Whether we realize it or not, dreams every time bring us important information so that we can use it in everyday life. The experience of deciphering night visions accumulated by generations accumulate in themselves dream books. To find out what the boss is dreaming about, read this article.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
A boss is a person endowed with power. Relations with him are very often ambiguous; he is responsible for both encouraging and punishing employees.
How to interpret the dream in which the official appeared, various dream books, read below:
- Small Velesov dream book explains the vision with the head of an imminent change of leadership, promotion, rewarding, perhaps a serious conversation about work is expected.
- The psychologist Erickson interprets such a dream as the desire to occupy a high position at work. In this dream, envy can manifest itself, a protest against having to be subordinate to someone. If someone close becomes the boss, then in reality you will receive protection, help, support from a person holding a high post.
- The dream interpreter of the psychologist Loff describes situations when someone very close becomes the boss. For example, husband, wife, sister, brother. Such a vision warns that in everyday life these people dictate their conditions to the dreamer, exert pressure, and violate freedom. If the reverse process occurs and the boss suddenly becomes a close relative, then the dreamer spends too much time at work and forgets about the family.
- Miller’s dream interpretation states that a leader who dreams in a vision can indicate a person’s desire to lay down on someone the responsibility for making decisions in their real life. It is easier for him to obey and live according to the instructions of others than to act independently.
See the drunken boss
A dream in which a drunk head is present may warn of the following:
- A drunken boss dreams of people who believe that they have real superiority in moral, ethical, business qualities over their boss. Lucky chance may provide them with the opportunity to influence the boss.
- A tipsy leader from night vision may portend an imminent promotion, good prospects for further growth.
- A woman employee who sees in a dream the boss "drunk" drunk should beware of explicit offers from him.
- Drinking in a dream together with the leader - to quarrels with someone from the team. This dream can be a warning before signing important documents. You need to be very careful and attentive.
Director hugs and kisses in a dream
It happens to see an unusual dream in which the boss hugs or even kisses the one who observes this vision.
The interpretation in this case may be as follows:
- A boss hugging in a dream can be a symbol of good luck and the fulfillment of cherished desires.
- If you hugged in public night vision with the director in public, in front of the whole team, it means that in reality you have many envious, ill-wishers. They are ready to slander, "put the bandwagon", do harm. Do not be too gullible and open, it is not always good.
- Kisses with the boss in a dream speak of the overstated ambitions of the person who saw this.
- On the other hand, kissing the boss in a dream promises the dreamer a reprimand or even dismissal from work.
- Making love with a chef may mean that a woman who saw such a dream is not too confident in her knowledge and skills. She does not have enough experience to perform her job duties, which is probably why the team is unfriendly towards the dreamer.
- Sex with a boss in a dream can talk about the ambitions of a dreamer who is ready for any, even dirty methods to achieve success in his career.
- I dreamed about sex with a boss - your ego cut you off from reality, maybe it's time to “return to earth” and take a sober look at things.
- But a long romance with the authorities may indicate the workaholism of a person who saw this in a dream. It seems that in real life he spends more time at work than at home. This behavior can lead to poor health and problems in relationships with family members.
What is the dream of the former boss
If your dream was visited by a former leader, this may mean the following:
- If the dreaming director cries, then he will soon give up his post to the dreamer.
- An empty office of the head can promise a salary increase or a serious career advancement.
- A dream with a former boss may indicate that the dreamer has now lost support and support. It seems to him that he will not cope with the tasks, is not confident in himself. It is necessary in real life to find like-minded people who are probably somewhere nearby.
- A dream about a former boss can promise moral, emotional and physical “burnout” due to the fact that a person is too fixated on work, cannot rest and relax.
- If a close person, a relative or friend, is sitting in a dream instead of the former director, it means that in reality he puts pressure on you, deprives him of the right to make responsible decisions on his own.
- The former boss may dream of a warning that you need to leave the past and move on. His advice heard in a dream is no longer relevant. Everything has its time. It is time to listen to yourself, your inner wisdom and intuition.
