Before you try to interpret a dream, you need to remember all its details. Since it is right to understand what the window is for, one can only rely on seemingly insignificant nuances. All the little things are important - colors, sensations, emotions and feelings. Based on the events taking place in real life, it will be possible to figure out exactly how the dreamer will act.

Interpretation in popular dream books

A window in a dream is a symbol that can be interpreted in completely different ways. In some interpretations of the details of sleep, opposite meanings are possible. Therefore, in order to solve this dream, it is better to turn to several authoritative sources at once.

Famous dream books interpret the dream image of a window as follows:

Miller's Dream Book:

  • To see a window in a dream means to lose hope, dreams, desires will not come true. At the same time, trying to continue to pursue your previous goals means stopping in development. This will only lead to depression, anger, negative emotions that provoke a sense of mistrust.
  • A closed window is a sign that the situation is left to chance, while all the positive trends have exhausted themselves. Everything is so neglected that you can’t even wait for a turn for the better. You should let go of the old and think about how to change your priorities in life.
  • To see broken windows in a dream - to suffer, in connection with the loss or possible infidelity of the second half.

Freud's dream book says that to stand and look through a closed window means that a person is trying to isolate himself from the outside world, from people. Especially - from a loved one, spouse.

The dreamer is seriously afraid of fraud or betrayal by his lover.He should overcome himself, begin to trust and gradually open his soul to a soul mate. Otherwise, the family will not be created if people are unmarried. And if they are spouses, then a similar situation can destroy their family union.

Esoteric dream book:

  • The window is dreamed of by a person who wants to see new horizons in his life and work. Open up new opportunities and prospects, understand how his dreams are real.
  • When in a dream a person sees that the curtains on the window are dark, it means that it is too early to realize their plans. Better to lie low and wait.
  • Light curtains mean that it is time to create your own beautiful future. New wonderful changes are already on the verge, they should be trusted and strive to realize their most cherished dreams right now.
  • Curtains with beautiful patterns on the windows dream when life begins to fill with amazingly interesting events, it becomes bright, full of pleasant adventures. They will be remembered for a long time.

Dream Interpretation Grishina, says that the window is a symbol of new changes in life.

  • To dream of a beautiful landscape outside the window means to admire your own successful life, to experience great pleasure from it.
  • When you dreamed that someone was waving at you from the window - you should expect a wonderful meeting with very nice people, communicate with them with great pleasure.

Aesop's dream book reports that the window in a dream is a symbol of the need to change for the better. Try to look at yourself in a new way, analyze your actions. What you were not up to the mark of - rude to someone, somewhere made mistakes, but did not want to admit it. We didn’t make concessions when it would benefit you. Try to be more flexible, because so many problems can be avoided.

Wash windows in a dream

Had to wash windows in a dream? This is a symbol of cleansing everything old, inert, getting rid of problems.

You can breathe quietly - all good and good things come back to life, which the dreamer had dreamed about for so long. Those who quarreled - reconciled, lost money - will find them. Life is getting better, becoming stable, calm and enjoyable.

For the person himself, his inner world, such a dream is a reflection of the complex psychological process of self-improvement. Since this is a sign that the dreamer is gradually starting to get rid of his inveterate complexes, inert views. Therefore, completely new perspectives open up for him, promising great opportunities and positive changes in life.

More dream books:what is the lion dreaming of

Dreamed open or closed shutters

The meaning of dreams in which the casements are closed or opened is the opposite. These are two antipodes, they should be interpreted each time based on a specific situation.

However, in general, the general trend is as follows:

  • I dreamed of a closed window - this is a symbol of a closed personality, which is focused only on itself. And so much that does not trust anyone. Therefore, the destiny of such a person is loneliness. The dreamer is too absorbed in his own feelings, experiences and fenced off from the world. Such a dream also symbolizes closed life paths, the onset of an unfavorable period when opportunities are exhausted and there is no way out of the situation.
  • An open window in a dream symbolizes a person whose soul is wide open. He is ready for new friends, love, an idea. He needs to act more decisively, all paths are open to him, you can safely go forward, implement new opportunities, plans, projects.

Broken, cracked

A window with broken or cracked glass, seen in a dream, promises real life trouble. An unfavorable time is coming for the dreamer, especially if his relationship with his relatives was not completely successful before that.

When a broken window is dreamed, it is the collapse of a dream, the frustration of plans, the collapse of hopes. It is necessary to postpone now all your ideas, to let them “stand still”.

This is not a good moment for their implementation, since the situation is changing, and you will have to not just adjust, but even refuse a lot that you would like to get ideally. It is necessary to wait, and not make any decisions regarding personal life, family life.

Depending on the situation, a broken window can symbolize for a person’s deeply internal experiences a sharp change in the stereotypes that were imposed on him by society. This moment is very important, because it is quite possible to predict a radical change not only in views, but also in fate itself for a person. This is an exit to new spaces of their personal capabilities, which will entail positive trends in the development of relations with people, the formation of a new, new line for the future.

Why dream of falling out of a window

Falling out of a window in a dream is a symbol of failure, excessive overstrain of the nervous system, the result of severe stress experienced.

