Cabbage is a very difficult sign in dreams. Even the smallest detail of the plot with this vegetable can radically change the whole interpretation. Therefore, without the help of specialists, one cannot figure out what cabbage is dreaming of.

Why dream cabbage - interpretation in various dream books

In almost every modern dream book, cabbage is given at least a few lines. So, in Miller, the vegetable under discussion, which appeared in a dream, is a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble. If the cabbage was bright green, you should expect a betrayal of the second half. Perhaps this will be treason or other similar unpleasant events. And harvesting cabbage from the garden suggests that you need to think about your expenses. Spontaneous rash purchases can lead a person to financial collapse.

In the dream book, Hassa describes somewhat different subjects. If a person in a dream eats cabbage, then in real life he should expect to receive a pleasant gift that lifts his mood. It is interesting that a complete stranger can present it to a sleeping person. Had to cook a vegetable? A man or woman will become the object of unpleasant gossip and gossip. They greatly spoil the dreamer's nerves.

In Aesop's work, cabbage symbolizes relationships with children. Cutting out the head of the garden bed is a hint that the child has chosen the wrong path in life. We need to help him before it's too late. Watering the beds with cabbage is a sign that the person is too soft with the heirs. If he continues to continue to communicate with children in the same spirit, he will lose parental authority.

Does cabbage fall to the floor and fall into leaves? It is worth taking a closer look at your child. The child began to noticeably move away from his parents and plans to solve his problems with the help of strangers.

In a dream, see cabbage in heads of cabbage, sliced

Large cabbage in cabbages in a dream portends the fair sex changes on the love front. An enviable candidate for her hand and heart will appear in the girl’s life. If the representative of the fair sex wanders around the store or market, and looks for cabbage head more beautiful and bigger, then in the near future she will be happy news about pregnancy.

A strong head of cabbage promises a man popularity among girls. Some of his action will be positively perceived by the young ladies and elevate him to the rank of a hero. But the chopped vegetable promises a representative of the stronger sex problems at work. Most likely, they will relate to relationships with superiors.

A woman chopped for a salad cabbage portends a random small profit. If in this form, the sleeping woman will eat a vegetable, then we should expect the recovery of a close relative from a dangerous ailment.

Fresh sauerkraut

The appearance of the freshly discussed vegetable in a dream is an important warning to the sleeper. Interpreters note that in reality a person may encounter a betrayal of love. The dreamer will have a desire to forgive the other half for any wrongdoing because of his strong feelings. But to do this is by no means worth it. Otherwise, the beloved will literally “sit on his neck” and will continue his unworthy behavior.

Young fresh cabbage from sleep is a hint that you should rethink your own attitude towards people around you. Learning to tell the truth is especially important. The dreamer too often resorts to deception. If he does not take the path of correction, soon even his relatives will cease to believe him.

Are you dreaming of sauerkraut? This is a sign that fate favors the dreamer. Good luck can smile at him in any sphere of life. Most likely, it will be associated with work and monetary remuneration for work.

Overly sour pickled vegetable symbolizes jealousy, literally eating a person from the inside. If the sleeper himself prepares cabbage for the winter in this way, then he will give reasons for quarrels in the relationship. Special psychological trainings will help to cope with jealousy that destroys everything in its path.

Vegetable in the garden

Had a dream of cabbage in the garden or an active weeding of a vegetable? In real life, you should ask loved ones if they need help. Most likely, they need urgent support, but relatives or friends themselves are simply embarrassed to tell about it.

A whole cabbage field is a sign that the squandering of a man or woman will hit your pocketbook hard. It is the habit of spending money on unnecessary little things that does not allow the dreamer to save up for something really vital.

Cabbage, scattered, anyhow on the beds, portends a discord in sexual life. The previously unnoticed difference in views on sexual games between partners will suddenly become very obvious. Only frank conversations in a relaxed atmosphere will help protect the couple from an early breakup.

