When figuring out what the flood is dreaming about, do not immediately panic and assume the onset of troubles and misfortunes in your own life after the story you've seen. Under certain conditions, such a dream can turn out to be a positive harbinger. And sometimes it just contains a warning for the sleeper, how to protect yourself from problems, which is so important to recognize correctly.
Material Content:
- 1 What the floods dream about - interpretation according to dream books
- 2 Flood in the house, apartment
- 3 Had a flood in a city on the street
- 4 Flood in the bath
- 5 Escaping in a dream from floods, tsunamis - interpretation
- 6 The value of sleep depending on the day of the week
- 7 What if a man dreamed, a woman?
What the floods dream about - interpretation according to dream books
In Miller's dream book, floods from sleep have a very negative interpretation. It symbolizes depression, monetary problems and serious losses in various areas of life. If in such a dream water waves or heavy rain take the dreamer away with garbage and debris, it means that in the near future he should not agree to new projects (even if they seem very promising).
According to Freud, the interpretation turned out to be more positive. A woman is flooding in his dream book promises an early pregnancy. If the representative of the fair sex woke up from fear after such a dream, then in real life she is for some reason afraid of having children. First of all, she needs to understand herself and find the sources of fear.
The plot is of similar importance to men. Surely the dreamer already feels the desire to acquire offspring. Soon he will be able to become a dad.
In the Women's Dream Book it is noted that flooding is a symbol of the need to emotionally relax and free oneself from heavy thoughts. If this is not done, then sooner or later the accumulated feelings will spill over into large-scale hysteria.
Flood in the house, apartment
If you later dream in a house or apartment, this means that the dreamer is not happy with his personal relationships in reality. He is tired of frequent quarrels and scandals and generally does not feel happy. There is no need to try to continue to drag the "suitcase without a handle", for example, recalling the promise made to the second half. You need to boldly decide to end a difficult relationship and go in search of your true happiness.
It happens that in a dream a person stands in the middle of his own room and watches how dirty muddy water floods him. This is a very negative sign that cannot be ignored. He suggests that the dreamer has serious ailments that have not yet made themselves felt, since they are asymptomatic. To find out about them in time will help the doctor, to whom you should go as soon as possible after waking up.
Had a flood in a city on the street
If you dream of a flood in the city, which a man or woman is calmly watching from some high place and does not feel internal excitement, then this means that all the problems that can be solved will be very easy to solve or even shift to the shoulders of another person. Further, the dreamer's life will go better, and luck will turn to face him.
A flood in the street, which causes the sleeping man fear because of the very fast flowing water, suggests that the latter is at a loss due to the rapidly changing conditions of his own life. It will take some time to adapt to them and get used to it.
Flood in the bath
The flood in the dreamer's own bathroom is a clear sign that he has serious financial problems. The precariousness of the financial situation is caused by the laziness of the sleeping person and his unwillingness to personal development. If you continue in the same vein, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve high peaks of life or to earn big money.
If the water during the flood in the bathroom turned out to be completely black, then in reality a man or woman expects a major unpleasant conflict. The sleeper himself will be guilty of it, who will inadvertently speak out in the direction of colleagues or casual acquaintances. To avoid an exciting situation, it is worthwhile in the near future to carefully monitor your words and try to be more tolerant of others.
Escaping in a dream from floods, tsunamis - interpretation
The exact interpretation of any flood dream depends on its many details. If the sleeper had to escape from a large-scale tsunami and eventually managed to find shelter, such a plot portends trouble with his close relatives. It can be an accident, robbery, fire and other troubles. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to prevent sad events on their own, but after a dream they can warn relatives that they behave more carefully.
If a huge wave of flooding hits the city and sweeps everything in its path, and the dreamer managed to climb a tall building on which he is not afraid of anything, most likely this is a sign that a person is looking at reality through pink glasses. In fact, she is more severe. The sleeper is waiting for a large number of tests, which he will need to overcome alone.
The value of sleep depending on the day of the week
Trying to correctly figure out what the flood dreamed of or later, you need to consider the day of the week on which the dream in question was seen:
- From Monday to Tuesday, the catastrophe seen symbolizes finding peace after a difficult long struggle with enemies. This value is especially relevant if clean water has covered everything, but at the same time does not interfere with the sleeping person.
- From Tuesday to Wednesday, floods are a harbinger of the disease. Most likely, it will be associated with the respiratory system. You need to seek advice and help from a specialist.
- From Wednesday to Thursday, the dream of a flood is a symbol of a futile struggle. In it, the sleeper will not receive any rewards; he will only waste his time and energy in vain.
- From Thursday to Friday, the vision under discussion appears to be insurmountable obstacles to the goal.Do not try to overcome them in every possible way. All the same, the efforts of the dreamer will not lead to anything good. Better to work on new plans.
- From Friday to Saturday, the flood foreshadows rivalry. But competition will positively affect the sleeper. The opponent will inspire and stimulate him for self-development.
- From Saturday to Sunday, large-scale disasters associated with water dream of wealth. Money will literally pour on the head of the sleeping person. It is important to try to remember if he is drowning in the rushing water. This version of the plot will tell you that you need to be careful with the fallen wealth, it can ruin the character of the dreamer and his relationship with others.
- This vision from Sunday to Monday usually reflects the chaos in the soul of a man or woman. For many years a person has to restrain his true feelings and hide them from even the closest people.
What if a man dreamed, a woman?
The interpretation of the flood plot often depends on the sleeping man of which gender he dreamed. If a man sees a large amount of calm water, which at the same time carries away any large objects, then a period of stagnation has begun in his life. Do not worry about the lull in work and some other areas. It gives the representative of the stronger sex the opportunity to grow spiritually.
If the flood takes the girl away from home or even her hometown, such a plot promises her a swift large-scale change in reality. It is difficult to say in advance whether they will be positive or negative. To a greater extent, this will depend on the sleeping person.