Understanding why the stairs are dreaming is not so simple. In all cultures, it symbolizes movement. But it’s not ordinary, but associated with important changes in life, because you can’t walk directly on it - only rise or fall.
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Interpretation in different dream books
The value of this ancient symbol directly depends on many factors: appearance and shape, direction of movement, strength, etc.
Moreover, interpreters of different eras and nationalities offer, at times, a diametrically opposite explanation for such a vision:
- According to Miller’s dream book, a ladder always symbolizes climbing the social ladder: it can be a career, respect for other people, financial well-being. But how successful this ascent will be depends on the direction of movement and other nuances of sleep.
- Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov considers this subject as a symbol of success in life, both business and intimate. But the stairs always have two ends: going down, a person receives a warning about problems and failures, rising up - about future victories.
- Freud interprets the ladder as the personification of romantic relations and, figuratively, the whole life of a person. Accordingly, a fall from a ladder predicts disappointment in a loved one, a broken step - sexual failure, etc.
- David Loff sees in the stairs an opportunity to access important life values. That is why he attaches great importance to the strength and shape of the stairs: the chances of success can be very significant if it was stone and wide. But the decrepit ladder symbolizes a very precarious situation.
- Steps going to heaven promise to lead from relatives.Unreliable, transparent, as if melting - to the sad news, strong and even - to the joyful.
- According to the English dream book, a widow's dream of a ladder promises new love and happiness.
- But the steps, hiding in the clouds or simply disappearing at the top, have a completely different meaning: they show the unattainability of the dreamer's hopes.
- Grishin, on the other hand, interprets endless walking up the stairs as a threat of losing his mind and a hint that he should turn to a psychologist for help.
Regardless of the choice of a dream book, it is important to remember that in any dream about a step, where you go: up or down is of great importance.
Rise, descend the stairs in a dream
That direction plays the most important role in such night dreams. If you had to climb stairs in a dream, then in reality you will expect some success. Which one?
Depends on the situation:
- Just walking up the stairs is a sign promising great success and, possibly, real happiness.
- Climbing a ladder to any ship means, in reality, being close to business success. It can be either a purely monetary victory or an increase in social status due to one’s own actions.
- If a woman dreams of a ladder up, along which someone climbs, then more attention should be paid to her soulmate: such a dream indicates the appearance of a rival.
- Dizziness when lifting serves as a warning that success lies ahead, but it will blind and force you to show not the best of your qualities.
- If you get out of the basement or the cellar using the stairs, in reality you should pacify your impulsive nature, otherwise you can’t avoid a quarrel with the other half.
- Climbing the rope ladder - to gain recognition and glory.
- A very good sign is to go up the stairs disappearing into the sky. This symbolizes reconciliation with a loved one.
- Unlimited happiness is promised by a dream in which you raise a reclining ladder.
In turn, it is clear that the downward movement is associated with the loss of social status or simply failures.
But not only the direction matters, but also the details:
- Going down the ramp is a business collapse.
- To see how others go down the stairs - to the end of the light streak in life.
- Going down the rope ladder means that in real life your good deeds will not be appreciated, you will not receive gratitude.
- The 21st century dream interpretation interprets the movement down the stairs as a warning about material losses.
- Tsvetkov offers several interpretations at once: a descent can simply mean a failure in business, a broken promise, or even a change of belief. And for those who are in relationships that the dreamer perceives as “unusual,” “strange,” a dream of steps going down means the end of these relationships.
- One of the most dangerous options is to go down a spiral staircase. This predicts the danger of being at the very bottom of society. Or, at best, lose their position due to the inability to take responsibility.
- But the steps that go into the abyss are dual archetypes. They symbolize the "path to the underworld": this means that you can very well succeed at the cost of great risk, but you can lose everything, including life, like Orpheus.
There is one caveat: just going down the stairs in a dream and not seeing the end of the steps is more a voice of the subconscious than a warning from higher powers. You are confused in yourself, trying to get to the dark depths of your own soul and find the answer to some torturing question.