If the sleeper himself grows a large amount of cabbage in the beds, he should expect a large profit in reality. This value is relevant only for those cases when the vegetables are strong, beautiful and without rot.

Dreamed of white, cauliflower, Beijing, sea kale

Even a variety of cabbage can influence the interpretation:

  • An uneven small vegetable in a dream indicates the wrong choice of the second half by the dreamer. Such a dream can promise a woman parting and raising a child alone.
  • Cauliflower in a dream is a hint that in the near future a man or woman will find out some secret information that will radically change the sleeping person's opinion of a loved one.
  • Peking cabbage from the dream of a young man or girl is a clear sign that they are not yet ready for a serious relationship.You just need to live for your pleasure and not think about marriage.
  • Sea kale, which appeared in a dream, usually symbolizes health. If she was seen by a person suffering from some kind of ailment, he will expect a speedy recovery. But broccoli, on the contrary, suggests that the immunity of a man or woman is greatly reduced.

See rotten cabbage in a dream

Rotting bad smelling cabbage from sleep will tell you exactly what the main reason for the dreamer's past failures lies. If you solve it correctly, soon a man or woman will easily deal with all his problems. A very successful and easy life period will begin.

If the leaves of the vegetable were covered with mold, then the sleeper will have to face a misunderstanding of loved ones. Some of his actions will be perceived negatively by friends and family. All this can lead to a major quarrel or even a complete breakdown.

The meaning of sleep, in which you cut, shred, prepare a vegetable

Had a dream to cut a large cabbage? Payback for misconduct awaits a human being. Surely he was trying to hide past mistakes and forget about them forever. But now the past will be in the public domain.

Crumbing heads of salad, then in reality awaken in a dreary panic mood. To quickly get out of it, you need to please yourself and pamper yourself.

Shredding cabbage in a dream is a series of minor quarrels and conflicts in the family. Perhaps cooling in a marital relationship. Dream Interpretations advise, before it is too late, to begin to improve the atmosphere in the family on their own.

Salting vegetables in a dream portends a person disappointed in love. Ahead of the sleeper awaiting difficult explanations, tears, experiences. If the dreamer is cooking an insect-eaten vegetable, he will have to deal with gossip and unpleasant conversations about him behind his back.

Plant cabbage

If a man puts cabbage in the ground - such a dream means that now he is doing everything possible in reality to make big profits in the future. He is moving in the right direction and will receive a decent payment for his labors.

It happens that in a dream a person first plants a vegetable, and soon he is already harvesting. This plot should be taken as a warning about imminent large expenses. Avoid them will not succeed. Spending will be associated with some important family circumstances.

Planting seedlings dreams of new family members. For example, the appearance of a daughter-in-law or a son-in-law. If the process caused negative emotions in the sleeper, then the new person will bring grief to the house.

Eat cabbage

Eating cabbage with an appetite portends a man or woman to receive a large valuable gift. If the sleeper ate cabbage with reluctance, then he suffers from financial difficulties. A man dreams of becoming more wealthy and improving the material condition of his family, but so far he cannot figure out how to do it.

Had to eat fried cabbage? Soon the dreamer will receive an offer to earn illegally. At first glance it will seem that it is completely safe. In fact, a person offering a sleeping person wages will want to substitute him large. In no case should you agree to such scams.

A lot of cabbage

If there was a lot of cabbage around the dreamer in night dreams, which he can’t collect at all, it means that in reality a person is often distracted from his main business for nothing. It is because of his distraction that he is not able to achieve great success.

If you had to pack a large amount of cabbage in bags, in reality it is worth preparing for a large purchase. Perhaps the sleeper will have the opportunity to purchase a new car or expand living space.

Pies, cabbage pie

Does a stranger treat a man or woman with pies stuffed with the vegetable in question? In real life, a person will suffer from other people's small affair. Does the sleeping person buy himself a pie? A pleasant meeting awaits him.

A large cabbage pie is a good omen. He promises the dreamer a distraction from the household routine.There will be an opportunity to get unforgettable pleasant emotions.