Many people do not pay attention to the interpretation of their dreams, because they do not believe in predictions. And most of them don’t even know what raspberries are dreaming of, whereas this berry is considered an omen of confusion and confusion.

Why raspberries dream - interpretation on dream books

Raspberry, at first glance, is considered a good sign, but if you start to read the information of different dream books, then this berry becomes a warning about an imminent incident, which will bring many unpleasant consequences, namely:

  1. Miller's dream book speaks of raspberries as a symbol of confusion and an involved state, due to which there can be conflicts and misunderstandings in life with people around.
  2. According to the esoteric dream book, raspberry bushes in a dream indicate some problems and obstacles to a happy and financially secure life.
  3. In Vanga's dream book, this berry is considered a sign that the dreamer is not following his own path, working not in his field, and he needs to radically change his life style.
  4. A modern dream book about raspberries responds as a warning of a rather risky and dangerous situation. In this case, a woman with a raspberry dream portends gossip.

See a small, large berry

Depending on which berry was dreamed of, one can interpret the vision differently. If you saw a small berry in a dream, then be prepared for disappointments and unpleasant situations. There is a possibility that they will end in bitter tears.

In a dream, red large raspberries portends a dreamer some joyful event, romantic meetings and a strong financial situation.After such a dream, the dreamer usually gets an unexpected profit and an advantageous offer, which will be practically impossible to refuse.

Collect and eat raspberries in a dream

If you had a dream in which you were picking raspberries, then you need to prepare for a reward for your labor and time spent. Picking raspberries in a dream is considered a sign of a meeting with a loved one, as well as profitable acquaintances. The dream in which you happened to collect raspberries also says that you need to try to do your job better, because soon you will receive a reward. For people in a relationship, such a dream may portend preparations for the wedding.

Eating raspberries in a dream means for the dreamer the ability to predict the formation of gossip around him. Moreover, if the berry was ripe, then this dream promises fun and joy in life. In the case when you ate raspberries as a dessert for tea, then you better consult a doctor, as chronic diseases can be detected. This vision can be interpreted in two ways. Such a dream can simultaneously portend both a severely treatable disease, and the upcoming celebration and celebration.

I dreamed of a red, green berry

A dream in which there was a ripe red raspberry does not carry anything negative. On the contrary, such a dream promises successful accomplishments of the planned affairs and the possibility of self-realization. In a dream, red raspberries portends a dreamer a comfortable and prosperous life. This dream also speaks of a possible increase in salary as a reward for a job well done.

Unripe and green berries are usually dreamed before disappointment and suffering. This dream predicts to a person his future grief and discontent, both in the family circle and in the work environment. If you dream of green raspberries, then such a dream can mean for a person dissatisfaction with himself and self-doubt. Sometimes a dream with a green berry is a dream in the foreshadowing of a disease or slander. In addition, a dream may simply mean that the dreamer is mentally and physically tired. In this case, he should postpone all matters for at least two days and rest a bit.

Buy raspberries in a store

In a dream, you see how you make a purchase of berries in a store, so you need to reconsider your expenses. Buying raspberries symbolizes unforeseen and often unnecessary expenses. On the other hand, this dream portends a pleasant gift that your best friends will present to you. In this case, the gift will be an unexpected surprise.

Also, the interpretation of sleep depends on which raspberries you buy:

  1. Buying ripe and juicy berries in a dream promises the dreamer good health and good luck.
  2. A wormy and rotten berry in a dream can signal unpleasant news and a not quite right gift.

Look after the plant in the garden

If you dreamed about how you care for raspberries in your garden, then such a dream speaks of an upcoming wedding and family life. When you dream about transplanting bushes of this plant, then vision means that in the future you can change your place of residence and do something new, because at the moment you are not satisfied with your life.

Rooting out thickets in a dream means:

  1. A possible business trip, a trip that does not bring much joy.
  2. Disappointment in his companion.
  3. Regret about the decision.

Fertilizing a raspberry bush in a dream indicates strong care from relatives. This dream also predicts the need for the support of your loved ones.

Stealing at night in a strange garden

A dream in which you had to steal berries in someone else’s garden indicates that you make a frivolous decision, which may cause an unpleasant opinion about you around people. If a woman dreams of a theft of berries, then she needs to think about the impending motherhood, as she may be pregnant.

Interpreter Interpretation

The interpretation of sleep with raspberries depends on who saw the dream:

  1. For women, such a dream boasts a halt in self-development, and also suggests that more social contacts should be made. The dream also warns of possible quarrels and misunderstandings with a loved one. If the dreamer is a young girl, then she needs to behave with dignity, as rumors can go about her. At the moment, she is better off immediately breaking the connection with a past life, and then starting to do something new and inspiring. Pregnant sleep promises an ideal relationship with their loved ones.
  2. For male dreamers, sleeping with raspberries means quite serious chores and small difficulties in doing business. For men, a dream says that it’s not always worth telling other people your thoughts and secrets. Bushes of berries in a dream symbolize small barriers that stand in the way of success. However, with a little effort, the man will soon receive a large reward for his work.

Based on this, you can not immediately interpret raspberries as a harbinger of something good. In order to correctly interpret the dream, it is necessary to take into account information about who saw the vision in advance, and also remember the details of the dream.