What is the dream of wooden construction
The shape of the stairs and the material from which it is made can say a lot:
- If you dream of a wooden staircase, be careful in real life: right now you can easily make some kind of mistake.
- The shaky construction of the boards for the family man serves as a cry for help: your couple is close to parting, and only attention and tenderness for the second half can save the situation.
- You don’t even have to explain how dangerous the dream of a wooden ladder leading to the scaffold is: your own actions can lead to the collapse of all hopes, or even destroy you.
However, structural strength is also important. Thus, a strong and wide staircase, regardless of the material, symbolizes good luck and victories in life.
See the stone steps
Oddly enough, a dreaming staircase made of this material rarely portends favorable changes:
- According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, stone steps speak of dependence on someone.
- Walking along such a ladder is a sign that it will not be possible to cope with troubles without outside help.
- True, if you see stone steps in a dream that you associate with strength and reliability, then vision, on the contrary, is favorable: your ascent to the top will be easy and successful.
Run down the stairs
Speed is also an important nuance.
And there are several options here, besides just failure:
- A sharp loss of status or material loss.
- Fleeing the rope ladder from someone else's room predicts humiliation (and most likely, you yourself will be to blame for it).
- A hasty descent, according to Freud, represents problems with a partner due to overstated requirements.
Falling in a dream
Falling down the stairs is a more than bad sign, regardless of the dream book choice.
This is a warning about imminent problems that can drastically lower your social position.
But there are also nuances:
- According to Miller, such a dream predicts a businessman a huge setback in business; to correct the situation will not succeed, despite all efforts.
- For a person who feeds from the ground, falling from a ladder means a crop failure or cattle disease - in short, a loss of well-being.
- Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova clarifies: problems will arise due to your own carelessness or because of emotions that will dull vigilance.
- Sigmund Freud sees the fall from the stairs as a threat to be completely disappointed in someone who was very close.
- Slippery steps mean that in reality you will find unpleasant surprises and various "pitfalls" in everyday and love affairs.
- For a woman to collapse from a staircase in a dream means a risk of sexual harassment or simply unsuccessful intimate relationships.
- Stumble on a step and fall - to failure, and it will be caused by the machinations of envious people.
- However, Astromedian's dream book offers a different meaning: perhaps in the near future you will have to break the law in order to avoid any misfortunes.
- A dream is favorable in which you fell from the stairs, but were able to get up and climb back: this predicts the resumption of relations with someone dear.
- If you didn’t fall from the stairs, but she fell on you, then try to be more critical with your environment: someone uses your kindness and is going to deceive you or show ingratitude in another way.
True, one more nuance must be taken into account: do not consider short-term visions arising at the time of falling asleep as things.
Such dreams, from which we shudder and return to reality, speak of problems with the nervous system or of overwork. Only relatively long, plot dreams predict the future.
Crawl up
You can move along the "ladder of life" in different ways: sometimes you cannot walk along it, but you can only climb.
It is also necessary to pay special attention to this:
- Slow, heavy lifting means a difficult but important matter. Success depends on whether the dreamer can reach the top.
- Climbing a steep staircase - to an early favorable resolution of problems.
- But if you dreamed of steps made, judging by the size, for the giant, try to climb them - such a dream promises fame and recognition, but you can only get them at the cost of considerable effort.
Dreamed of a broken staircase
It is clear that a broken object rarely portends something good at all.
But similar dreams about stairs can be used as clues about the future:
- A broken staircase means someone is bothering you from hostile motives.
- It happens that in a dream you understand: you can’t do without a ladder, but the steps are broken (or there are none at all). This indicates a tightness in funds or impending monetary difficulties.
- A burning staircase foreshadows that your plans will turn into smoke and ashes, as well as steps in your dream.
- Finally, just to see damaged steps is also not a good sign: you can not be afraid of troubles, but there will be a lot of worries and troubles.
And the most important advice: do not forget about your own feelings during sleep!
The most solid and strong staircase up can predict trouble if for you specifically this place is associated with something sad or scary. And vice versa: if, running through the window along the rope ladder, you felt happiness, then you can not be afraid of problems: a dream predicts good changes!