The ring is an ancient symbol of the inextricable connection of man with the cosmos and the universe. They saw a jewelry in the form of a ring in a dream - it’s not just like that. Be careful about your dream. After all, it is a reflection of reality, able to open your eyes to what is happening in your life.
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Why the ring is dreaming - interpretation on dream books
Different dream books have different interpretations of dreams in which a ring has been seen. But still there are some points that are common to almost all collections of interpretations of dreams, explaining why the ring is dreaming.
- First of all, it in a dream symbolizes the union of two people in a strong union. And it’s not necessarily about marriage, and not, always about a man and a woman. It can be both friendly and business relationships.
- Secondly, the ring may speak of unresolved problems, the so-called vicious circle, from where it is difficult to find a way out.
- Thirdly, it appears as a sign of power, of something super-ego: either emotional, or social, or maybe religious or status.
The detailed interpretation of the probabilities foreshadowed to the dreamer in real life already proceeds from the specific features of sleep. And in order not to be mistaken, it is advisable to recall in more detail the events that took place and your emotional state.
Dream of a wedding decoration
When a wedding ring is dreamed, it could mean:
- If the ring is worn on a finger or lies in a beautiful box, then the wedding is close.
- We saw it briefly, but after waking up clearly remember this moment, most likely, your relationship with your loved one will be long and happy - for life.
- The dream where you take off your hand and give away the jewel says one thing: in order not to reproach yourself for the remaining years for a bad choice, in reality it’s better to refuse the offer of a hand and heart.
- Finding yourself in a dream at the jewelry store counter that you won’t find a suitable ring in any way, think that it’s time, despite your youth, to learn how to live independently and not be afraid to make decisions.
An engagement ring dreamed of by a married woman is not considered a very good sign. This indicates strained relationships in the family. In order not to lose them, you need to pay more attention to her husband.
Dreamed of a golden, silver ring
In a dream, bought a gold ring? And did you feel “in the seventh heaven”? Do not be surprised if in reality a stormy romantic relationship begins soon. True, they are unlikely to last long.
In a dream, hands with a golden ring on each finger? So, even if you take up several tasks at the same time, everything will succeed, and any undertaking will be rewarded.
Beloved gave a gift in the form of a golden ring in a dream? Be sure of his love and fidelity in real life. And if in a dream you paid attention to people with golden rings, this means that in reality your hopes, even the most daring, will be fully justified, and the result will exceed expectations.
Any silver product is most often interpreted by dream books as a favorable sign. The same can be said of the silver ring. It is a symbol of wealth, wisdom and inner insight.
Silver is considered a healing and mystical metal. Therefore, the silver ring seen in a dream promises the patient a quick recovery. And if you find this (in your dream), do not be surprised if your career goes up the career ladder.
But sometimes a piece of jewelry from sleep can serve as a warning that it is better not to be overly self-confident spender.
Ring on a finger
Admire the beautiful little ring worn on your finger? A quarrel with a dear person is waiting soon. It is possible that the case will end even with a breakup. Several of these ornaments on the hand prophesy vigorous activity, which in real life will come very soon and will be successful. And when a friend or friend carries such a thing, get ready for new acquaintances and profitable business offers.
To put on, receive a gift as a decoration
Any dream book will most often say that this is an extremely successful sign.
- A gift in a dream makes a loved one? And you put it on your hand? Get ready to try on a wedding dress in reality.
- Have you been pleased with your friend’s ringlet? So, you are interested in building a romantic relationship with him.
- A similar present from the hands of a stranger means a new meeting and love. And the ring, received as a gift from a relative or a good friend, “informs” that you can always rely on them.
As for married ladies, the little ring received in a dream as a gift from the second half is evidence of a strong family and complete mutual understanding.
It happens that dead people appear in dreams and give us gifts. If you got a ring, get ready for the fact that in reality you will have to complete some unfinished business of the deceased.
Decoration with diamond or other stones
You can call the lucky one who dreamed of a diamond ring at night. Enchanting success awaits him, after which life will fundamentally change for the better. Gave such a favorite ring? This is a symbol of the fact that he dreams of being the most important and necessary person for you.
If you are pretty upset and preoccupied with something, but dismiss your condition, you may dream a ring with pearls. With white - mental discomfort is negligible, and it can be quickly overcome. But the pearls of black are evidence of long suppressed negative emotions.
In a dream, a gold ring with a red stone, for example, a ruby, is an indisputable symbol of personal happiness and passionate love.The emerald in the ring promises the dreamer the fulfillment of secret desires and constant success in all endeavors. And also - good health and longevity.
And no matter what color and variety the stone is, the larger it is, the more indefatigable the ambition of the one who saw such a ring in a dream. Moreover, a person does not, only wants a lot, but also knows how to get what he wants.
A gem can also bring trouble - when in a dream it seemed that he had fallen out of the ring, there is a risk of losing the support of the person who always helped out in difficult times.
Lost, stolen the ring - meaning
When someone steals someone else’s ring in a dream, it’s likely that someone’s success, money or position does not give him rest in reality. In general, such a dream is an unfavorable sign, if not for the dreamer himself, but for others. Those who will quarrel over him.
Another alarm is the loss of a ring in a dream. She prophesies the loss of some opportunities or support for loved ones. And even the unconscious decision so far to commit something unacceptable and dishonorable.
In its way, this is a twofold symbol:
- Throw away the engagement ring, which means you subconsciously want to break with your fiance.
- Is it just about decorating? Then one can regard such an action as a favorable sign: from now on, you prefer freedom and you are responsible and decide for yourself.
In the same dream, you lost a ring, and then you found it, quite possibly, this marks the end of one and the beginning of another period in life.
- For example, after breaking up with your life partner, you will have a new partner.
- You will get a new, more interesting and paid job.
The ring found during a trip through the kingdom of Morpheus symbolizes the imminent return of things that are important to you but lost for various reasons — someone's respect or trust. Or recalls oath promises made by someone.
If the jewelry is golden, career advancement or a good profit is likely.
See a broken ring in a dream
If you dream of a broken ring, grievances await you in reality. Such a sign does not bode well for the dreamer. Will have to face losses.
It can be:
- serious quarrels with relatives or friends;
- family disaster;
- death of a loved one.
Such a dream prophesies for loving spouses a broken relationship, and for an unmarried girl - parting with a young man.
Did the broken ring appear in the dream of a married woman? So she should pay attention to the health status of the second half: her husband is in danger of a serious illness.