In a dream, we can dream of everything that we do not even think about in reality, for example, old money of beautiful coinage. Today we will figure out what the little thing is dreaming of, coins. Consider the most diverse - familiar in life, precious, collectible. Let's look into authoritative dream books and find out what we can expect from night vision in reality.

Interpretation in dream books

To begin, consider a brief description of a dream with coins. Then we turn to the specifics of the interpretation, which will reveal the details of sleep.

A modern dream book suggests recalling the metal from which money was made:

  1. Copper - you have to work hard for a small fee. The work will be physical, but it will help to slightly improve the financial condition.
  2. If the coins were silver, then in reality expect wealth.
  3. A dream with gold coins promises disappointment, everyday turmoil, problems in everyday life.
  4. Seeing ordinary iron money - in reality, get less than expected (it's not just about money).

East Dream Book:

  1. Dreaming a lot of little things - to an unexpected profit. In this period of time, you can buy lottery tickets, they will not be "empty".
  2. Scattering small money - to tears, unhappiness.
  3. If a woman in a dream received coins from precious metals as a gift from her lover, then in reality one should be afraid of the betrayal of the beloved.

According to Miller:

  1. In a dream, counting money is a poor waking life, you are very worried about financial well-being.
  2. You get a trifle from an official or a boss - to get real profit. Soon, your well-being will go uphill.
  3. Dreaming shiny little money - to health, good luck. If the coins are rusty, expect trouble.
  4. Seeing curved, ugly iron money in a dream will soon acquire a new enemy.

Esoteric dream book:

  1. Dreaming of small money scattered around - there will be fun.
  2. Give a trifle - unforeseen expenses.
  3. Get coins from other people - expect profits.

Dream interpretation Hasse:

  1. When the dreamer sees himself minting coins, this suggests that in reality he works hard, getting real pennies.
  2. Gold coins appeared - there will be trouble, copper - unexpected joy.

The psychological dream book offers a different interpretation from others. It says that the joy of being in a dream is a trifle - it is an internal concern for one’s real financial condition. People who are in poverty, or they need to pay off a debt soon, often in a dream experience moments when they find money, they pour in from heaven, they are simply given by passers-by. If the dreamer gave the coins himself, then in reality he is very generous, but worries that he could not financially or morally help some kind of loved one.

Count a trifle in a dream

If you count coins constantly getting lost, then this indicates some unresolved problems in reality. You think over plans, ways out of the situation, but are afraid to make mistakes or get confused. It is said in a psychological dream book. Most other interpreters (Miller, Hasse, Esoteric dream book, East) tend to argue that the count of coins in a dream is to receive money in reality.

But there are some other meanings of such a dream:

  1. In a dream, consider a trifle, coins for a penny - in reality, changes await you. What they will be depends on the quality of the money. If the coins are light, everything will change for the better, dark - expect a bad change.
  2. When the dreamer easily recounts money in the face value of 2, 5 or 10 rubles - in reality, he is clumsily doing his job, not working that way. To get a really good reward for your work, you need to change the concept.
  3. If you count old coins that no one is already using, then this indicates your attachment to the past.

A very good sign if there are really a lot of coins, and not a few pieces in the palm of your hand. Such a dream portends wealth in reality.

See gold coins in dreams

The basic interpretation of such a dream is good. If you see a lot of gold coins, then in reality you will be promoted, getting the desired position, which will bring more money than the previous work. For businessmen, a dream bodes lucrative deals. But if you gave away a precious trifle, for example, for change, or calculated with it, then wait in real life for unexpected cash costs.

If you collect coins made of gold in a dream, then the dream hints that in real life you are too fixated on material wealth. You need to learn to see the good in the simplest things that surround you.

If in a dream you held a gold coin in your hand, but dropped and lost, then do not worry, this is a good dream. All bad weather will leave you, and a bright streak will come in life.

Why dream old money

Not a good sign if you dreamed of old coins in the wrong hands, in a shop window or in another place where you cannot get them from.

Such a vision suggests that in reality you will not get what you want. If it comes to profit, then it will be very small, you do not need to count on a large amount.

