Any dream can have both a positive and a negative interpretation. Today we find out why the theft is dreaming. Consider the dream in detail to give a more accurate prediction, a description of the situation.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
If you look at two different dream books, then the interpretation in both cases will vary. But for this you need to remember all the smallest details of night vision in order to find out which interpretation is more suitable for you.
Dream Interpretation of Natalia Stepanova:
- To see robbers in a dream means to show in the future your lack of character in solving important issues. You will subsequently encounter a series of setbacks. Sleep warns that one cannot be mild in solving important tasks and serious problems. Show your character and this will help avoid collapse.
- Theft occurred, but you did not see the thief - an unfortunate mistake will occur. You without reason will blame the person for something and then you will regret it very much. Not only will this person be completely innocent, you will also incur indignation from many people.
Dream Interpreter Dmitrienko:
- To suffer small losses in a dream - expect waking up of small problems that will be resolved quickly.
- If in a dream they robbed an apartment, took away something really valuable, then reconsider your life and attitude to people (colleagues, relatives, friends, personal staff) in life. You are too rude, harsh. This attitude can push away dear people from you.
Miller's Dream Book:
- The psychologist claims that such a dream is a good turn. The streak of failure for the dreamer is over. Soon you will get rid of the hassle, finish difficult things.
- If a bag was stolen in a dream - throw off the heavy burden that was carried for a long time, or clear your conscience.
Theft - Loff's Dream Book:
- The psychological interpretation of the dream is a priority here. The night vision in which you were stolen indicates your resentment. You do not agree with the current state of affairs, you feel an unfair attitude towards yourself. To distribute all the benefits as you need, show your character, directly tell people your opinion.
- If you acted as a thief, stole food and basic necessities, then D. Loff will say that you are not satisfied with your life as a whole. But they themselves are to blame, because you need to less protect yourself from other people: someone can help, somewhere to tell. If you steal objects belonging to friends, then in fact you feel that you are worthy to live no worse than they are.
Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great says: most likely, a dream warns of an impending punishment for what was once done. But you can avoid retribution if you try to correct the situation in which you yourself were to blame.
We examined the interpretation of dreams in which something valuable was stolen from you, or you were in a dream a witness, a participant in a robbery. Next, we look at more detailed descriptions of sleep, guided by the specifics of the stolen: car, money, child and so on.
To dream about kidnapping
In the case when the mother sees in a dream how her child is being abducted, one needs to look into psychological dream books, because the vision is absolutely normal.
It indicates internal experiences and may mean:
- A mother is worried about her child every day, and terrible pictures pop up in her subconscious if he lingers home, does not answer calls. Day after day, fears accumulate and can result in the most unpleasant visions in a dream.
- Another interpretation is that a woman is subconsciously afraid of losing her baby, no matter how old he is! He is growing, someday he will create his own family. Mother at the subconscious level is worried about this, and sleep is a reflection of this.
If the woman or man has no children, or the dreamer sees in a dream how some people grabbed and dragged the child, then this may indicate the following:
- Inside the dreamer, everything has changed, he has matured. Even the small remnants of childishness that sometimes made their way were gone forever.
- You are too serious a person. Try to be simpler, then it will become much easier and more comfortable to live!
- Stop constantly restraining yourself, your emotions, desires - this is what the dream wants to say.
If you dreamed that a poster with information about finding a child (stolen, disappeared) was posted on the bulletin board, then in fact you yourself were lost. You are confused in yourself, in life, you need help from the outside. Do not be afraid to ask for help, because close people and friends are needed to be around in difficult times, to prompt, advise.
The dream of stealing a bicycle, a car
Many commentators assure that theft of vehicles in a dream is an unfavorable sign. But do not be discouraged by not looking in the dream book, because the interpretation varies, depending on the details of the events.
- Gustav Miller claims that if you stole a transport - to be a joyful event. But if you have stolen a bicycle or car, then there is danger. Be extremely careful and pay attention to the value of transport: the more expensive, the more serious the trouble.
- The Family Dream Book states that theft of vehicles in a dream is a series of subsequent waking failures. This dream woman promises betrayal by her beloved.
- Wang claimed that this dream warns of wasted time. For example, you started a new business not so long ago, and a dream says that you will not get profit and satisfaction from it. If you have family troubles, then you need to make every effort to restore prosperity.
- If a man sees his car being stolen in a dream, get married soon. Are you married already? Lose your friends.
- The dreamer saw how the vehicle rolled without him, understands that it was stolen, but cannot catch up - all the secrets will soon become apparent, and those from whom you hid something will all know. To alleviate your fate, it is better to self-confess.It will be easier!
- The gypsy dream book says that to see a car or a bicycle being stolen means to be prepared for possible troubles. You can solve everything, but rely only on your own strength. If you hijacked a transport, you will get respect from your colleagues and superiors, an increase.
If your vehicle was stolen in a dream, but you returned it, it means that everything that was undertaken will go smoothly: You will be able to achieve the goal, make a profit, gain respect and trust.
What does the theft of jewelry and valuables mean?
If you dreamed that your money or wallet was stolen from you, then there is also a risk of material loss in reality, it is possible that scammers will deceive you. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, carefully check the documentation, do not give even the closest to the loan a large amount.
Let's see the interpretation in detail:
- If the money was stolen from the apartment, then you are too soft person, you sometimes need to be tougher. If you stole money outside your home in a dream, beware of danger.
- When the dreamer himself stole something valuable (money or jewelry, securities), then this indicates that you are ready to break all the rules of morality, if only to achieve the goal. If you drag money from a friend - in business, expect big losses, bankruptcy.
- If the dream has a sequel, where you find stolen money, then in reality, resolve disputes that have arisen recently. You can make peace with people, solve any problems.
- If you see someone stealing a bag, then in fact expect cheating. People will take advantage of your trust, frivolity, so you will suffer losses.
Have you stolen gold, silver, precious stones? You’ll get sick in life, but not dangerous ailments, maybe catch a flu or a cold. Need to take preventative medication.
When rings are stolen, the dream portends some troubles associated with false rumors about a dreamer.
Fire and theft in the house
Such dreams are quite rare, but still there. If you dreamed about a house being robbed and set on fire, or strangers taking out everything of value while the house is on fire, then expect only the good. Fire is a symbol of cleansing from all that is superfluous. Stolen - this is the very extra that prevents you from living. Soon you will lose some things that you could not get rid of for a long time, decide to free yourself from the trash (both in the house and in life: extra people, dishonest friends and colleagues, and so on).
A dream may indicate that changes are coming, but before that you will lose something important for you. But do not worry and be upset, because without what you lose, it will even become easier to breathe!
The value of sleep by day of the week
There are many meanings, but they may vary, depending on the day on which night vision came.
Remember when there was a dream:
- on Monday - to change the weather;
- on Tuesday - the interpretation will be fulfilled;
- on Wednesday - an empty dream, do not expect anything from him;
- on Thursday - to losses, costs;
- on Friday - you devote too much time to work and cares; you yourself steal happy hours that you can spend for pleasure;
- on Saturday - the prediction will come true;
- on Sunday - an empty dream.
More dream books:what does a watch dream about
If, before going to bed, you watched a movie in which the abduction or theft takes place, then no interpretation will be correct, you just relived the emotions of watching a movie in a dream again!
Interpretations should not be afraid, worry about unpleasant predictions. Sleep is only a warning. Be stronger, more confident in yourself, boldly go to your goals. But be more careful. About that and I want to warn the subconscious! Good night and the most colorful dreams!