In real life, a cat is a charming animal, but its appearance in a dream usually warns of unpleasant events in the future. To understand why many cats dream, one should turn to the information contained in the dream books.
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Interpretation in the dream books
Most often, a cat in dreams is a harbinger of trouble.
But sometimes there are positive interpretations:
- Miller's dream book says that seeing cats in a dream is to setbacks and misfortunes that can be avoided if animals are driven away or killed. If cats are aggressive, attack to bite and scratch - this portends the appearance of enemies who will try to seriously harm (misappropriate the property of a sleeping person, spoil his reputation).
- Dream interpretation of Wangi in some cases positively interprets the appearance of cats in a dream. The cat personifies the female essence, is a symbol of independence, an eventful life, a talisman for the family. But there are negative predictions. For example, to see a pregnant cat - to conspiracies and intrigues in a close environment. Dead animal in a box - someone is trying to harm a sleeping person, defame him.
- According to the French dream book, the appearance of a cat in a dream is not good. Fighting cats may hint at a night robbery in reality.
- According to the Modern Dream Book, to see kittens in dreams is a good sign that promises to make a profit. The cat that caught the mouse - to speedy enrichment. But just to see a cat in a dream is a quarrel. If the sleeper hears only cat meow, this portends a fraud.
It is believed that a large number of cats in a dream is an increase in existing interpretations associated with one animal.
Why dream a lot of cats in the house
Cats in a house in a dream are not always a bad sign.If a woman has dreamed of many cats that care for their kittens, this may indicate a gentle and harmonious relationship within the family. According to another version, kittens predict minor troubles.
A large number of cats in their own home - someone will begin to intervene in the life of the sleeping person, to control him.
It is also believed that the more cats in the apartment, the more a person suffers from his internal fears and complexes.
Dead, sick, wounded animals
A sick and injured cat can warn about the illness of loved ones, about the misfortunes that can happen to them. Exhausted and unhealthy animals sometimes talk about the mental torment of a sleeping person.
Dreams with dead cats can portend tragic events. If the sleeping person killed the animal itself or it died due to its fault, this means that problems in reality related to breaking the law will follow.
Also, a dead cat predicts the emergence of major financial problems in competitors of a sleeping person.
But some interpretations say that dead cats in a house are fortunate and solve existing problems.
Value according to color
During the interpretation of dreams, the color of the animal must be taken into account:
- In many cases, a black cat is considered a harbinger of treason, betrayal. A large number of black cats indicates a difficult and difficult relationship in the work team. If black cats rush at a person, releasing their claws and causing them deep scratches, this could portend a serious quarrel with relatives or very close people. If it was possible to quickly drive the animals after the attack, then in reality all the differences will be successfully resolved.
- The appearance of white cats, according to some interpretations, warns of the possible betrayal of a close friend or those whom the sleeping person is accustomed to trust.
- Red cats are considered as a symbol of cunning, deception, insincerity, promise problems in a love relationship. If an animal of such a color is dreamed of by a man, a dream warns of the treachery of a woman from close circle.
- If a woman dreams of a lot of cats of a three-colored color, a complex and stressful period should be expected. Perhaps difficulties will be associated with the adoption of measures to eliminate the rival. An animal with a three-color coloring in a man's dream promises intrigue at work. It is also a symbol of slander, slander.
- A gray cat warns of dishonorable people in a close environment.
Feed, iron, bathe, play in a dream
Feeding domestic cats in a dream promises a pleasant pastime in the company of a loved one or a good friend.
Stroking a cat - to depression, despondency, emptiness in the soul, doubts. The animal sitting on his hands dreams of intrigue and gossip.
Bathing a cat - to the unexpected arrival of guests.
According to other information, a dream with an animal bathing can mean:
- Receiving a profit;
- difficulties and obstacles;
- an upcoming quarrel;
- speedy victory over ill-wishers.
Play with a cat - to the infidelity of the second half or to unpleasant conversations.
If a person dreams of a lot of cats and kittens, do not rush to conclusions and be upset. These animals do not always portend unlucky events and changes. The subconscious mind often “throws up” images in a dream that can only be interpreted individually, without resorting to dream books.