Unfortunately, only good dreams do not always come in night dreams. It happens that you wake up from fear all sweating, trembling and with a rapid heartbeat. This also happens after a nightly plot related to death. What a dead child is dreaming of - one can only speculate, but it is best to decipher the exact interpretation in well-known and proven dream books.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Each interpreter has his own view of such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book:

  • A well-known psychologist says that watching a dead child in a dream means possible disappointments in life.
  • If a living dead baby was observed, then scandals are expected in the family, and misunderstandings with the leadership in the work, which can affect the reputation and career, are expected.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian:

  • According to this dream book, the child who appeared in the night picture shows your aspirations and goals. If a dead baby is dreamed, then in reality the tasks set will remain in an unresolved and unrealized state.
  • If you see a child dying in a dream, you still hope to achieve your goal, although this is impossible. For you, such a dream is a sign that you are wasting your own time and energy. Better to reconsider tactics.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book:

  • The alien dead child is dreaming - such a vision does not concern your life at all. Just to change the weather.
  • When in a night picture the dead child calls with him, and you followed him - to the disease.
  • Inanimate child offers to eat - this is a warning. In reality, there are serious ailments, or soon you will find out about them.
  • If with the dead child they ate the food that he handed over, this is interpreted as a very bad sign - a symbol of death.
  • In a dream, a dead child comes to life - to an extraordinary adventure, a journey that you will remember for a long time.

According to Hasse's dream book:

Had a chance to watch a dead son or daughter promises illness. And the younger the child died, the worse the possible waking consequences of what he saw.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov contains the following interpretation:

  • It happened that a dead baby had a dream - a period of loneliness would soon come.
  • To kill a child in a dream is a sign to the sleeping man about excessive and waste of money.

But Felomone’s dream book interprets the meaning of the story about a dead child in a slightly different way.

  • Such a night dream signals the need to restore order in your finances.
  • If a daughter dies in a dream, then in life a person will be able to get rid of all his debts.
  • Well, the death of his son, who had dreamed in a sleeping state, means that in life you worry too much about your own child.

To see a stranger, your dead child

In most cases, this dream simply portends a change in the weather, and the vision of the person does not concern the life itself. However, it is advisable for your children to pay more attention, affection and love.

Dreaming of someone else's dead child:

  • To see not your dead child in a coffin - to troubles and troubles in life.
  • Watching in a dream how a baby died during birth is a sign that a conceived idea or project is not being realized in life. Obstacles will arise even from where they were not expected. On this basis, quarrels, scandals with colleagues, business partners will constantly arise.
  • If you see a lot of newborn children, then sadness, grief and misfortune will multiply.
    Seeing your child dead:
  • There may be health problems, any injuries at home or at work. And the younger the child, the greater the problem.
  • If you do not yet have your offspring, but see a dead child in a dream, realize that he is yours, analyze in reality what is your favorite “brainchild” for you. Use caution, as you may soon lose it. A personal project, a business that you develop and expand with love and zeal, can become a similar loss.

Value for women, men

The dreamer's gender in the interpretation of the plot has a special role.

Interpretation for a woman:

  • When a pregnant lady dreams of a dead child, there is nothing to worry about. This is just a reflection of her fears of the process of the birth of the baby.
  • Having a dead child in a dream means that a woman is entering a new stage, a period of a happy life, which is often associated with replenishment in the family. And also you freed yourself from the negative.

Values ​​for men:

  • I dreamed of a dead baby - a sign that we need to reconsider our attitude to children, to get rid of excessive custody, immoderate anxiety. At the same time, such a vision means that the father controls the younger generation too much.
  • If a dead baby dreamed of a sleeping man who has no children, then you should take care of your own health.
  • You need to be more closely with your partner or friend if a dead child has risen in your dream. It is necessary to be wary of all his proposals on the topic of the beginning of a business, project, investment finance.
  • And if you are trying to revive a dead baby in a dream, you are well aware that your plans are not feasible, but you do not want to believe it.

Communication with inanimate children

Communication in a dream with inanimate children is always a warning, not a good sign.


In reality, a black streak may come, difficult moments. If you had such a dream before the upcoming event or the launch of any project, then it is better to wait. It will not lead to anything good, there will be an extra waste, complex connections will arise.

Dreamed of a dead baby

If you had a dream about a dead baby, who is actually in a serious condition at the moment, then such a vision is a good symbol. The kid will certainly recover and live happily ever after.

When a similar night story was dreamed of by a mother who had lost her child in infancy, this is a sign that a woman will soon become pregnant again.

Many dreams of dead children cause fear. In fact, these are angels who appear to people with warnings and parting words. Such messengers rarely foreshadow something terrible and tragic.