The pool symbolizes a certain stage of life in the life of a sleeping person. It is worth remembering clearly all the details of a dream, and then you can begin to interpret it. It is necessary to pay attention to the very place where the pool is located, the purity of the water, the sensations that a person experiences during swimming. The correct approach to solving will give a clear picture of what is happening. So, let's move on to the main question, why dream of swimming in the pool.
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Interpretation in different dream books
A waking person should clearly understand the extent to which he liked to swim in the pool in a dream. A feeling of satisfaction from swimming, joy, peace of mind - this will symbolize a positive outcome. If the dreamer wakes up with a certain feeling of discomfort, then it is immediately worth looking into the dream book in order to get a full interpretation.
What portends, if you dream of swimming in the pool, according to the interpretation in popular dream books?
- swimming in a clean pool with clear water means the onset of a light streak in the life of a sleeping person;
- being in a polluted reservoir during water procedures, to receive negative emotions in a dream, it means that you should be wary of health complications;
- if a wonderful person dreams of a wonderful dream, it means that soon she will meet a faithful and caring friend.
- a tank with clean water, in which the sleeping person floats, means full puberty, readiness for adult and family life;
- to fall into the pool and at the same time experience strong fear - you have to face difficult circumstances;
- if you swim with a person of the opposite sex, it means that in real life there is a lack of attention of a sexual nature.
- to observe people swimming means, in reality, to envy the achievements of others;
- bathing in dirty water means illness, but for a sick sleeping person it means a quick death;
- if you dream that someone is pushing the dreamer into the pool, and at the same time he is skillfully maneuvering and swimming, then you should be afraid of loved ones who are eager to do harm.
- to be in a clean reservoir with transparent water - to experience complete enjoyment of life, getting rid of ailments.
- Swim and get full satisfaction - cleanse your karma and soul from the bad;
- plunging into dirty water means being pulled into squabbles and heavy proceedings.
Catherine the Great:
- to experience complete pleasure when swimming means to improve their material well-being;
- to see the bottom without water portends a complete bankruptcy of a person;
- the dirty water in which the dreamer splashes means that the person is confused and moves in the wrong direction in life.
- a sleeping pool is a way of getting rid of troubles, indicating an unknown stage in the future.
People's dream book:
- clean and clear water means health;
- a pool without water symbolizes poverty, hunger.
Muslim dream book:
- swimming in the pool means achieving the desired goal after long troubles;
- swim naked - wait for shame.
Swim, dive naked in the pool
Immersion in water with a head requires more effort than ordinary swimming in the pool. If you dreamed that the sleeping man was diving and completely submerging under water, this means that his affairs will be resolved with complete dedication. If the dreamer does not sink in a dream, then everything will end in success.
Swim with a man, a woman
Of great importance is who makes the company to the sleeping person while in the water. For example, if a young girl in a dream has to swim in the pool with a man, this means that soon she will fall in love and she will have a boyfriend, a loyal friend. If a guy dreamed of a girl floating in the water next to him, it means that soon he will have a bride.
Dream for pregnant
For a woman carrying a baby, swimming in a pool in a dream is a harbinger of an easy birth. The main thing is that the water is clean and transparent. Quality indicates the course of pregnancy and the speed of childbearing.
What does it mean to swim with fish
In a dream, fish is interpreted in three meanings: material gain, illness, or pregnancy. To solve it, it is worth taking into account all the elements of a dream. If you dream of a pool of clean water in which the sleeping person swims with fish, then such a prediction indicates the end of the matter with material benefits. If a woman is confused and does not know whether she is pregnant or not, then a dream in which she sees herself in a pool with fish will indicate her a positive answer.
What day of the week did you have a dream
When solving a dream, it is worth considering not only all the details that the dreamer dreamed about, but also that day of the week on which he appeared to the sleeping person.
A good dream on Sunday is not worth telling anyone, otherwise everything predicted may not come true.
On Monday, dreams never come true, you do not need to be very upset if you even dream of a dirty pool with unclean water. Most likely, on the eve the dreamer was very tired and he should rest emotionally.
When a dream occurred on a men's day (Tuesday, Thursday), women do not need to be afraid of bad predictions, because on the indicated days of the week only those predictions that were seen by the stronger sex come true.
For the fulfillment of dreams for the weaker sex, women's days are reserved - Wednesday, Friday.
And the values of the Sabbath sleep come true in about half the cases.