Since dreams are, first of all, a reflection of our secret experiences, many in their dreams attend their love interests. But it is far from always easy to answer the question of what a man who likes is dreaming of. Besides simple dreams of him, there may be enough reasons.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Dreams about a loved one can mean both a change in relations between you in reality, and portend successes and failures in other areas of life, often in financial or career ones:

  1. Miller's dream book advises you to remember the emotions that you experienced in a dream. If they were positive, this does not promise a pleasant relationship with the chosen guy. On the contrary, you need to look at it better. Perhaps you do not fit each other at all, and the relationship will bring you both only disappointment. And vice versa, if the emotions are negative, there is a very clear chance of a long and strong relationship with a man.
  2. Wanga's interpretation of this is ambiguous. On the one hand, she stated that if you dream of a friend you like, you idealize him, like a prince from a fairy tale. This is especially likely if in a dream a man is much more attractive than in reality. And if in a dream a man behaved with restraint and did not pay any attention to you, in reality you may expect unexpected recognition of sympathy.
  3. A look at the appearance is also advised by Hasse's dream book. If a young man seemed fuller than he is in reality, an unexpected financial profit will soon await the sleeping person. Conversely, a sickly, stunted man in a dream means bankruptcy and failure.
  4. A number of dream books also agree that one dreams of this because of the dreamer's fear of revealing his feelings. She keeps them a secret, and it gnaws at her. But in the end, she will still have to tell the truth to either her lover or a close friend.
    But still do not interpret a dream where you spend time with a person pleasant to you, like a prophetic one. Often the interpretation of a dream is the opposite of its plot.

What is the dream of a friend who likes

There is nothing strange in the fact that the girl in love dreamed of a guy who likes. A simple colleague from work or a neighbor can visit in a dream, as well as a celebrity, a media personality. But now it will be about those men with whom the lover is personally acquainted.

The most common reason for their occurrence in dreams is that the girl’s thoughts constantly revolve around a particular guy. To help in the accurate interpretation will help the relationship of a loved one to a sleeping person. Such dreams are often interpreted directly. But the problem is that the attitude of a man in a dream usually mirrors his real attitude to the girl.

For example, if a man smiles warmly at you in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign for your future relationship. Most likely, he will want to limit himself to friendship, and a romantic relationship with him will be impossible.

Had a kiss, a hug

Kissing in a dream with a man who likes - an unfavorable sign. Unfortunately, in reality with a loved one there is little chance. The point is not only that he has no reciprocal sympathy for you: most likely, he already has a life partner. In fact, such a dream is the personification of your desires. You yearn for your beloved and want to be with him, but for some reason this is not possible at the moment.

If there are no kisses in a dream, but the woman is firmly, but at the same time, gently hugs her beloved, this promises a pleasant meeting with relatives. You will find cozy home gatherings with your family, after which you will feel much better.

If you are already in a romantic relationship with a dreamed man, the interpretation largely depends on the real situation. If there is no serious misunderstanding in your couple, harmony and love reign in the relationship, then this situation will continue for a long time. If, in reality, a black cat runs between you, you miss the attention on his part.

Intimate relationship

If in a dream a girl has sex with the object of her desires, she actually experiences a strong physical attraction to him. If during intercourse she is hurt or unpleasant, the situation at work is pressured by the sleeping woman. Most likely, she has to carry out many tasks, and the dreamer herself would prefer to take the initiative and lead.

If during sex there is no sensation, and it happens as if “for show,” the sleeping woman will soon encounter some problems in relations with loved ones. They will occur due to a misunderstanding, but a series of quarrels will end with an early reconciliation.
When an attractive stranger is standing next to you in a dream, this is a kind of inner revolt. You are very notorious and squeezed, but deep down you want to become a fatal woman or simply fall in love with yourself.

Married man you like

If you dream of a married man who likes, but there is no relationship between you, your self-doubt affects you. Are you afraid of a “rival” or you think that against her background you have no chance. In any case, breaking up a family is not the noblest act. Therefore, look around: perhaps there is someone near you who is much more suitable and no less attractive.

Dream with a colleague

In addition to the standard interpretation that the reason for sleep is feelings for a man, such a dream also indicates the existence of rivalry between you and your dreamed colleague. Perhaps you are working on the same project or both are aiming for promotion. Obsessive dreams will pass when you begin to devote more time to work. Perhaps then you will get a good position.
If a colleague dreams of a former job, the best option is to forget about it and move on. The past only prevents you from developing without leaving any positive emotions.

Interpretation according to the day of the week

It is widely believed that dreams depend on the days of the week.

Everyone's choice is to believe it or not, but most interpreters agree on the following:

  1. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you need to interpret it in a mirror. If a man is very interested in you, then in reality your communication will soon end.
  2. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is a hint that it’s time for you to reveal your feelings to the guy. You need to do this especially quickly if you are having a quarrel with your loved one: this is a sign that someone else may stand between you.
  3. Dreams on Thursday symbolize longing for former lovers. Such dreams are especially vivid among girls who have not been in official relations for a long time, but who are secretly in love with someone.
  4. Dreams on Friday are considered prophetic. But they also become a sign that there is no need to rush and directly tell the man about their intentions. Hint that “breathe unevenly towards him,” but he must take the rest of the steps for your rapprochement himself.
  5. If a married woman sees her beloved from Friday to Saturday, this is a sign of the universe that she has chosen the right life partner. If an unmarried woman sees a dream, very soon she will find her love. But the relationship will most likely not develop with the one she saw in a dream.
  6. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday and from Sunday to Monday mean that the guy you like and in reality wants to get to know you better. And if the former, to whom you still have feelings, dreams, he wants to renew relations.

If a dream with a man is repeated several times a week, perhaps you should tell someone about your secret love. You are simply tired of keeping this secret in yourself and strive to reveal yourself to a loved one.