Tableware in a dream reflects the state of mind, the situation in the family and the material well-being of the dreamer. Dirty dishes respectively indicate temporary difficulties, anxieties and worries. Why dream about washing dishes, what such dreams mean - later in the article.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Deciphers of various dream books - ancient and modern - give approximately the same explanation for such a dream. Washing dirty dishes is a dream to overcome troubles, to the fact that life is preparing some tests, and to get rid of them you will have to make some efforts.

According to Freud

The dream book of the famous Austrian psychologist says that such night visions symbolize taking care of one's own physical health. And also dishes embody the relationship, for the successful development of which will need to work hard.

According to Freud, dishes symbolize the hearth and the feminine. Washing any dishes means that a woman thinks about the continuation of her own kind and wants to have children.

According to Miller

This version of the interpretation suggests that a person lacks understanding in communication with loved ones. Dishes that are difficult to clean from pollution portend a streak of trouble, which, however, will end soon. Well-washed dishes as a result of the process promise prosperity and established life in the house.

Old Russian dream book

Ancestors interpreted washing dishes as getting rid of current problems. According to this dream book, it is considered a very good sign to break a cup or plate.

Who dreamed: a girl, a woman, a man

The interpretation of sleep may vary depending on who dreamed of washing dishes.

  • The girl who saw how she washes dishes in a dream has a quick wedding in real life.Admiring a cleanly washed china - to a successful marriage. If these are plates with cracks, hopes will not come true.
  • For a married woman, washing a lot of dishes in a dream indicates difficult times. In reality, there is a threat of difficulties in communicating with her husband, quarrels and mutual insults. All this can end in divorce, if you do not try to save the relationship.
  • According to the old Russian dream book, such a night “work” is interpreted a little differently - a dream portends the end of troubles and peace in the house.
  • To clean crystal, glass goblets or rub them in a dream predicts married couples an idyll.
  • Washing dishes with a machine means that it is difficult for a woman to cope with current problems on her own.
  • For a man, as for a breadwinner and family protector, a dream in which he washes dishes means that a person copes well with the functions assigned to him.
  • According to Freud, a dream about washing dishes, dreamed unmarried man, speaks of him as a tireless lover and the possibility of a new passion.
  • For a young man in a relationship, washing dishes can mean marrying and success in the service.
  • For a single person of any gender, having had a dream washing dishes indicates the accumulated problems that should be urgently disposed of.

Why dream of washing dishes in a strange house, away, at work

The meaning is where the person was in his dream.

  • Washing any kitchen utensils in a strange house is a prediction that the dreamer will take an active part in solving the problems of an outsider. To agree to wash someone's dishes means trust and recognition, and in the future - strong and friendly relations.
  • Washing dishes at a friend’s place is a sign of respect and willingness to help.
  • Seeing a lot of dirty dishes away promises a fun evening and a pleasant pastime.
  • If this is done in a strange house, it means that very soon a very favorable period will come for those who have seen such a dream.
  • Despite the fact that I dreamed of washing dishes at work, such a vision testifies to the turmoil in the family. Perhaps the onset of a long-term conflict or even separation, severance of a relationship with a partner or divorce from a spouse.
  • If a dreamer tries to wash dirty kitchen utensils in a dream, then in reality he became a victim of gossip and slander.
  • Washing the pan in a dream means that if one sees this, they will have to do “work on mistakes” in reality. It is possible that he offended loved ones with a harsh word or deed. You should apologize and make up.

Read also:why dream home

Wash a lot of dishes

Seeing a large amount of dirty dishes in a dream speaks of impending troubles at work, at home or in love affairs. Trying to wash all the dishes means that the dreamer will make every effort to cope with the situation.

Washing a lot of already clean dishes promises success in all directions.

The value of sleep by day

Particular attention should be paid to what day had a dream.

More dream books:Why do fleas dream?

In night dreams from Monday to Tuesday, you should pay attention to the experienced emotions. They will tell you how to proceed in the future.

  • Dreams do not come true from Tuesday to Wednesday.
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are important for those who are puzzled by solving financial problems. It is possible that this night's dream will be the answer to a question of interest.
  • From Thursday to Friday, dreams are often prophetic, especially when it comes to personal life.
  • From Friday to Saturday, what he saw in a dream can come true and touch not only the dreamer himself, but also his immediate environment.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, you should be prepared for the fact that the dream will come true during the day.
  • From Sunday to Monday - these are dreams carrying clues about the mental and physical condition of the sleeping person. They should be listened to.

Even if you had a bad dream, you should not be upset.How life will develop in the future depends mainly on the maximum efforts made to achieve a particular goal.