If you can remember the details of night vision, then it will not be difficult to correctly understand why the elevator is dreaming. Usually, such an object in a dream turns out to be a symbol of career growth, improving social status, improving the financial situation and other similar changes. It is very important to try to remember whether the elevator was moving up or down.
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Why dream of getting stuck in an elevator
If a person dreams of getting stuck in an elevator, it means that in reality there is a situation in which little depends on the sleeping person himself. He should not be nervous in vain. You need to relax and just wait until the situation resolves on its own or under the influence of other people.
Does the dreamer initially enter a broken elevator? In real life, he dreams of succeeding without any effort. A dream tells a man or woman that this is not possible. Have to try - spend time and effort.
In Miller’s dream book, it’s a bad sign to get stuck in an elevator in a dream. It portends a person to problems in various life spheres - in love, family, career, business. Already now you can begin to mentally prepare for trouble.
Rise or fall down on the elevator
If you had to climb the elevator to the top floor in a dream, it means that in the near future the sleeping person will need to hide the bitter truth from those around him. This will be necessary so as not to harm a loved one.
If the dreamer simply rides in an elevator in a dream without feeling any discomfort, he will experience unprecedented success in reality. Perhaps a person will literally fly up the career ladder or grab luck by the tail in another area of life.
It happens that the elevator moves up at tremendous speed. This means that success can be achieved very easily. You don’t even have to make much effort for this.
Going down from a great height in an elevator car is not a good sign. He, on the contrary, promises a person problems in work. Perhaps a man or woman expects even an official demotion.
Had to ride the elevator down to the ground? In reality, a person will have the opportunity to unravel some important secrets. This moment will be the beginning of a completely new stage in his life.
Dreamed of a lift
If you dreamed about the fall of the elevator, such a dream usually scares a man or woman. The value of the sleep in question is indeed in most cases negative.
Does a man fall down with a booth? Ahead of him is a very difficult life period. You won’t be able to avoid it, so you should stock up on strength and patience. If, in a dream, the sleeper watches the cabin fall without it, this is a good turn. In reality, a person will miraculously escape trouble. Most likely, someone from close loved ones will help him in this. Sometimes a dream gives a hint - who exactly.
Often, an elevator falling in a dream reflects the mental or psychological state of the sleeping person. Perhaps, in reality, a person is tormented by old mental injuries and complexes. You should not try to fight them yourself, it is better to seek the help of a professional psychologist.
A man in a dream tries to get out of a falling elevator and clings to everything around him, but in the end he is below? Surely in reality, he hopes to cope with piled-up problems, using the help of loved ones. This is a big mistake. Do not rely on others, at the very last moment they will refuse to help the dreamer, which will significantly worsen his position.
See the elevator shaft in a dream
Had a dream to go in the elevator directly to the mine? This means that in reality the dreamer suffers from his own hasty decisions. He needs to think carefully about his every step. Otherwise, one of the errors may be fatal.
In general, an elevator shaft from night dreams of a man or woman is considered a harbinger of a serious threat in real life. In reality, a person should become more alert and attentive in order to finally see her.
There are other interpretations of dreams with an elevator shaft:
- Slowly falling into it - to boredom and routine. The ordinary everyday life was so dragged on by the waking man that he categorically refuses even positive changes.
- Hanging over the elevator shaft in a dream is a hint that in reality a man or woman lacks stability. Only the determination of the sleeping person and active work on oneself will help to achieve it.
- Lying in the elevator shaft in the mud is a very negative sign. Most likely, in reality, a person began to sink to the very bottom of life. Perhaps this is due to unhappy love, alcoholism, serious problems at work or banal laziness. In any case, you need to urgently pull yourself together and correct the situation.
Broken elevator
If the elevator broke down when the dreamer was riding in it, you need to try to remember as many details of the dream as possible. Any little thing can dramatically change the interpretation of the plot under discussion.
If the booth moved up and suddenly got up due to a breakdown, there is a high probability that the dreamer's successes will only have time to begin, when problems come to life again. If up - a strip of troubles, on the contrary, it will finally end.
A broken elevator is simply on the floor or on the ground, not moving anywhere? A man or woman will have to categorically abandon the conceived business. Whatever efforts are made, in the end it will fail anyway. Therefore, it makes no sense to even begin.
It happens that a person sleeping in a dream has to watch how the elevator breaks before his eyes and quickly falls down. This is not a good sign. The welfare of a man or woman is in decline. In the near future, you need to try to avoid unnecessary spending in every possible way. Especially you need to beware of attractive at first glance offers from strangers to get rich or become a successful businessman.They will only lead a person to problems with the law.
Did the elevator break and get stuck between floors? No matter how much the sleeper likes to shift responsibility, now he will have to make his own decisions and seek a way out of a difficult life situation.