Why a cat and kittens dream about a woman - the exact interpretation of such a vision can be found only by comparing a number of related factors. After all, there is no single answer to this question.
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Interpretation in different dream books
In the dream books you can find both a positive and negative interpretation of dreams, where a cat is present. It is important to consider all the nuances of the night story.
Miller's Dream Book:
- A cat with kittens is a bad sign. Quarrels and numerous life trials await the dreamer.
- If she was angry, then she should look for enemies in her immediate environment.
- The animal, which is attached to the dreamer, is a symbol of the fact that intrigues are woven around, you should not trust even the best friend.
Dream Wangi:
- An animal with kittens portends the arrival of bad news.
- And also a cat can be a symbol of speedy frustrations both in family life and in professional activities.
- If in a dream a cat transferred its cubs from place to place, this indicates the unstable health of a sleeping person.
- I happened to see how the mother eats her own kittens - someone will help to cope with life's problems.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:
- The birth of a cat portends an improvement in material well-being.
- If the kittens were alone and slept quietly - to the successful completion of affairs.
- Natural disasters can be foreshadowed by a dream in which it was possible to see a cat of any suit with a large number of kittens.
Dream Interpretation Enigma:
- Watching the game of kittens and cats is well-being and happiness.
- Seeing the animals get angry is a problem.
- The cat threw her brood - you can put off all your dreams, as they are not destined to come true.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:
- Multi-colored kittens and a single-colored cat - fortunately in the family.
- Animals of black suit - to the trouble standing on the threshold.
- If the cat hid its children from you, in reality you need to be afraid of deception by good friends.
For the most part, all dream books are similar in deciphering the vision of cats with offspring - they are rarely positive.
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Why dream that a cat gave birth to kittens
If you dream that the cat gave birth to kittens, then this is most likely a symbol of sudden profit. The vision, where the animal was allowed outside the house, suggests that the cash flow will be in the near future.
- If the dream is an unmarried person, then soon she will meet the man of her dreams, who can even become a legal spouse.
- For a married woman, a similar plot portends a replenishment in the family, gifts and pleasant surprises.
- If a girl has been trying to get pregnant for a long time, then the dream in which she managed to see the birth of kittens symbolizes the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.
- For those women whose families have recently been misunderstood, conflict situations and other problems arise, sleep is a symbol of improving relations.
If the cat was pregnant, then this vision is interpreted differently:
- An animal that is looking for a place to roll around is a sign of speedy promotion, the emergence of new ideas.
- If the plot was seen by a married lady, it means that quarrels and scandals with her loved one await her.
- The girl had to see a pregnant cat - to meet new people.
The interpretation of dreams about a cat that gives birth is more often positive.
The main thing is that at this moment the pussy does not show aggression to the sleeping person.
Animal with tiny cubs
Small kittens in a cat can symbolize not only quarrels and losses. Much depends on the nuances of vision.
- If they were active and aggressive, it means that there are people in your environment who do not wish you well.
- Sick cubs are a sign that someone close to them urgently needs your help. And also a vision can portend danger to the dreamer herself.
- Financial difficulties are symbolized by a plot in which tiny kittens were completely covered with fleas.
- Depleted babies - an emergency illness or death of a loved one.
- Seeing newborn kittens on the street is a conspiracy against you.
A good value is a dream in which it was possible to feed babies abandoned by a cat.
Interpretation according to the color of the animal
The color of a dreaming cat is an extremely important point in the interpretation of vision.
- I dreamed of a white cat with a kitten. Such a dream can be a symbol of solving all problems and well-being. If the light cat attacked the dreamer, then one should expect betrayal from those who were most trusted.
- I saw a red-haired animal with offspring - a sleeping person is waiting for deception, slander and cunning from the people around him. In this case, not only it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, but also carefully considering any of your actions. The number of ill-wishers depends on how many red kittens were in the vision.
- The black cat is not the most favorable sign. Sleep can portend problems of a global nature. If the animal showed aggression, then it is worth taking a closer look at your health.
- The gray cat in many dream books is a symbol of despondency, depression, moral exhaustion and longing. The dreamer needs to change something in her life as soon as possible, relax and distract from the problems, otherwise everything can end in disrepair.
- A tricolor animal can become both a symbol of improving life and a sign that a woman has a rival that can destroy even the most serious relationships.
- A Siamese cat of the appropriate color is a sign that you will soon have to pay the bills. There comes a time of reckoning for committed acts.
If the animal has an unusual color, it means that the existing problems depend on the dreamer himself.It will be difficult to deal with them, but no one else will do it for him.
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Importance for a Pregnant Woman
Pregnant women have a kind of energy, which is why some dreams have a special interpretation for them.
- If a woman in a position happened to see stillborn kittens - to a safe birth and the health of her baby.
- A cat, expecting offspring, is a signal warning that a woman is not all right with her health.
- If a pregnant woman sees that kittens and a cat play cheerfully, this suggests that there will be several children in the family.
- It happened to feed the kids and the cat - you will need help in raising the baby.
If the dreams for the pregnant woman were pleasant, then they are always interpreted positively.
Domestic or wild cats
Wild cats, as a rule, are a symbol of problems and squabbles with familiar people and neighbors. Therefore, interpreters advise avoiding conflict situations by any means, since simple troubles will negatively affect the dreamer's psychological and physical health.
Important. Black cats with kittens in a dream, living outside the house, are a sign of an approaching threat from outsiders.
Pets can remind you of problems in a narrow circle. It can be family conflicts, quarrels with friends or colleagues. But in any case, you need to consider all the nuances of a dream.
With dead kittens
Dead animals are not always a symbol of something bad. Sometimes such dreams can portend good changes in life.
- A cat with dead kittens is in a strange house - you should expect a visit of not too good people. The same plot can be interpreted as favorable changes, but if this vision was seen by an unmarried lady.
- It happened to see dead animals on the threshold of their own home - to gossip.
- She had the chance to kill kittens and a cat herself - soon it will be possible to solve all her problems. You can count on the onset of a white streak in life.
- There are many cats and kittens of black dreams that are dead - to the resolution of all the troubles.
- Watching someone kill animals is a conspiracy against your actions. It is better to postpone important matters for a more favorable period.
- If you see kittens in the blood, then the danger promises your blood relatives, perhaps children. But if the kittens eventually died, then the problem will be resolved without dire consequences.
Despite the death of the animal and the associations arising from this, a dream with this plot does not portend anything catastrophic.
Kitty feeds babies
When a cat feeds its offspring in a dream, the sign is safe. After all, she is raising her children and taking care of them.
- I had a chance to see how kittens are fed by an animal of white color, soon you can expect a gift from a representative of the opposite sex.
- If a cat taught her offspring to eat from a bowl, then in reality you can find a way out of any situation.
- A dream in which the dreamer took part in feeding the babies promises her a quick marriage. If the lady is already bound by marriage, then such a vision symbolizes good luck in all matters and augmentation of love in the family.
- I had to watch how the cat feeds the kittens, and you hear how she talks, it is worth remembering her words. This is very important because the animal’s magic speech is a valuable prediction.
When a dream with kittens and a cat causes tenderness in a dreamer, one can safely say that the interpretation of vision will be favorable. For those who do not like this animal, such stories can be an important warning of danger.