What does the dismissal of a manager
About how the dream is deciphered, in which there is a dismissal from the position of leader, read below:
- A dream in which the leader is dismissed from his post may indicate that you are “sleeping and seeing” yourself in his place. Surely in your head a whole list of reasons has already matured for which the boss should be removed from the management team. Your ego does not give you rest.
- A dream in which a director has been seen from a previous job may mean that in reality he will call you back. A post has appeared for which you are ideally suited.
- If the headman removes the dreamer from his post, this means that in reality the opposite is true - he is considered a valuable employee, ready to entrust important tasks, respected for business qualities.
- When you dream of being fired from work by your boss, this may, as one of the options, mean that you lack recognition and respect in real life. Relations with the leadership are stretched to the limit because of fears of being mistaken, not being in time, or doing something bad. Take a look at your fears, add more confidence in your communication with the boss, and become more open. This is the only way to use your potential and succeed.
See a quarrel with a military commander
A military commander may be seen as a leader.
This vision is explained as follows:
- The military leader symbolizes strict discipline, exactingness, unquestioning fulfillment of his orders. Perhaps the dreamer in real life lacks the discipline to achieve his goals. Or, conversely, your own boss communicates too hard, crushes, does not allow to fully open up, take the initiative.
- A quarrel with a military leader may be dreamed if the dreamer is immersed in a problem and does not see a way out of it.
- Another interpretation of this dream is that a person who sees such a picture behaves incorrectly in relation to those who are ranked above him. Not always in real life you need to defend your point of view. There are times when it is better to remain silent and listen to the opinions of other people.
- Perhaps he who sees in a dream a military commander is at work in constant emotional tension. Lack of self-esteem and self-love. It seems to him that everything is against, including the boss, the requirements are too high and it is impossible to meet them. You need to take a break, put your thoughts in order. Otherwise, it threatens depression.
Day Interpretation
Each day of the week carries its own properties and qualities, as it obeys a particular planet. Therefore, the dreams seen the night before can have different meanings.
For instance:
- Dreams from Sunday to Monday flow under the sign of the moon and are not classified as prophetic. And yet they need to be taken as a friendly hint. If the boss dreamed that night, then most likely the vision speaks of your attitude towards life. Or it may simply reflect the day cares of the previous day.
- Dreams on Tuesday night are under the control of a militant planet - Mars. Such dreams warn of troubles that may happen soon. These are quarrels, loss of funds, squabbles, gossip, broken relationships.
- From Tuesday to Wednesday there are dreams inspired by Mercury. If on such a night the boss dreams about a man, it means that the dreamer often experiences internal uncertainty and discomfort at work. If a woman sees such a dream, there will soon be vanity in affairs, tension.
- Dreams on Thursday flow under the sign of Jupiter. They are intuitive, often carry true knowledge. Visions about the boss promise to receive help and support in the work. Do not be afraid to show your individuality, creativity and insight. Management will appreciate it.
- The dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic, shrouded in the mystery of Venus. The picture seen at night portends a change in relations with both the bosses and the team. It all depends on the person himself, you need to be more careful, calm, conscious.
- From Friday to Saturday, there are dreams subject to Saturn. They predict further twists of fate. It is imperative to delve into the nuances of sleep, analyze individual signs and draw useful conclusions for yourself. We saw on such a night the boss from the previous place of work - wait for the invitation, there is a vacancy for you.
- Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are illuminated by the Sun. Very often they come true in the near future. If you understand the tips of Sunday visions, you can avoid serious trouble in relationships at work. Perhaps the question will arise about what to choose - a good salary or a loyal leader. You decide.
In any case, if the boss dreams too often, then it's time to think about bringing harmony to his personal life and work - one should not interfere with the other. Only in this case can a person truly be happy.
To understand how the interpretation of sleep was right for you, listen to your emotions. If, reading the transcript of visions, you are emotionally calm and optimistic, it means that a dream bodes luck and success at work. When, after awakening and analyzing, you experience negativity, irritation, fear, a feeling of dissatisfaction, be extremely careful in dealing with superiors - major troubles are possible.