment, then this is to the chagrin and difficulties in life that will affect loved ones. And also a flood in a dream can portend financial difficulties in the life of a sleeping person.
  2. Interpretation of Freud's dream book. If the neighbors pour heavily in the dream, then this means that soon there will be love interests that will not lead to anything good. When the water is already drying up on the floor after the accident, a similar sign indicates a deterioration in relationships in sexual life. If a married woman dreams of a flood in the apartment, then her pregnancy is expected in the near future.
  3. Modern dream book. A flood occurred in a dream in one's own house - unfortunately in the family. When a similar "horror story" was seen by a man, waking hours can cause problems at work. But for a woman, such "dreams" can lead to very real quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.
  4. Watching the flood in the dream book of Yuri Longo means that soon something will come true. Sleeping awaits an unforgettable event that will completely turn life around.
  5. According to Loff's dream book, a flood warns of the need to really control your feelings and emotions.It is also advisable to have patience so that ultimately there is no reason for disappointment.
  6. According to Tsvetkova’s dream book, the flood portends success in business. Perhaps the long-awaited promotion at work or the “news” will be held that it is time to open your own business (if the sleeping person had similar plans before).
  7. According to the interpretation of the clairvoyant Vanga, a flood in a dream is a bad symbol that marks the beginning of a black band in life. The stronger the flood, the worse the consequences.

To dream of a flood in a house, apartment

Each dream has its own characteristics, on which the interpretation depends:

  1. To help neighbors after the flood means helping to solve extraneous problems in real life.
  2. In a dream, there was a flood in someone else's apartment - you need to be prepared for strong love feelings and tears. Men such a dream warns that you should not abuse alcohol.
  3. I dreamed about the water in the apartment - our plans could not be translated into reality. Such a vision for a pregnant woman portends difficulties and worries associated with her "interesting" position. It is necessary to control yourself so as not to harm your health and condition of the baby.
  4. If the neighbors flooded, then there is a chance of losing their job or losing their money. Pure water leaves hope for the possibility of preventing something terrible.
  5. A flood happened in the kitchen - an imminent conflict is expected in the family over trifles. Spouse needs to be more restrained to maintain a relationship.

More dream books:what is the dream of water

Flood in the bath

The vision of a flood in the bathroom predicts that there is a risk of failing in work, which could result in dismissal. And also it's time to think about the financial situation: not to lend to anyone, since most likely it will not work to get your money back.

If you see in a dream a flood in the bath from the neighbors, it means that you can expect unexpected guests with whom it is better not to enter into conflicts. This will not only maintain a good emotional state, but also physical health.

Escaping floods, tsunamis

Cataclysms of nature look scary not only in reality. Floods occurring in a dream leave an equally terrible impression.

Such signs do not bode well:

  1. If in night vision you had to escape from the tsunami, then in real life you have to shed a lot of tears.
  2. A terrible vision in which a flood of people carries away is a harbinger of loss and loss. You must be careful.
  3. A tsunami dream may also remind us that almost every day, fate is able to present new, not always pleasant surprises. It’s time to be patient, because it will need a lot.
  4. If in a dream a flood carries away a sleeping person and it is impossible to do anything, then this is a disease and trouble.

Important. The only people for whom such dreams become a good sign are representatives of trading professions. Water for them is a symbol of profit.

The value of sleep depending on the day of the week

The location of the planets for each day of the week is always different, therefore, night visions are individual. Seeing a flood in a dream, a person experiences feelings of danger, fear and anxiety. But not always such "horror movies" in reality become reality. Therefore, it is important to remember the day of the week on which the dream occurred, as well as its details, in order to more accurately understand the meaning of the nightmare.

  1. Dreams from Monday to Tuesday warn of conflicts in real life. It is on this night that you can understand what to do in certain situations. The flood boasts a serious scandal. You need to understand yourself and learn to control your own emotions.
  2. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are connected with well-being and financial situation, as well as with working relationships. If you dreamed of a flood in the house that night, then soon you can expect an increase in work and an increase in salary.
  3. Visions on the eve of Thursday predict that changes will soon occur that will affect personal life. Such a dream promises a fateful meeting or some kind of surprise. A married woman can expect a long-awaited pregnancy.
  4. Night visions from Thursday to Friday have a feature come true. Therefore, if you dream of a flood, then in real life there is a risk of undergoing a flood from neighbors or independently arranging in your apartment a small, but very "leaky" pool.
  5. Shabbat dreams usually make it clear that you need to be careful when doing certain things. Every ill-conceived step can be fatal.
  6. Dreams on Sunday night have good meaning and do not bode well. The dream of the flood only warns that it is time to sort out your own thoughts, find a new hobby for yourself, or simply chat with loved ones.
  7. A dream flood on Monday night - in real life, means chores in household chores and difficulties that you have to deal with alone.

More dream books: house

Flood dreamed of a man, a woman

A flood dreamed of by a man means that soon in reality there will be problems with housing or a career. Will have to move or change jobs. And there may also be problems in the love sphere, which can be prevented by way of your own concessions.

If such a vision has been visited by a woman, she needs to be prepared for treason from the other half, or expect that soon a sorceress will appear on the threshold. Have to shed tears and be disappointed in your beloved.

A person manages his life, but sometimes you need to pay attention to signs and symbols that present higher powers through dreams. In order not to foreshadow the flood, negative circumstances can be prevented if the interpretation of the vision is competent and timely.