To correctly interpret the dream, try to understand its symbolism. The most unpleasant stories in reality can portend insignificant events, but sometimes such unattractive pictures in reality are followed by very favorable stories. For example, the answer to the question of what dandruff is on your head for should be found in proven and credible dream books.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
In Famous collections that interpret night visions, a large number and large sizes of scales are attributed to the positive value of the plot viewed by a sleeping person.
Miss Hasse offers her own interpretation, explaining that dandruff symbolizes the state of the dreamer's nervous system. Wake up there is a problem that exhausts, unbalances and is very harmful to health. You need to try to calm down and throw it out of your head.
The following interpretation is given in the Modern Dream Book: a lot of white cereals portends a pleasant acquaintance, especially for single people.
Freud interprets dandruff, which has become part of a dream, in the following interpretation:
- if a white coating in your hair - warns against neglect of hygiene of the intimate zone;
- flakes in someone else's hair - a sign that a person who met in a dream with dandruff in his hair is carried away by a dreamer;
- clothes strewn with flakes of dead skin indicate that you need to be alone to deal with feelings and desires.
Miller interpreted this dream in his own way:
- similar skin particles present in the night picture predict a good deal;
- to see light scales in a man’s hairdo promises a lady a profitable marriage, and a rich bride to a representative of the opposite sex;
- the flakes observed in a dream on a bald stranger's head - to unexpected financial profit;
- if skin flakes flew in the air - in reality, wait for joyful events. Happiness will be long and will be remembered not only by the dreamer, but also by his relatives.
In Vanga’s dream book it is said that such a nightly picture is a symbol of wealth that will unexpectedly make the dreamer happy. Perhaps he will find a treasure or receive an inheritance. The prophetess advises to send part of the money to charity. Otherwise, the sleeping person risks losing even more than he receives by the will of fate.
According to Loff's explanation, dandruff is a sign revealing the mental dirt of a person who had a similar vision in a dream. It is better to free yourself from vice, otherwise a normal life will be in jeopardy.
When dandruff dreams of flakes in the hair of another person, one cannot follow other people's advice in reality. They may be worthless or frustrating.
Tsvetkov claims that white particles on the scalp or in the head of a sleeper who had a dream are a good symbol that predicts a pleasant surprise in the form of a prize or a gift. Light scales on outerwear or other objects portend fraud, chores, monetary losses. Carefulness will help protect yourself from troubles. You do not need to completely trust others who have an impact on your well-being.
Had a lot of dandruff
If you dreamed of dandruff in your hair, it means that your head is full of stupid and harmful thoughts. You need to get rid of them.
In addition, some idea may turn out to be doubtful and lead to big problems and shame.
If in a dream you became the object of ridicule due to dandruff in your hair, then in reality there will be a fun event in which you will get many pleasant emotions.
Hearing a censure in your address about the available light raid - in reality promises the opportunity to become a popular person.
A jacket strewn with light scales and an itchy skin on the head - to take off in a career soon.
Flakes on gray hair mean that the dreamer has extensive experience in his work and can use it for his own benefit. There is another explanation: the sleeper needs the help of an experienced colleague.
Large, small flakes
Both in reality and in a dream, they are large or small. The interpretation of the dream depends on the size of the flakes.
The larger sizes of scales appeared - a real harbinger of unexpected financial receipts. It can be a gift, a bonus, an inheritance or a repaid debt.
A lot of dandruff also promises career growth or well-paid work in another company.
A significant amount of small flakes, strewn hair, personifies your fatigue and desire to retire. You need to find an opportunity and relax a few days away from all problems and stressful situations.
In addition, to see your head in a dream strewn with small scales, predicts serious troubles in the near future, which, fortunately, will quickly end.
Why dream that comb dandruff
Combing dandruff in a dream symbolizes in reality a complex matter that will require increased concentration.
Getting rid of white cereal in reality means that you think a lot about financial problems. Mercantility can lead to a psychiatric hospital.
If in a dream you tried to shake off the skin flakes, but nothing happened, then in reality you will be a resounding success. Combing dandruff with a comb or fingers is interpreted in a similar way.
To use or treat peeling scalp skin means that you are hung up on money, and this can lead to their sudden disappearance.
To shake off the scales from the shoulders with his hands he dreams of fulfilling his most cherished desire.
Value for women, men
For a man or woman, a similar night story promises similar events: a successful marriage or marriage, stability in material terms, promotion, unexpected big profit, surprise as a gift or bonus.
A girl predicts a fun pastime. Flakes of dead skin, observed by her in night dreams, await the journey in reality.
If you still have questions about what dandruff is on your head, combine the interpretation of popular esotericists with the details of the nightly scenario. The main thing is that such a vision has a positive meaning. The peak of your popularity will come soon. Therefore, be prepared for it and do not do stupid things.