Earth satellite has a huge impact on natural and spiritual processes. The appearance of the image of the moon in a dream is an extraordinary phenomenon in human life, as it portends bright changes in fate. What they will be, you can solve only by carefully sorting out the small nuances of what you saw. This will be helped by dream books, in which observations of people are collected, allowing you to understand specifically what the moon is dreaming of.

Interpretation in various dream books

In a dream, a person communicates with his subconscious. His unformed thoughts, intentions, feelings, desires and, most importantly, forebodings, anticipations of events, are reflected in the dream in the form of various images.

Miller's Dream Book:

  • The big moon is dreaming - it is mutual love, good luck in everything, including in the financial sphere.
  • To see the growing moon means that favorable events will gradually occur in the dreamer's life. This applies equally to entrepreneurship, and career, and love.
  • To see the moon through clouds or fog - make a mistake and overshadow your happiness, upset your loved one.

A lunar eclipse portends a disease and even an epidemic that could affect loved ones.

Dream Wangi:

  • The dreaming full moon means the awakened forces of evil. Dark souls strive to seize power on our planet and already today cause great damage to people through their actions.
  • The crimson moon symbolizes a natural or man-made threat.
  • Spots on the moon - a threat from space.
  • To see in a dream a reflection of the moon in water - surrounded by a dreamer there is a person who is capable of betrayal.
  • Beautiful moonlight is joy, a pleasant pastime, a wonderful journey.

Dream interpretation Hasse:

  • To see a clear or full moon in a dream means to experience happiness in life.It will be associated with a feeling of love, because such a dream prophesies a meeting with a probable life partner.
  • The moon in the shadow - a quarrel with a loved one, disappointment.
  • I dreamed of a waning moon - a love betrayal, cooling feelings for a lover.

Family dream book:

  • The full moon is usually dreamed by people who are on the verge of a successful combination of circumstances both in the field of finance and in love relationships.
  • The growing moon is a symbol of growth, development of events. Profit will increase, love relationships will become more passionate.
  • The moon is in a fog - be afraid to make irreparable mistakes, be more attentive to people around you, show tact and respect.

Many moons in the sky

2 moons in a dream - the meaning of such a dream will perplex. After all, this means that in reality, a person now has two goals that he wants to achieve without fail. The problem of choice is very acute, since it is physically impossible to fulfill the desired. Still, you will have to prefer one thing and devote your time and energy only to this goal. The second task must be sacrificed, otherwise success cannot be achieved.

  • For a young girl, attention to which two young men immediately show, such a dream will be a very good clue. You will have to choose one of them, otherwise the situation will get out of control, and the girl will be alone.
  • A woman who is too calculating, who sees in a man only the source of her income, may lose it due to greed. The dream tells her that she needs to change, stop looking in her pocket in her beloved, find spiritual strength in herself and show respect and love for this person.
  • Three moons in a dream for spouses and lovers do not bode well. The subconscious sends a signal that there are problems in the relationship, some fatigue and uncertainty. Need to make a decision.

I dreamed of many moons in the heavens - in the family, at work, in everyday life is a complete fuss. Confusion reigns in deeds and feelings. We need to get together and highlight priority goals and actions. This is the only way to overcome this hectic time.

See big and full

The full moon is dreaming - a wonderful sign. This is a good omen that will bring only good.

  • A person who sees in a dream a huge full moon without spots, shining with a beautiful silver light in a clear sky is a symbol of the integrity of the dreamer's nature, his inner harmony, consonant with the high vibrations of the Cosmos both physically and spiritually. He may well trust himself, his own intuition, spiritual strength, since he is full of bright energy and is able to do real good.
  • The bright huge moon is a messenger of good news that will help change the dreamer's life for the better, open new roads for him, and lead to success.
  • The big full moon for a business person is a sign that the business is developing well. The dreamer has chosen the right decision and now we should move forward to bright victories.
  • The big full moon for a single woman is the hope that very soon she will meet her beautiful stranger, who may well turn out to be the wonderful man she is waiting for.

What does dimming mean?

