Nobody wants his soulmate to be wrong, because even because of small novels on the side, relations between loved ones deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to understand what dreams of treason are, because such dreams can portend a lot.
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Interpretation of treason by dream books
After seeing night dreams, in which one's own or someone else's infidelity appeared, one should not rush to extremes and be upset about this, because such dreams do not often mean spouse's infidelity in real life. Many dream books interpret this process in a dream as a signal that soon a person will experience serious changes in life.
But for full confidence in a positive interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to consider all the meanings of treason in a dream:
- The famous esoteric Tsvetkov in his work indicated that treason is a bad sign. It means that the dreamer will need a lot of strength and zeal to solve future problems. You will also need to show your persistence so as not to give up halfway. If the dreamer managed to resist the temptations in a dream, then this means that the sleeping wakeful person has a sufficiently strong character that will help to cope with any difficulties.
- According to the Esoteric dream book, a betrayal of a spouse in a dream signals a strong relationship and fidelity in real life. Therefore, loving halves should not be jealous. Such dreams can portend only remorse, but not treason.
- Psychologist Freud believed that the beloved's unfaithfulness is dreamed because of such feelings experienced. In addition, you should be more careful, since the fact of infidelity can happen again. The dreamer should not be jealous and suspect the soulmate, as such experiences will not affect the relationship positively.It is better to talk with a person than to have unfounded suspicions. In addition, the vision indicates a complex. Sometimes your betrayal in a dream speaks of a hidden desire to change a partner.
- In the dream book of the famous psychologist Miller sets out his own version of the interpretation of sleep about infidelity. In the case when the dreamer himself changed the dream, then this means that soon he can betray his soul mate. Often a dream indicates a betrayal in the future. In this case, the sleeping person needs to change the relationship, otherwise there will be a separation.
- Vanga said that the dream of the unfaithfulness of a wife dreams of a divorce and changes in plans. If you dream of your betrayal, then this portends a shame and humiliation. Such dreams promise men difficulties at work.
Had a cheating husband
In those cases when you dream of cheating on your husband, this means that in your relationship there are misunderstandings and claims. You should understand the problems and solve them soon. In this case, it is advisable to devote most of the free time to communicate with the spouse.
A dream in which he learned about marital infidelity warns that he lacks love on your part, because of which it is quite possible he will look for it in other people.
When your husband’s lover was a mutual friend, this indicates that there are problems with your girlfriend and not your spouse. In addition, it should be noted that such dreams signal low self-esteem and envy. A woman should stop being jealous or avoid communicating with her.
In some cases, a dream where the husband has changed, dreams on the eve of establishing a love atmosphere. Therefore, you need to try to maintain warm feelings between the spouses.
Cheating wife
Freud believed that if he dreams of a betrayal of his wife, this signals the presence of torment over his wife's suspicions of infidelity. In this case, it is necessary to bring her into open communication, which will help to get rid of groundless thoughts once and for all. It will also help to solve the problem of tension in the family circle.
According to Miller, the spouse’s infidelity dreams of predicting difficult situations in relations not only with family, but also with employees. After seeing dreams, one should expect grandiose changes in life, which can be noticed only if the man gets rid of his indifference. After such a dream, you need to be more attentive to family members.
In a dream, a loved one changed
When there was a betrayal of a loved one in a dream, this suggests that in the near future you will be accused of some bad deeds. Women dream of such visions on the eve of serious quarrels, where she will release all the anger at her beloved. After this, the logical outcome of the event will be a break in relations.
Dreams of one's own betrayal should be interpreted as the outcome of the one who dreamed of a vision:
- If a mature woman saw a dream, it means that she will soon feel humiliation and misfortune. Sometimes a dream indicates the possibility of a divorce.
- Young unmarried girls dream of a new romantic relationship. The romance will be easy, because of which she will feel happy. Also, a dream bodes deceit on her part, which will turn against her.
- For a married woman, her own betrayal of dreams promises a situation where it will be necessary to make the right choice. At the same time, the decision will be affected not only by a sense of duty, but also by the girl’s hidden desires.
- For men, a dream recounts a difficult relationship with a lover.
Change in a dream with a friend
If there was a betrayal with a husband's friend, then this signals a loss of confidence. At the same time, the spouse’s feelings will cool, because of which a period of quarrels and disagreements will begin in the relationship. The betrayal of a spouse's friend in a dream predicts the appearance of a mistress. Also, when there was a betrayal with a friend, the dream portends the indifference of the husband.At the same time, the process of betrayal can occur in reality due to one's own frivolity. If in a dream it turned out to avoid the manifestation of infidelity, this is considered a good sign. The opposite interpretation has a dream, where the sleeper succumbed to the temptation. It should be remembered that betrayal, even in a dream, promises deception of loved ones.
In the case when a girl had sex with an ex-boyfriend, then this indicates the presence of dissatisfaction with the current partner. If you saw only kisses, a dream promises light flirtation on the side.
If the dream of a betrayal with a common acquaintance is dreamed of by an unmarried girl who meets a guy, this portends the opportunity to change her position, as well as to climb the career ladder.
Visions about adultery in many cases dream on the eve of changes in life. At the same time, one should not worry if a dream prophesies problems in a relationship, since each person has everything individually, and the interpretation of a dream can only partially be correct.