Dreams with mopping are usually interpreted positively in those cases when the cleaning process itself does not cause any negative emotions in the sleeper. Favorable harbingers are dreams, where the procedure is carried out with very clean fresh water. Another thing that dreams of washing the floors is described below.
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Dream Interpretation: why dream of washing floors?
- In a Millerovsky dream book, floors are washed with a dirty rag - to problems at work. In real life, someone has set himself the goal of ruining the career of a dreamer or simply denigrating him in front of people around him and especially before his superiors. It happens that in a dream a person slips on a freshly washed surface and painfully falls. This is a clear sign that he needs to abandon lightning decisions and think more, reflect on each of them.
- In Vanga's dream book, cleaning the dirty floor always promises positive changes in the dreamer's life. For example, success in work matters. A man will succeed in reaching great heights if he is compliant, understanding, shows indulgence and patience with his colleagues, even in times of serious conflict.
- In the work of Tsvetkov, it is noted that mopping with very dirty fetid water symbolizes death. But this interpretation is relevant only for those cases when there are seriously ill relatives in the sleeping family or he himself has recently suffered from a dangerous ailment.
- Interesting information about stories with floor cleaning is published in the Mayan dream book. Typically, such dreams are considered the harbingers of financial stability. To maintain their stable financial position for a long time, the Indians advise taking a handful of cornmeal and sprinkle it right on the doorstep of your house from the inside. The product cannot be swept out during cleaning.
If you had to wash not only a dirty, but also a broken floor, then relations with close friends or parents will deteriorate in the very near future. The dreamer will lose the trust of the people on whose opinions he depended and on whom he could always rely before. To this he will lead to excessive haste in making important decisions and a desire to stand out among friends.
Very dirty floor
Often a very dirty floor appears in the dreams of sleeping both sexes. This plot is considered a harbinger of health problems or indicates that in reality a person is too sloppy in business. This applies even to the most important life issues. If in the end the dreamer managed to tidy up and make the floor perfectly clean, then positive changes await him as well - he will be able to quickly deal with all the problems.
- To wash a dirty floor with muddy dark water - to uncertainty about one's own future. A person is constantly tormented by a premonition of danger. He cannot relax even alone with loved ones. You need to understand yourself and find the true cause of such a precarious state.
- Traces of dirt on a freshly washed coating portend a man or woman a quarrel with a soul mate. Their main culprit will be the second person, not the sleeping person. Most likely, treason will happen.
- Was the carpet on the floor very dirty? Probably, in reality, the dreamer shows excessive suspicion and distrust of those people who help him in important matters. Such an attitude can ultimately hurt responsive buddies and even turn them away from sleeping.
I dreamed that I or someone else washes the floors in the house
Often in the search engine there are queries: "I dreamed that I was washing the floors in the house, what it means." Such a plot is difficult to interpret. To correctly solve it, you need to take into account many little things.
For example, in which house the house was cleaned:
- Washing floors in your own home in a dream means that the sleeping person is trying by all possible means to clear his life of negativity. A person is very sensitive and suffers greatly from any quarrels, rude remarks addressed to him, clashes with superiors and other similar situations.
- Cleaning in someone else's house indicates that a man or woman needs an urgent rest. Sleeping is overworked.
Had to watch how someone else washes the floors? It's time to quit trying to change your soulmate. They are completely useless.
At work, in the porch, outside the house
Well, if in a dream I had to wash the floors in the workplace. You can be sure that all the efforts of the sleeping person will soon be appreciated by management. There is a chance that he will receive the coveted promotion.
Washing the floors in the entrance is a hint that you need to listen to the advice of others relating to some important life issue. Especially if they are given by relatives, relatives.
Mop or rag the floor
Had to mop your dream floors with a mop in your own home? This is a clear clue that in reality a person is slightly disappointed in his own life. The routine bored him, he feels that he is mired in a routine.
Careful washing of the carpet with a rag suggests that a man or woman will have to work hard to achieve the desired success in life.
Cleaning the apartment with a washing vacuum cleaner is a great sign. In reality, the long-awaited improvement in housing conditions can be expected.
Interpretation of sleep depending on the color of the floor
Sometimes even the color of the floor that had to be washed appears to be important for interpretation.
If you managed to recall such a detail, it also needs to be taken into account:
- The dark tones of the coating suggest that a strong emotional experience awaits the man or woman. In fact, they will turn out to be the result of a person’s errors and fabrications. But at the same time his nerves will be significantly spoiled.
- Light colors indicate that the sleeper is going in the right direction. He adequately and wisely perceives everything that is happening around him, makes exclusively correct decisions.
- White clean floor, which a person re-washes, symbolizes his calm and ability to control himself.
- But the red coating, on the contrary, suggests that the dreamer is too aggressive.