Sand of any color symbolizes barrenness, routine, and sometimes purity. Dreams about him without a special plot suggest that a person is wasting his own physical and mental strength in vain. But there are other explanations for why the sand is dreaming. It’s worth getting to know them.
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Interpretation in the dream books
First of all, in order to correctly understand your dream, it is worth “scrolling through” the most popular dream books and finding information on a topic of interest to them.
- So, in Miller’s work, a house on a sandy plateau suggests that everything in a sleeping person’s life is impermanent. He strives for change day after day and does not want to stop for a minute. Usually such a rush is very tiring. You need to try to slightly change the course of life - finally calm down and reflect on its main meaning.
- If you dreamed of quicksand, it means that you need to think about your own prospects from a variety of points of view. At the moment, it seems to the sleeping man that there is no way out of the situation that has developed in his life. In fact, this is not so. As soon as the dreamer understands this, various unique opportunities will immediately open before him.
According to the Eastern Dream Book, if you dreamed of a lot of sand on which a person walks and falls, it means that you need to give up any doubtful prospects in the near future. There is a high probability of ruining your own reputation with just one wrong word, action. You can also lose property, material wealth. There is a particular danger to real estate. In no case can you agree to any scam (no matter how profitable and attractive they may seem at first glance) with your own house or apartment.
If you dream of any building in the sand, according to the Idiomatic dream book, it symbolizes the futility of the dreamer's plans and actions.No matter how much he does, and whatever efforts he makes, it still will not work to achieve what he wants. Therefore, you should not waste your nerves in vain. It is better to step aside, relax, gain strength, and then take up the planned affairs already in a more suitable successful environment.
Sometimes people of different ages dream of yellow sand, which they pour from palm to palm. This is an important dream, which suggests that in life begins a period of changing priorities.
Most likely, the sleeping person will soon change his ideals and his outlook on life. It’s great if at the same time close people will help him.
In the Small Veles Dream Book, the meaning of sleep with sand depends on the purity of the latter.
- Are the grains of sand dirty? Most likely, some unkind person who will initially be able to win him over will let the sleeping man down. To avoid such troubles, you should be distrustful of any new acquaintances.
- But pure sand, on the contrary, dreams of good. Something very good will happen in the dreamer's life.
Lying, walking the sand
It happens that in a dream a person simply lies on a pleasant sea sand and at the same time feels very comfortable. So, he should expect the arrival of good guests in the very near future. Or the sleeper will spend time in the company of people who are dear to the heart, who will cheer him up for a long time.
If you had to walk on the sand in a dream, you need to try to remember how he felt. If it’s hot, it means that such a dream should be taken as a negative sign. It portends the onset of a black band in life, which will begin in the very near future and will last a very long time.
In the Modern Dream Book, barefoot walks on the hot sand portend serious losses and losses. In the future, they will greatly shake the social and financial situation of the sleeping person.
Why do you dream of a dirty beach
A very dirty beach with river sand in a dream is a negative sign worth worrying about. He tells us that life ahead is filled with endless labors and sufferings.
To achieve wealth and a significant social status, you will have to work hard, often forgetting about leisure, your own desires and leaving your family unattended.
See the sand castle
A sand castle from sleep is a complex symbol.
The interpretation of the plot with it will be given to the sleeping man is not easy:
- If a dreamer watches someone build a huge sand castle for him, then he has megalomania. Because of this, a person does not make any efforts to achieve his goals and, as a whole, as a result, may be left behind the ship of success and prosperity. We need to reconsider our own views on life as soon as possible.
- Is a sleeping sand castle crumbling before his eyes? A person spends too much time on projects that will not bring him neither success, nor luck, nor money. The same dream can dream of overly ambitious people who overdo it in their dreams and fantasies.
- Is man trying, but cannot build a sand castle? Probably, in reality, he chooses the wrong paths for personal growth and solving piled up problems.
Sometimes sand castles on a beach are dreamed by a person simply because he has not been on vacation for a long time and wants to go to the sea. In this case, the plot will cause the sleeping man exclusively positive emotions.
Feel the hot sand under your feet
Very nice hot sand under my feet sometimes dreams on the eve of a vivid love adventure. The opportunity to participate in it may be presented even to a person who is in a long-standing family relationship. But in this case, you need to think carefully before agreeing to a fleeting affair. Because of her, a happy, strong family can collapse.
Hourglass in dreams
Most often, the dreamed hourglass means that a person is wasting his time meaninglessly.
It must be remembered that it flows like sand through your fingers, and important minutes can never be recaptured.It is better to manage your time more wisely so as not to regret it later.
Pure sand in a dream
If you dream of white sand, which turned out to be very clean, you should not expect any negative changes. Usually he appears in a dream for good and for something good. For example, one of the acquaintances of the sleeping person can offer him help in arranging his own life, making it more comfortable and rich.
- Pouring clean sand from hand to hand - to unexpected opportunities from fate. A person will be given a chance to change his life for the better. The main thing is not to miss it.
- A very clean and beautiful sandy beach indicates that the real harmony reigns in the soul of the sleeping person. A person feels great in every sense. He is happy in love, in work, and in family. Such a favorable period is great for starting new projects. Some ambitious idea has settled in my head for a long time? It's time to start putting it into practice!
You can not call a dream in which the sand appeared specifically negative or positive. This is a very mixed story. The exact interpretation will depend on a variety of factors: under what conditions is sand visible, in what condition was it, what does a person do with it, etc. All such moments must be taken into account, trying to correctly understand the meaning of the vision that interested.