But you can see old coins in your hands, then a dream will promise the following:

  1. If you were given a beautiful, large coin, then in reality you will have a chance to get rich. In the case when you for some reason decided to eat this coin, a dream warns that you can not tell strangers about the source of your income.
  2. If an old trifle of foreign manufacture is in the hands, then new acquaintances are expected in reality. You will have acquaintances and friends more senior than you, imperious. They will help you achieve more, for example, get a high or well-paid position.
  3. In the hands was an expensive collectible coin - wait for a chance to improve the financial condition. When you keep a collection of old coins, then soon all doors are open for you, any business will be successful.

Beware of betrayal if you are holding a coin, worn from time to time, and on it you can not see either the denomination or the drawing.

Had a lot of scattered little things

Seeing in a dream a trifle that streams and rings - to a family scandal. If you just see a lot of coins scattered across the floor - to the loss of capital, poverty. But there are other interpretations of sleep with scattered little things, they depend on the details of the vision and gender of the dreamer.

Here's what these night visions for women promise:

  1. If the girl is unmarried, she does not have a groom, then in reality she will meet with her soulmate. The guy will be financially secure, working.
  2. If a girl has a lover, then a trifle scattered on the floor or ground in a dream warns of a possible betrayal.
  3. A married lady dreams of a lot of scattered coins - in reality, she is worried about a lack of money.

For men, the interpretation is as follows:

  1. The unmarried guy will soon have to walk at his own wedding. Even if now the dreamer does not have in mind the girl he would like to marry, she will appear soon. And the relationship will develop so quickly that the wedding is just around the corner.
  2. A married man who has held a man to see a lot of little things around him - to wealth in reality. But if coins are made of precious metals, then remember the saying "Not all that glitters is gold." This is a warning about possible enemies who impersonate friends.

Regardless of the dreamer's gender, if in a dream he "picks up" the scattered trifle, the dream portends good news or guests from afar.

Ask for alms

If in a dream you ask for alms, then the interpretations will be very different, depending on the dream book.

We offer to consider the predictions of the most popular publications:

  1. The esoteric dream book claims that you are silent about something you know in vain. This knowledge torment and torment you from the inside, you need to share it with someone.
  2. In the dream book Zima it is written that if in a dream you were given alms, then in reality it will be possible to achieve your goal. If not, then expect the collapse of all hopes, you will not succeed.
  3. According to the dream book “From A to Z”, the dreamer is promised joy, success after a long series of troubles. If you see how a friend or loved one handed you the coins, then it is from this person who is awake worth waiting for good support.
  4. Psychologist Miller is inclined to argue that asking for alms in a dream is a waking start of a new business that will require a lot of time and effort. But this project will be profitable, you will have to work hard for your own good.
  5. Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova warns of imminent misfortune, if you tearfully asked passers-by for money in a dream.

The psychological dream book suggests that the dreamer in reality needs material help. He is considering the possibility of borrowing a loan, hoping for a successful outcome of this matter.

Give small money

Interpretation completely depends on the details: to whom they gave the trifle, how, where did they get it.

Consider the details of a dream:

  1. In a dream, to see a trifle in a wallet, take it out and give it to the poor - you will be rewarded for your labors, kindness. This may be a sudden replenishment of the personal budget, the recovery of a loved one or the dreamer himself, success in all matters.
  2. To pick up a trifle from the floor and give it to a passer-by or a friend - in reality it will help someone. Soon a friend will ask for a service, do not refuse, he will greatly help you in the future.
  3. Give a trifle to surrender - the enemies will get what they deserve.
  4. In a dream, give a trifle to handfuls to people passing by, acquaintances - a dream symbolizes a joyful event that should happen in the near future.

Pay attention to the emotions that you experienced when giving coins:

  1. Rejoiced, received relief - you will be forgiven by a loved one to whom you have done evil or greatly offended.
  2. They were greedy, did not want to give - there will be big expenses in reality.
  3. Pangs of conscience due to the small number of coins given away - you could have helped someone in reality, but did not do it, now you are suffering.

If you do not really like the interpretation, then do not despair, because you can fix it.

Sleep is only a warning about something to come, but whether it is fulfilled or not depends on you.

Pleasant dreams!