Every person, though not always, has various dreams. And sometimes in the morning there are only positive or negative feelings from what has been dreamed up. In order to unravel, for example, what a newborn boy is dreaming of, it is first necessary to remember the details of night vision.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Interpretation of night dreams, in which a newborn baby dreams, may vary depending on the dream book.

According to the famous American psychoanalyst Miller, a baby boy is a sign of an imminent pleasant and unexpected gift. However, if the dreamer recognized himself as a kid, then close people can accuse him of frivolity.

If you dreamed that you were sitting next to the crib in which the baby was sleeping, then the Eastern Dream Book regards this as a symbol of future minor troubles. A screaming newborn boy who cannot be reassured is a reflection of the dreamer's impressionability. The latter unreasonably considers the problems awake insurmountable.

A newborn boy, according to the Modern Dream Book, promises great joy in reality. Caring for him - to fulfill the tasks, for which the dreamer is well encouraged. A crying child - the realization of plans in life. But if the boy smiled in a dream, then it is worth waiting for a quarrel in the family.

Felomen's dream interpretation interprets the dream as a symbol of future profit and the accomplishment of something good. If the dreamer is a pregnant girl, childbirth will be easy and not problematic.

According to Medea's dream book, a man to see the process of childbearing, as a result of which a boy is born, promises the achievement of any intended goal, since he is strong in spirit and there is nothing impossible for him.

See the twin boys

Gemini in reality is a rather rare phenomenon, which is reflected in the interpreters. In a dream, to witness the birth of twin boys promises an early pregnancy for a young woman, and for single people - a meeting with their soulmate and a wedding. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, such a dream is a sign of love and mutual respect in the family. A family dream book claims that such a night vision predicts the imminent increase in financial resources at least twice.

However, if the children dreamed sick, the dream warns of impending difficulties. The interpretation of the Spring Dream Book is quite different from the interpretations of sleep in other interpreters: it says that to see twin boys means to be faced with a choice that will turn out to be rather difficult. We will have to make a lot of efforts, so as not to make a mistake, becoming on the specific side.

What does it mean to feed a newborn baby

The process of feeding a newborn male male, like the baby itself, as a whole portends joy, fun and successful accomplishments. However, for a more complete interpretation, all the details of sleep are required.

If in a dream a baby boy in his arms eats from a bottle, then this portends, according to Miller’s dream book, the emergence of successful business ties, opportunities to translate plans into reality and implement business projects. But Hasse’s dream book sees the dream as someone’s need for the support of a sleeper. Perhaps in the coming days the dreamer will be asked for help, material or moral. Do not refuse this small favor.

If a pregnant or lactating woman has a dream where she is breastfeeding, then most likely it is associated with internal feelings caused by fears that milk will be insufficiently nutritious or will suddenly disappear. Vanga in his dream book indicates that for a woman this is a good sign that predicts a calm and peaceful life. But this applies to feeding your baby. And if the newborn boy is a stranger, then it is worth recalling the sensations that were after the picture he saw. If negative - someone will try to take advantage of the good naturedness and credulity of the sleeper, paying off rudeness. If, after sleep, only elevated feelings remain - in real life the dreamer will find mutually beneficial cooperation.

If a man sees a dream in which his beloved feeds the future hero, then their house will be a full bowl. A vision tells a businessman about new horizons that he will soon discover.

Adopt a baby

As a rule, such dreams come when the dreamer soon has to make a difficult decision or a turning point in fate comes. According to Miller, to adopt a newborn boy in night vision is to accept completely new obligations that may cause disagreements with the close circle. Some sources predict a change of job, a change in marital status.

If in a dream on the threshold of the dreamer there was an infant-foundling, whom he adopted, welfare and profit await him. And it will happen in the near future. And also do not worry if the adopted baby was sick: this is to the dreamer's good health in reality.

To see a strange baby in a dream

The meaning of sleep with someone else’s baby can vary significantly. Much depends on the appearance of the baby. If he is cheerful and beautiful, then the dreamer will have happiness and joy, or perhaps replenishment in the family. When a child looks painful, it is worth preparing for future difficulties. A busy boy symbolizes wealth in the family.

If a baby is a stranger who is a stranger, and the dreamer holds him in his arms, Felomen’s dream book recommends looking around the person under whose control the sleeping person is to free himself from him.

More dream books:what is the dream of the child

Interpretation depending on the dreamer's gender

If a newborn boy dreams about a woman:

  • for a pregnant woman, this can promise a quick delivery and a healthy boy;
  • a young lady dreaming of a soon acquaintance with an interesting guy with whom a stormy romance is possible;
  • as well as night lead can simply symbolize the lady's readiness for motherhood.

If the dreamer is a man:

  • sleep can reflect the inner state of a young guy. The latter is played with the baby, which means that he subconsciously wishes to experience the joy of fatherhood. If he feels discomfort - the man is not yet ready for such a stage;
  • for a mature representative of a strong half of humanity, sleep often bodes minor troubles or troubles.

Having studied various interpretations, we can conclude that, on the whole, the dream in which the dreamer sees the newborn boy is a good sign.