In a dream, an airplane personifies dreams, hopes and desires. Then what is the dream of a plane falling to the ground, into the abyss or burning? Does this mean a collapse of hope? In different dream books, interpretations are slightly different, but their overall meaning is identical.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
If you dream of a plane falling from the sky, then according to Miller's dream book, this will lead to trouble. Most likely, hopes will not come true, the situation will be hopeless. A dream in which the dreamer himself is the pilot will worsen the general state of things, the decision made will play an important role in life and will turn it in the direction of decline or rise.
- Wang in his interpretation of such a dream believes that the position of the dreamer in relation to the aircraft is important. Is he a participant in the crash or is he observing a fall from the side? In the first case, troubles can be overcome, and in the second they most likely will not affect the dreamer personally.
- In Loff's dream book, it is said that such a dream signals a person’s low self-esteem and lack of confidence in his abilities, underestimation of strength.
- Warns of imminent tragedy and dream book Denise Lynn. But the author believes that all troubles can be overcome and prevented.
- If the plane crashes and explodes in a dream, then according to the dream book of Felomena, the sleeper should pay special attention to his health, and the explosion in flight indicates a mental disorder that has already happened and the need to urgently take a rest.
In the event of a war in a dream, a plane crash speaks of fear in reality. A fall in time of peace will tell about the collapse of plans. A bad sign is a collision in the fall with a residential building.
- Freud of such a dream says that there is a danger of problems from a third party. Better not to heed the advice of strangers.The psychologist recommends relaxing and getting rid of the anxiety state.
- The modern dream book concludes that the crash of an airplane rather portends a loss of control over what is happening in life. In addition, the black bar can be quite long, which means you should not despair and just survive the troubles that are happening.
The plane crashes and explodes
When an air liner crashes, any details deserve attention in a dream. If the plane exploded, then you should remember what activities are planned for the day. In the event that there was a plane explosion before an important event, a deal, an expensive purchase, performance or exam, the probability of negative consequences is very high.
If possible, it is worth postponing the planned event and moving it to another, more suitable day.
Crash into the water, to the ground
Dreams in which the plane crashed had a dream, and it falls into the ocean, sea, river. The interpretation of such a dream will tell about a difficult period in life. Right now you should not rely on the help of relatives and friends. All troubles will have to be overcome independently, to make difficult decisions.
Fly on a falling aircraft
The fall of the plane indicates a collapse of hope if the dreamer is personally on the liner. But, in the case when no one was injured after the fall, then such a dream portends the successful implementation of the plan, despite all the difficulties and obstacles that accompany the achievement of the goal.
A clear sensation of pain, getting burns and injuries in a dream, tragedy with other passengers, the presence of victims of a fall in a dream indicates a poor completion of current affairs. If the plane was burning at the same time, then the dreamer will face a real tragedy, and he should be more careful and observe caution.
Another interpretation of the crash may be the approach of financial problems, the emergence of difficulties in business. In this case, it is worthwhile to firmly relate to all the troubles and remember that any black bar once ends.
Value depending on the day of the week
You can interpret the dream in accordance with the day of the week when he dreamed.
- So, a dream that occurred on the night from Monday to Tuesday in itself carries a large number of problems, troubles and conflicts. If the plane crashed in this dream, then an unfavorable period would not have to wait. You should transfer all important matters, postpone meetings and give yourself a rest.
- From Tuesday to Wednesday, a dream will tell about the dreamer's relationship with others. Thus, a falling plane can talk about a conflict at work, a problem in relationships and a quarrel with friends and relatives.
- From Wednesday to Thursday, dreams will warn of problems at work, possible conflicts. It’s not worth proposing innovative projects now, they are likely to fail, career advancement is also open to question.
- From Thursday to Friday, dreams speak of relationships and personal life. If the bride or groom had such a dream, then most likely the marriage will be difficult, with a lot of reproaches, quarrels and problems.
- From Friday to Saturday, dreams report on the dreamer's capabilities and the fulfillment of his plan. If an airplane crash occurred in a dream, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the desired result, or the number of difficulties encountered in achieving the goal will be insurmountable.
- Dreams from Saturday to Sunday speak of creative opportunities and the upcoming events related to loved ones. The crash of an airplane that happened on such a night can tell about a period of creative stagnation, lost energy and the need for a break for rest.
- Sleep from Sunday to Monday, rather, speaks of rethinking past events. They can report the challenges of the coming week. If the plane crashes in a dream, it may happen that plans for the coming days will be violated.
A plane crash in a dream is an exciting, disturbing event, the interpretation of which is rarely of positive significance.However, do not worry, it is better to listen to the message received from above and try to prevent unpleasant changes.