The car in a dream symbolizes the real person - the current stage of life, his current plans, goals, dreams. Information about this symbol can be found in each dream book. Popular commentators will help users figure out what the car is dreaming of.
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General interpretation in popular dream books
Miller suggests first of all to pay attention to the appearance of the dreamed iron horse.
- If this is an ordinary-looking car, the details of which are difficult to remember in the morning, then in reality a person will take up a troublesome, unpromising business / project at first glance. But in the end, instead of the alleged disappointment, it will bring the sleeper a large profit and satisfaction.
- A very old collapsed car from sleep is a hint that the competitors of the sleeper were smarter and more cunning than him. Do not underestimate them.
- If a car breaks up into pieces right in front of the dreamer's eyes - this is a very bad sign for him. In reality, one should soon expect a series of failures, losses, misfortunes.
According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a car most often reflects the current state of a man or woman.
If this is a vehicle with any "signaling", then a strong anxiety lives inside a person. Perhaps he is even in a state of deep depression, feels helpless, has fallen into real despair. In this case, you should not be afraid to talk about your experiences with your loved ones and loved ones. They will help the dreamer say goodbye to a difficult condition for him faster.
In the Modern Dream Book, a well-functioning machine is a symbol of a troublesome but profitable business.If any problems were found in it, then it is worth preparing for unsuccessful transactions.
- Had to call emergency gang in night dreams? In reality, there is a great risk to a person of serious injury.
- If the sleeping person is driving an emergency vehicle, he is probably not very satisfied with his current job. It is time for a dramatic change.
Why dream of buying a car
If you dream about buying a car, then most dream books interpret such a plot as a good sign. Usually he portends a person luck in business and success in endeavors in any sphere of life.
- Does Sleeping buy a new car? In reality, a favorable period has come for opening your own business. Especially if a person has long dreamed about it.
- A new very large SUV promises a sleeping waking dream. It can be connected with any sphere of life.
In general, dream books suggest: the newer and more beautiful the car turned out to be, the more favorable the night vision is.
A bad sign is only those dreams of buying a car in which the purchased iron horse turned out to be rusty, old, beaten. If the sleeping man bought such a vehicle for himself and immediately got behind the wheel, most likely, in reality he is very dissatisfied with his current social and financial situation. A man or woman yearns for the past.
If the dreamer is forced to buy an old broken car, it means that the business that he recently started will end in failure. If there is such a chance, it is worth giving up on it as soon as possible, even despite possible material losses.
Car theft
If a person dreams of stealing a car, interpreters suggest that you first need to remember a thief. Was it a man in uniform? A sleeping person may have a conflict with the police, tax authorities, or other similar authorities in real life.
Was the thief in home clothes? So, the main cause of problems in relations with the soulmate of the dreamer is excessive unreasonable jealousy. If you do not learn how to deal with it, the situation will only worsen.
I had a car accident
If you had a car accident, an interpretation of such a plot can be found in the most popular authors of dream books. Interestingly, Miller considers a grand car accident a harbinger of imminent fun in the life of a sleeper. True, at a noisy holiday some kind of nuisance will happen, which will spoil the mood of a man or woman for a long time.
Loff suggests that the accident on the machine symbolizes the inability of the sleeper to control his life and take responsibility for the events taking place in it. Most likely, the blame for the excessive custody of his parents.
Drive by car
If you had to drive a car yourself and drive a long distance in a dream, it means that a person will have to travel. It can be connected both with rest and entertainments, and with work.
Purposeful people dream of a long car trip on the eve of the implementation of their ambitious plans. Soon, a person will finally get everything that he has been going for so long.
Interpretation according to the color of the machine
If a person had to see a car in a dream, you need to try to remember what color the vehicle turned out to be.
This point can have a major impact on the interpretation of the plot:
- Red cars tells us that a sleeping person is active, purposeful and ambitious. Most likely, recently he spends all his strength on the implementation of his own plans.
- The white machine indicates the purity of the dreamer's intentions. A light vehicle can also portend a man or woman luck, success in business.
- The black car tells you that in reality you need to be more careful and focused, otherwise you may encounter serious problems regarding finances.
- A green car from a dream symbolizes a person’s desire to relax and rest.The sleeper is very tired of constant work and nervous tension.
What does a broken car symbolize in a dream
Own wrecked car from sleep is an important clue for a person. Dream Interpretations report that difficulties await the sleeping one.
It is worth while stopping and postponing your plans. Realizing your ideas in the near future will not work. While you need to lie low and wait out the period of failure.
If the windshield breaks before the sleeping person’s smithereens, then a major loss awaits him. It can be not only financial. A broken mirror in the car portends the collapse of plans.
Does the person repair his car after an accident? In life, you will have to answer for earlier mistakes.
Value for women, men
The sleep value in which the car appears may vary depending on the sex of the sleeper.
- So, if a man sees a night trip driving a car, he foreshadows him big earnings. True, the money will be received illegally, dishonestly. A similar story promises a woman an acquaintance with a man with a bad reputation.
- Truck to the fair sex promises success in trade. A woman has a calm and measured family life.
- In a dream, washing a car from the inside is for a man to get acquainted with an influential person who will assist him in business. Such a plot indicates to a girl many secrets that she is trying to keep inside herself. It is time to finally open the soul to loved ones.
Dreams in which cars appear under different circumstances can have radically different meanings - both positive and negative. It depends on the details and details of night vision. If you could not find help from the dream books, you can turn to her directly to professional interpreters.