Understanding why onions dream is easy - this vegetable is always associated with tears, so sleep can hardly be interpreted positively. In general, a difficult time lies ahead for the dreamer. It is worth preparing for problems and failures. However, you need to remember that a lot depends on the person. He is always able to improve not only the situation, but even fate. And a dream is just a clue, and if you try, it may not come true.

Interpretations in various dream books

The interpretation of dreams in different dream books does not always coincide. However, some details can be very significant. Therefore, it is necessary to check your sleep immediately from several sources in order to understand its true meaning.

  1. Miller's Dream Book. The meaning of sleep in which the bow is present is always negative. We are talking about the unfavorable environment of a person, envy. It’s better not to tell anyone about your plan, the innermost. Especially when the information relates to the dreamer's purely personal, intimate life. At the same time, if a person ate a whole onion, it means that the situation is aggravating, ill-wishers are very serious about fighting and are ready to act, so unpleasant problems should be expected. Buying onions in a dream is a warning that something bad will happen to loved ones, and you will have to spend a lot of effort, money, to help them.
  2. Freud's Dream Book. Seeing a whole crop of green onions, indicates a sexual desire for a partner who is much younger. Golden bulbs indicate increasing sexual strength and attractiveness of a person. Rotten onions dream of someone who has serious problems in their sexual lives.
  3. Dream Book of Wangi. Here the interpretation of sleep is very favorable.You won’t have to cry, because a bow in a dream indicates that sudden changes are occurring in life, new positive trends are opening up, and opportunities and necessary people are appearing. The pace of life increases significantly, activity increases.

Plant, collect onions in a dream

The interpretation of sleep depends not only on what the dreamer saw, but also what manipulations he performed.

Here are the meanings of certain actions that have their own decoding in different dream books:

  1. To plant a bow is a symbol of the struggle against failures and enemies. A man is disappointed, he is unlucky all the time, and he absolutely does not want to put up with this state of affairs. He wants to take revenge on those whom he considers to be the culprits of this situation. However, these people really may not be enemies at all. And there is no need to take revenge on them, because in many ways the dreamer himself is guilty, if you look in more detail. You should change your attitude to life events, look at everything from the completely opposite point of view. Find an alternative solution that turns out to be more productive than self-destructive revenge.
  2. In a dream, collecting onions is a positive tendency that opens up in life. Finally, it is time to get rewarded from the effort. This is a wonderful time, new perspectives, good news, implementation of ideas.
  3. Cutting onions - this process in reality is always accompanied by tears. And this does not bode well, because such a dream is a manifestation of negative feelings in reality. It can be shame, remorse, defeat, failure. Before you take any action, you should weigh everything well and act deliberately, otherwise you will have to face unpleasant consequences in life.
  4. Eat onion - a sick person has such a dream to a full recovery. This is a signal from the body that everything will be fine and very soon the disease will recede.
  5. Frying onions - the dreamer will be lucky with financial income, and this will be an unexpected reward. And such luck is connected not only with the business sphere, but also, for example, with playing cards.
  6. Buy onions in a dream - if a loved one is sick, then soon he will recover. In a different situation, there is a negative interpretation of such a dream. This is the acquisition of trouble on one’s own head. If events that have a negative meaning in life have not yet occurred, take a good look at your surroundings. Do not follow the path of other people offering you new projects, money investments, all kinds of adventures. Put off the thirst for adventure until better times. Now we should be alert and act very thoughtfully. It’s best to just lie low and wait when the trend changes.

Had a big bow

When dreaming of a bulb, large, golden, poured with juice - this is a good sign. A symbol of a new beginning, a good idea, which is quite feasible.

To plant a bulb in warm, loose soil means laying the foundation of some new project. It will not only be viable, but also lead to success, everything will turn out just fine.

To dream about how a vegetable sprouts with strong, juicy green feathers, portends the implementation of the plan, the implementation of plans, achievement of goals.

More dream books:what is potato dreaming about

Why do you dream of vegetables in bags

I dreamed about a bag of onions and not one - this is to a number of troubles that can happen in real life. What will happen specifically negative events, depends on the situation in which the dreamer is now.

Failures can concern both the financial sphere and relations with people - relatives, acquaintances, colleagues at work or business. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a serious confrontation, obstacles. Envious people are not asleep. Failures will follow one after another, building a logical chain of negativity.

It is quite possible to interrupt it if you act very carefully and carefully.A businessman should refuse to invest money, save his money. Housewife - refuse excess spending and unreasonable purchases.

As for the sphere of relationships with people, it may be worth revising your position, somewhere to compromise. In some particularly difficult cases, you should change your own attitude to the situation, try to change yourself, your outlook on life. Go ahead, act with pressure will not work in this situation. You should moderate your emotions and ambitions, look at yourself from the outside and find a non-standard solution.

Rotten bow

This is an unpleasant dream that does not bode well. Quarrels with loved ones are possible for various reasons. However, most dream books are inclined to believe that all fuss will flare up due to inheritance.

Rotten onions can be dreamed of as a warning about an imminent illness, malaise, worsening of the general condition of the body. If you dreamed of a rotten green onion, then this is a fleeting disease without any special consequences. Rotten onions are already a serious sign indicating pathological processes occurring in organs and tissues.

When a dreamer throws rotten onions into a garbage bin, this means that the disease will not progress, there is a good prospect for a full recovery. If they simply cut out rotted areas with a knife, then in real life surgical intervention is possible.

Do not despair, because a dream is just a hint what to do in order to avoid negative consequences or to level them to the maximum.