As a rule, our dreams always carry a certain meaning, whether it is negative or positive. Sometimes dreams help with the solution of some life problems or symbolize future difficulties, joys or disappointments. Prophetic signs in dreams can be people, animals, or even natural phenomena. And therefore it is extremely important to understand why a dead dog is dreaming and what you should know about this animal.
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Interpretation in different dream books
The dog has long been considered a symbol of friendship and devotion, but to see him dead in a dream is a great betrayal of a friend or loved one. According to the interpretation of the exoteric dream interpretation, such a phenomenon speaks of profound transformations in the dreamer's karma. All past deeds are a thing of the past, and a new energy is appearing in the present. According to Miller’s dream book, another interpretation is given, according to which a dead dog is a symbol of a serious illness of one of your loved ones, which you will need to help.
The modern dream book indicates that such a nightly plot indicates the infidelity of a partner, an early divorce. In this case, much depends on the color of the animal. White dog portends dismissal or bankruptcy. A dark-colored dog is a sign that some serious problem should be resolved soon. According to the Big Dream Book, such a dream indicates that a long-standing enemy will soon appear in the waking state of the sleeping person, as well as the resumption of old conflicts.
If you turn to the modern collection, you can find out that the appearance of a dead dog in a dream is a harbinger of impending radical changes in real life.And also such a dream indicates that these changes will cause a strong sense of melancholy, lost and unknown.
Often, a dead animal becomes a manifestation of a person’s internal struggle, as well as a warning about future threats.
Farseer Wang also gives her own interpretation of the nightly plot. She claims that a wild individual who tried to bite her master, and then died, is evidence that spoilage has been induced. According to Loff's dream book, a sinking dog, which later died because of this, suggests that the person himself exaggerates his problems and for this reason cannot solve them. According to Felomen's collection, dreams involving a dead animal are a signal that a person is too overworked and in deep stress.
Many dead dogs
It also happens that many dead dogs appeared in a dream. This phenomenon signals the existence of financial threats for certain circumstances that are known only to the sleeping person. According to other interpretations, a similar dream, in which a person has a large number of dogs without a skin, can signal serious health problems among relatives. In this case, it is recommended to remind them to undergo an examination or pay attention to minor details regarding their condition.
What does a dead pet dream about alive
If a person saw in a dream his dead pet alive, this may mean that in real life the sleeping person is in danger of being injured at work or seriously injured. Dream interpretation in this case advises a more responsible approach to solving production problems and comply with safety rules. But there are also some other interpretations of this picture. Often a dead dog dreams of being alive in the event that there are any internal experiences. And also it speaks of fear, severe anguish, disappointment in a loved one and impending depression.
Dream with puppies
A dream with dead puppies in any case warns of troubles and possible disappointments. Such a phenomenon is never positive or joyful, therefore, a person will subsequently need to reconsider his environment and his own attitude towards him. Most of the dream books interpret this dream in the sense that a waking sleeping person will soon encounter a betrayal of a close friend or relative. If in a dream a person killed a puppy on his own, this may be a reminder that he had recently hurt a loved one with a harsh statement.
Interpretation according to the color of the animal
To better understand the meaning of what you saw in a dream, you need to recall the color of the dog. The red dog is a symbol of longing for freedom in reality, as well as talking about fatigue, both physical and mental. An animal of white color means feelings of a romantic nature, when the dreamer actually consciously refused some kind of love relationship and affection. A dog of a dark color, appearing in a dream, indicates great problems because of friends or relatives. If you dreamed of a dead black dog - it could be cheating, cheating or serious betrayal, followed by severe sadness.
What portends for women, men
It is immediately worth noting that such a phenomenon is decrypted rather ambiguous. If a girl dreams of a dead dog, such dreams can speak of the unrealizability of a certain desire, which is directly related to a romantic relationship with a young man. And also this is often a symbol of unrequited love. For a married woman, a dreaming nightly scenario may indicate spouse's infidelity. A dead dog in a dream for a pregnant girl means a lack of care and attention from relatives, as well as about her feelings about the unborn child.
For a man, a dead dog that appeared in a dream is able to predict a serious betrayal or an unpleasant clash with someone close to him. But also in other dream books, such a dream tells that in reality there is a person who experiences strong worries for the health and further fate of the sleeping person. According to other interpretations, a dead animal acts as a symbol of betrayal, intrigue and malice. In the near future, a person should be selective in terms of business or romantic relationships.