Dreams about primates cause intriguing feelings in the dreamer, because these animals became famous for their cunning and changeable mood, which is why it is customary not to trust them. After seeing the dreams, you need to remember the details of the visions in order to understand what the monkey dreams about.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Typically, visions of primates indicate that the sleeper will soon meet with the hypocritical people who intend to use it to implement their plans.

The monkey woman is dreaming of a sign that she will be the object of gossip and intrigue, while the monkey monkey in a dream predicts a meeting with enemies.

A more detailed interpretation can be found by examining various dream books:

  1. Sigmund Freud believed that to see a monkey in a dream means an unexpected acquaintance with a person, which can develop into a sexual relationship. In this case, the decision to meet will be made spontaneously, because of which it may be a mistake.
  2. In Miller's dream book it is written about this animal as a harbinger of lies and cunning. Such dreams predict communication with people who are ready to harm you if only to promote their business. A dead animal symbolizes victory over the worst enemies. Such dreams to a young girl indicate the need to insist on the conclusion of marriage with her lover. In some cases, visions with monkeys predict illness or humiliation.
  3. In the Esoteric dream book, the monkey dreams of the dreamer's increased curiosity, which must be drowned out. When the monkey was in the cage, this suggests that any interest can have bad consequences that will lead to trouble.In this case, it is necessary to refrain from unnecessary information.
  4. Tsvetkov was inclined to believe that primates in a dream personify the enemy. If you had to feed from the hands of the beast, a dream foreshadows betrayal. For women, a dream indicates a spouse's infidelity.
  5. Miss Hasse said that these visions indicate the presence of flatterers surrounded by the dreamer, and jumping monkeys in a dream portend communication with stupid people. Dreams in which the sleeper slides the animal with his own hands predict victory over stubborn opponents. At the same time, if the monkey managed to bite the dreamer, then this can signal either love or illness. The first option is suitable for young people, while the second applies to older people.

Small or large monkey

A large role in the construction of the interpretation is played by the size of the monkey:

  1. When a little monkey dreams, it is necessary to be cautious in his actions. In addition, if she climbs a tree in a dream, it means that you can be deceived, or seriously framed. In any case, small primates in dreams indicate that you should not trust everyone. The dream in which you stroked a small animal is a dream on the eve of an illness.
  2. If you dreamed of a big monkey, then you need to be careful and be careful with strangers who want to use you. Sleep also portends problems with business partners. In addition, if the animal attacked the dreamer, it means that he may be influenced by envious people.

Kind, aggressive animal

The dream of a nice kind monkey that hugged the dreamer, and also wanted to play with him, foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance with a person. As a result of this meeting, strong feelings can arise that will develop into love. On the other hand, vision portends a disease to a dreamer's relative, which will surprisingly pass quickly.

An angry animal, which in a dream was aggressively opposed to sleeping, hints at the presence of an uncoordinated conflict with its own subconscious. At the same time, the slightest rejection of one’s vice or bad habit will be to blame.

What is the dream of a monkey for a pregnant woman

If the role of the dreamer was a pregnant girl, then nightly dreams about primates can portend a slight deterioration in well-being. At the same time, you should not worry about the baby, as he will be born a healthy child. It should be noted that small animals indicate the male gender of the unborn child. A dream predicts a good life for him, in which he can easily become a famous actor.

Talking animal in a dream

Night dreams, in which the monkey spoke with the person, says that he will soon need to defend his good name for a long time. Most likely, the perpetrators of this situation will be envious people who will quickly spread false rumors about the dreamer. For single girls, a talking animal promises marriage to a vain man who puts himself above the rest of the people.

What color was the monkey

An important point in the interpretation of dreams is the color of the monkey:

  1. The white animal in a dream promises a person growth in his career, as well as a change of position. A white monkey in visions predicts success and benefits from new deals. You can also expect a profitable offer that will open up new perspectives for a person.
  2. The primacy of black in dreams personifies the dark side of the dreamer. In this case, the dream hints at the existence of bad qualities that need to be eliminated. In addition, a black animal signals dissatisfaction with life.

Summing up, it should be noted that dreams with monkeys have a negative interpretation, since these animals are considered negative characters in dream books. Only those dreams in which it is possible to defeat the primate or to kill him have a positive meaning.