  • In a dream, fall out of the window - to the approach of events that will cause strong feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate in order to complete the work begun. In no case should one let things go by their own accord, relax, otherwise nothing will be achieved. There is a lot of work ahead that will require a tremendous amount of strength, energy and emotions.
  • Another person fell out of the window - this is a sign that a friend or loved one really needs help.
  • His child fell out of the window - accumulated emotions for his child in real life. These emotions have good reason. It is necessary to talk with the child, find out what is happening to him, listen to his words, and help.
  • An alien child fell out of the window - the dreamer feels a sense of vulnerability, it seems to him that he has no protection. This person is very unsure of himself; he urgently needs the help of his native people, who must support him.
  • Jump out of the window - emotions go off scale, a person experiences pressure from outside, tries to get rid of the opinions imposed on him, therefore, it is quite likely to commit a reckless act that will not bring him anything good. You should stop, listen to yourself and act calmly, thoughtfully and even calmly. Let the people around them leave their opinions to themselves. Act should be based solely on their own interests /

If the dreamer did not dare to jump out of the window, but remained standing on the windowsill, that means he will not commit rash acts, will be able to cope with emotions and change the line of behavior, or even of life in general.

  • A stranger jumped out of the window - such a dream means that in the near future you will need help to someone whom the dreamer does not like. However, debt is debt, you need to provide support, and perhaps take a fresh look at this person.

Discovery from strong winds

Is it a dream that a strong wind opened a window sash with a powerful gust? The meaning of such an image in reality is understandable - these are new trends in the development of events. Something fresh, original, unusual will happen in the near future. Moreover, in the business sphere this holds great promise. New ideas will come that turn out to be very profitable. Old projects will be reincarnated.

For family people, this means a new stage in the development of relations with the second half. Hidden feelings and desires will still appear that will bring joy and pleasure.

See the rain, snow outside the window

A person may dream of a completely banal incident - ordinary rain, which softly taps on the glass, or a snow blizzard blowing a small snowdrift on the windowsill. Everything is just like in life, but this is not entirely true, because each image has a certain meaning.


  • pleasant, warm, summer - this is an ideal picture, it is symbolized by peace, family happiness and comfort;
  • with a powerful wind that beats in the glass - this is a sign that there are people in the life of a person who do not at all wish him well, you should expect trouble from them;
  • noisy rain - you will have to pay attention to your loved ones, perhaps some of them need help and support.


  • silently falling, as in the case of rain - a symbol of seed well-being;
  • a blizzard throwing clods of snow into the glass is a sign that it is necessary to be more resolute in response to the proposal received.

New double-glazed windows

Such a seemingly insignificant detail in a dream (new or old window frame, clean or dirty glass, new double-glazed windows) can give special interpretation to the interpretation.

  1. The windows in a house that is old are dreaming, its frames are rotten, with cracked paint - this means that there are some people surrounded by the dreamer trying to impose their opinions on him. It is necessary to reject those "common truths" that people are trying to inspire from the outside. You should make your own path in life, only then will the dreamer succeed.
  2. A dirty window, with stained glass covered with cobwebs, dusted with dust, dreams of someone who has accumulated a lot of negativity, blackness in his soul. These are negative emotions that only interfere with a person - anger, rage, envy, hatred, generated, most often, by fear. He looks at everything through this dirty black prism. Even good events and people seem disgusting. It is time to change your outlook on life and people, to clear yourself of negativity, to stop being afraid, because fear is not the best adviser.
  3. Changing a window, inserting a new one is changing your life yourself. The dream suggests that the solution to the problem that overcomes the dreamer is ready, almost formed in his mind. You just need to push a slightly new idea, change your views, show originality, find a different approach. To do this, you even need to change your priorities, to understand that the main thing is not at all what you are striving for. In extreme cases, you can heed the advice of an authoritative person who is able to tell you in which direction it is worth moving.
  4. A new double-glazed window shining in the sun - everything in life turns out well. Family, career, spiritual self-improvement. That's right, the person has chosen the right direction in life, moving towards the goals set. The plans that he implements are consonant with the universe. All his expectations are justified, he will be a great success.

Knock in a dream

When a dreamer dreamed that he was knocking on someone else's window, this did not bode well. Since such a dream, most dream books solve as upcoming negative events. They will greatly affect family relationships.

If you dream that someone knocked on the window, it means that completely new trends will appear in real life soon, changes will come. New friends will appear, which will have a serious impact on the fate of man.

In the case when the dreamer wakes up from a dream knock on the window, this symbolizes unexpected and dramatic changes in life.

Tornado, hurricane or tornado outside the window

I dreamed that a terrible hurricane was raging outside the window, a tornado or even a tornado was rushing to the house - this is a sign of trouble. In real life, unforeseen problems will appear that will be very difficult to solve. Obstacles do not arise from scratch, this negative was generated by a chain of events that can no longer be ignored.

Such unpleasant incidents can happen both in family life and at work. For married women, this is a warning about a big quarrel with her husband, which will end in a big scandal. Later, when the emotions subside, the woman will experience great regret.

For single ladies, this is a sign that yielding to a hurricane of passion, you can forget about caution and get very bad consequences.