Ice from sleep usually symbolizes a cooling in a relationship or serious life changes. Sometimes it is associated with frozen hopes, expectations. But the symbol has other meanings. More precisely, what is the dream of ice to help identify trusted dream books that you can certainly trust.
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Interpretation in various dream books
Miller is convinced that ice portends a man or woman all kinds of troubles. They can happen in many different spheres of life. There is a high probability that some ill-wisher will want to stand in the way of the dreamer and interfere with the implementation of his plans.
If you dream of ice on the river with clear water, then you need to be afraid of someone else's envy, because of which the sleeping person’s personal happiness can be completely destroyed.
It happens that a man or woman sees an ice drift on a river. Such a dream is an important warning and cannot be ignored. In reality, a person is likely to succumb to a strong temptation. As a result, he will suffer from his own addictions or some rash actions, deeds.
The negative sign in Tsvetkov’s dream book is very thin ice. If you dream about rivers or lakes in this state, it means that in reality a person will consciously take a risk or just fall into a dangerous situation. Is the sleeping one gliding quickly on the ice? In reality, he feels insecure. To achieve stability, you will have to make a lot of efforts and try to change something in life.
In Family Dreambook, the ice of their nightly picture turns out to be a harbinger of cooling in love relationships. As a result, lovers can part for an indefinite time or come to a final break.In some cases, ice also hints at impracticable plans, empty promises, a desire to avoid responsibility.
If the transparent coating on the pond is very clean and shiny, then such a plot of night vision should be taken as a positive harbinger. Soon a meeting will take place that will radically change the life of the sleeping person for the better.
In a dream, fall through the ice
If you had to fall through the ice in a dream, in reality you should be more careful. In no case should you take risks. It is also advisable not to start any new business, otherwise everything will end sadly for the sleeping person and for the rest of the participants in the event or event.
It happens that in a dream a man saves a stranger who has fallen under the ice. Such a night vision can be considered a good sign - the sleeping person will also perform some noble deed. But it is not necessary at all that it will be a similar act.
A dream is considered a negative sign in which the dreamer not only fell through the ice, but also drank cold water. Such an “adventure” is considered a warning to a man or woman. After such a night vision, you need to go to the doctor for a preventive examination. Most likely, the sleeper completely stopped caring about his own health, which could lead to the development of a serious ailment.
By the way, Miller in his work notes that stepping on cracking ice is a danger. In reality, misfortune will occur due to laziness, indiscretion or frivolity of the sleeping person. To leave in night vision under the ice - to the failure of any adventure.
Walk on frozen water
Had a dream to walk on ice, which turned out to be very slippery? In reality, the dreamer finds himself between two people who are aggressive towards each other. A man or woman will have to reconcile enemies or just try to separate them in two different directions. In this case, a lot of time, strength and nerves will be spent.
While walking on frozen water, did the ice suddenly crack? If a person managed to bounce to the side and did not fall into the formed wormwood, in reality he will also be able to avoid trouble.
Is the whole road covered in ice? For women, such a dream portends difficulties on the way to their own goal. But for a man, such a vision holds a different interpretation. Soon, on his way, a representative of the fair sex will meet, who will melt the icy heart of the sleeping person. Even if earlier he was a woman-hater, now he is finally “thawing” and truly falling in love with his chosen one.
It is bad if in a dream you had to go for an icebreaker that breaks the transparent coating. Wake up should prepare for a difficult life period. Ahead of the sleeper awaits hardships, problems, troubles and obstacles. The worst thing is that they will have to be dealt with solely by themselves.
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See trees covered in ice crust
If trees covered with ice crust appeared in night dreams, then, probably, the person sleeping in life is very cold, without special emotions. Such qualities greatly prevent him from being happy and build harmonious relations not only with the second half, but simply with other people. As a result, all new acquaintances end unsuccessfully, friends quickly lose interest in the sleeping person, considering her indifferent to everything or even arrogant.
A dreamer should reconsider his attitude to life and think about whether he is too indifferent to those around him. Perhaps a person is simply for some reason afraid to show their feelings.
If, in a dream, a man or woman breaks ice on trees, then the interpretation of such a dream changes dramatically. Wake up should wait for profits from a suddenly appeared case. Money will come from the side from which the person did not expect to receive profit. But you should not even try to repeat such a successful experience. The second time you won’t be able to hit the jackpot, only time will be wasted in vain.
Water with ice in a glass
If you dreamed of ice and water together, then you should not expect anything good from such a vision.
Usually, this combination promises a person serious problems related to life and health:
- A tall glass, in which water is poured and ice is poured, dreams of various diseases. There is a high probability that a terrible ailment has long been developing in the body of a sleeping person. It’s just that there are still no obvious signs of the disease. In order to protect yourself from serious health problems in the future, you should pay special attention to your condition right now. The value is even an implicit, unattractive symptom.
- Drinking ice water and cracking ice in the process - to the need to "wake up" in reality. In reality, a person is as if in constant hibernation and does not want to move. If this continues further, then all the goals of the sleeper will remain unfulfilled and disappointment awaits him.
- The most terrible harbinger is a dream in which I had to watch the ice slowly melting in a glass. Such a plot can promise a person death. Of course, the exact meaning depends on numerous details and should not immediately panic. But after what you’ve seen, it’s better to be more careful in reality.
It must be remembered that sometimes ice water is dreamed of simply because the room is very hot and thirsty for the sleeping person.
Floating in a stream of clean water
Ice floes floating in a stream of pure water portend the end of a calm measured life. Foreign dirty intrigues, gossip, intrigues will greatly interfere with the sleeping. Tricks of ill-wishers can even deprive a person of work, family happiness or other benefits. Therefore, in the near future it is worthwhile to be especially careful with people around you. You can not tell anyone about your own thoughts, plans, dreams.
The river, covered with huge ice floes, promises failures in business. Problems will begin due to an incompetent and irresponsible partner.
The meaning of sleep for a young woman
If you had to ride on ice in a dream, then this is a clear sign that with your own efforts you will not be able to cope with the troubles that have accumulated. The sleeping person needs help from the outside. If a girl rides barefoot on the ice surface, then she will have to start a risky business. To succeed in it is possible if you quickly respond to changing circumstances.
It happens that in a dream a woman tastes ice. She probably had already cooled off to her soulmate, but did not dare to admit it. It's time to tell the truth and get rid of the "suitcase without a handle." In the future, the sleeper will still be happy in love.
Icicles on the roof of houses
In general, icicles usually portend changes for the better. Finally, a period of difficulties and material problems will end in a person’s life. If earlier there were conflicts with loved ones, now their relationship will improve.
When the icicle was in your pocket, parting awaits lovers, and more recently, a beloved girlfriend suddenly begins to annoy. Knock down icicles with a long stick - to a new working proposal. To finish the job, you have to take on a huge responsibility. But when a person copes with the case, he will receive a large monetary reward.
Ride an ice slide
If you dreamed of an ice slide, from which the sleeping person quickly rolls, it means that in the near future he will be awaited by a creative upsurge. Successful ideas will come to mind one after another. Do not ignore them. Be sure to try to implement at least the most interesting.
A sharp descent from a snow slide covered with ice portends the end of a certain life period. The sleeper will summarize important results and be able to begin a new, even happier and more interesting stage.
Ice from sleep under different conditions is both a positive and a negative harbinger. Therefore, it is so important to try to remember all the details, even the smallest and most insignificant at first glance. In order not to forget, you can immediately write them to a notebook after waking up.