The moon was foggy in a dream, were clouds hiding it? This means that in reality the dreamer will have to hide his feelings from others. Now friends and acquaintances may misunderstand him if he behaves the way he wants. One should restrain and spare the perception of people, because they are completely unprepared for such a manifestation of emotions from the dreamer and may well behave inappropriately.

A lunar eclipse is dreaming - around the dreamer there are now unworthy and even dangerous people. Friends actually turn out to be imaginary, and like-minded people suddenly lose all their sincerity. Behind everyday bustle, a person did not see that his environment was not at all disposed towards trust and sincerity.

What does the bloody moon dream about?

The bloody moon has always been a negative symbol in the field of predictions. This is a sign of war, spilled blood, powerful negative emotional outbursts.

A dream in which the image of the bloody moon appeared suggests that a person can quarrel with loved ones. He faces disagreements in the business sphere, contention with friends, neighbors, acquaintances.

The apparent inevitability can be changed by preparing emotionally for upcoming adverse events. You should not follow the passions ’passions, it’s important to think and act calmly and rationally, while trying to minimize harm to yourself and those around you.

See black, blue, red

To solve the sleep, seemingly insignificant nuances are important. For example, the color of the moon that the dreamer saw.

  • The blue moon is a symbol of longing and hopelessness. But not for creative people. To the people of the art warehouse, such a dream portends inspiration, the birth of new wonderful ideas and wonderful projects.
  • The white moon is a good sign. He will bring prosperity and even wealth to the dreamer's life.
  • The yellow moon - in the near future, a person will not resist passion, he will have a secret love affair.
  • The red moon is dreaming - family discord, including divorce, quarrels with relatives and friends, trouble at work.
  • The crimson moon - losses, both physical and mental.
  • Fiery moon - an acquaintance with a person who will help in everything will be introduced, will be a very influential and reliable patron.

The black moon, seen in a dream, promises the dreamer great danger. You must be extremely careful.

Falling moon in a dream

I dreamed of a falling moon - this is a wonderful sign. You can expect wonderful events, unexpected gifts of fate. As if something beautiful really fell on the sinful earth right in the hands of the dreamer.

It is not necessary that it will be in the literal sense a certain gift in a beautiful box with a bow. Interpretation, rather, speaks of marriage proposal, unexpected help of the right person, miraculous recovery, a powerful upsurge in the business sphere.

A cracked moon, pieces of which fall to the earth, is a bad sign. It symbolizes dark thoughts generated by unworthy passions. Greed, selfishness, jealousy, envy ... You should get rid of them, because the ideas and actions generated by such thoughts will not lead to anything good.

Value for women, men

There are two fundamental energies of our universe - male and female. These are two opposites that simultaneously confront each other and merge, becoming one. Therefore, it is believed that the meaning of the dream for people of different sexes is interpreted in its own way.

Representatives of the stronger sex often do not pay much attention to their dreams. Despite this, a dream may well help to understand the current life situation and make the right decision.

  • A young guy has to see in a dream a moon in the sky to the need to get married. The beautiful silvery shine of the moon symbolizes the beauty of his bride.
  • When dreaming that the light of the moon enters the house through windows and doors - this is the prediction that very soon the desired beautiful woman will enter his house.
  • If a man dreams of a beautiful moon in dark skies, then the woman he likes will reciprocate. You can send matchmakers.

In the fair sex, feelings most often dominate the mind. Therefore, the dreaming moon for a woman is a symbol of her emotions.

  • The dream suggests that soon a fateful meeting is coming, the dreamer may receive an invitation to a date.
  • When in a dream a girl or woman sees a beautiful shining moon in a cloudless sky, then the date will become unforgettable. There is hope for a long romantic relationship, which may well end in the registry office.
  • If suddenly in a dream the moon is covered with spots, then communication during a meeting with a gentleman leaves much to be desired.Relations will not develop in the way a woman wants. Therefore, a gap is inevitable.

It is not easy to interpret the meaning of dreams in which the moon is seen. This is a multi-valued symbol, which, however, can never be ignored. Turn to trusted dream books and try to remember as many details of what you saw as possible, and then such a dream will help you look into the future in order to prepare for future events.