Often unknown people appear in our dreams. It turns out that this phenomenon prophesies certain events in the future. We will find out why an unfamiliar man dreams, and how to unravel the secret meaning of night dreams.

Interpretation in various dream books

Usually unfamiliar young people dream of women. But sometimes they come to guys in night dreams. Often such a vision portends events of a romantic nature. In general, the meaning of sleep is favorable. The friendlier and more beautiful the man, the better for real life.

There is no consensus on the interpretation of this dream.

Each dream book has its own explanation of the appearance of a stranger:

  1. Book of Dreams of Simeon Prozorov. A handsome man is dreaming of completing business, implementing plans. Elderly - to financial support from relatives. The dark-haired guy in a dream promises a risky offer.
  2. Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation. Night dreams say the psychological problems of the sleeper. Soon new worries are foreseen.
  3. Dream Interpretation alphabetically. Anonymous portends an unplanned pregnancy.
  4. Dream interpretation for women. A man dreams of pleasure, an adventure.
  5. Intimate dream book. A handsome and pumped up guy in night dreams dreams of happiness, satisfaction. If the man is ugly and disgusting, the sleeper will be disappointed and have difficulty communicating with his household.
  6. Miller's Dream Book. A man in a dream is an omen of positive changes in life, including in the financial sphere.
  7. Dream Interpretation of the 20th Century. To see a pleasant stranger - to the joyful end of events. An ugly man in dreams is a failure in business.

An important role is played by the details of sleep. It is important to remember what exactly the unknown person did, and how he looked.

Kissing, sex with a stranger

Women periodically dream of sexual activities with a stranger. This phenomenon portends the emergence of a rival from the inner circle. It is important to look at your friends and not trust the first person you meet.

If sex or a kiss did not happen at the behest of the dreamer, you should be wary of a new acquaintance. The behavior of the cavalier will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

A dream kiss also has other meanings:

  • interest of a guy from the environment;
  • pleasant acquaintance;
  • surprise;
  • sudden changes on the love front;
  • an unforeseen romance.

If you dream about sex with a stranger, this may indicate the desire of the girl to experience new sensations in bed. Perhaps the partner does not suit her intimately.

More dream books:what is the dream of a kiss

What does dream mean for an unmarried girl

The dream of an unmarried lady, in which a stranger appeared as her boyfriend, means a quick meeting with her beloved. Moreover, the interpretation of night dreams for a woman in marriage is exactly the opposite. Her dream prophesies a quarrel with her husband.

If a free girl dreamed of a stranger hugging her in a friendly manner, this indicates an early meeting with dear guests.

You can interpret the dream depending on the appearance of an unknown person:

  • thick - cash prize or bonus;
  • bald is an unreasonable act;
  • hairy - success in the business sector;
  • mustached - meeting a man;
  • high - career growth.

A drunk guy in a dream promises an unmarried person a meeting with an unpleasant person. A stranger sleeping in bed prophesies stability in matters of the heart. Seeing a wounded man - to frustration and stress. I dreamed of a stranger’s funeral - to wait for trouble and failure in business.

What an aggressive person dreams of

If in a dream a stranger behaves aggressively, this indicates a dreamer's fear when communicating with the opposite sex. A stranger with a knife promises a betrayal of a close friend.

Freud believes that such behavior symbolizes sexual intimacy. He compares aggression with a desire to possess a lady. Therefore, for a young lady, such a dream promises the likelihood of sexual harassment.

Aggression of a stranger in night dreams is a sign of his own dissatisfaction. Most likely, the dreamer himself is hostile to others, but he carefully tries to hide it. In any case, conflicts in a dream are a symbol of the desire to express one’s feelings.

If a similar plot was dreamed up on Wednesday, this suggests that the dreamer cannot accept himself for who he is. If a guy dreams that a stranger is aggressive in his direction, he will receive an early profit. A drunk man, set to negative, dreams of meeting a person who cannot be trusted.

Run away from a stranger

If the dreamer is a woman, she should stop trusting unfamiliar men. Care must be taken at work. In a dream, running away from an unfamiliar man - experiencing stress in reality. It is important to calm down, relax and make the right decision.

A successful escape from a stranger usually portends the following events:

  • fulfillment of desires (for men);
  • getting rid of annoying gentleman (for girls);
  • long life;
  • good health.

Thus, a stranger in a dream promises favorable changes in life. If the interpretation is negative, fate always provides an opportunity to correct everything and correct events for the better.