Seeing a betrayal of the second half in a dream is an unpleasant sight that can upset the dreamer. But far from always the plot turns out to be prophetic and promises repetition of events in reality. Further, it is described in detail why a guy is betrayed under different conditions.
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Why is a guy cheating - interpretation on dream books
According to most dream books, betrayal of a loved one in night dreams is a bad harbinger. He warns the dreamer of impending troubles. But often in such dreams you can find tips on how to avoid problems.
According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, the plot indicates that in the affairs of the sleeping person, continuous failures await. The reason for this will be the woman’s incorrectly drawn up action plan and, in general, her too frivolous attitude to life. But you can be completely confident in your partners. They certainly will not betray or deceive.
The Eastern Female Dream Book suggests that the fair sex, who saw such a dream, is too trusting and open in communication. Soon, on her life's journey, she will meet people who want to use these qualities of her for their own selfish purposes. In addition, a similar plot promises the girl difficulties that will not be easy to overcome alone. But with the help of loyal friends, it will be possible to quickly cope with all the problems that have collapsed. The main thing is not to be shy to ask for help.
There are interpretations of dreams with treason in Miller's dream book. If a girl catches her beloved with a rival in bed, it means that soon she will receive a proposal for promotion. True, to get the desired leadership position will succeed only in some non-standard, and possibly dishonest way.It is better to refuse such offers right away without hesitation.
Freud is sure that any dreams with a betrayal of the second half say only that the representative of the fair sex doubts her sexual attractiveness. But Morozova in her dream book claims that the dream in question symbolizes the faithfulness and loyalty of a partner in reality.
I dreamed of cheating a guy with a man - meaning
If a guy cheated in a dream with another man, probably in reality the girl does not feel close to her protected partner. She lacks masculinity from her lover, his decisive actions. First you need to call a young man for a serious conversation and tactfully talk about the existing problem. If such a conversation does not help change anything, most likely, it will not be possible to avoid parting.
I had to watch from the side, how the lover has sex with another man on the bed of the most sleeping person? Soon she will have serious problems with the law. They can be associated with a variety of life spheres.
Sometimes the intimacy of a woman’s partner with another acquaintance of a man indicates that the sleeping woman has sympathy for two men at once. Just they appeared in a dream. The girl can not decide in any way who is more of the guys interested in her and whether it is worth ending the current relationship for the sake of a new acquaintance.
Boyfriend cheated on with a relative or girlfriend
If you dream of cheating a guy with a girlfriend, then such a dream can be interpreted in different ways:
- A man passionately kisses a sleeping friend and does not pay attention to anything else? In the relationship of the couple there were problems. Lovers feel cooling to each other. Will it be possible to overcome this difficult period depends only on them.
- Does the girlfriend herself incline the dreamer's partner to a kiss? This girl should not be trusted anymore. There is a possibility that she in reality has views of her sleeping lover.
- Boyfriend and girlfriend make love right in front of a girl? Both characters of a dream in reality are not at all those people for whom they pretend to be. Care must be taken with them so as not to get a knife in the back.
If a man cheats on a dreamer with her cousin, the girl’s fears and phobias are expressed in night dreams. In reality, she is very afraid that some more interesting woman will take her beloved away.
It happens before your eyes
A betrayal of a loved one happened to a colleague sleeping right in front of the latter? This is a hint that a real conspiracy is being prepared against the girl at work. A guest from a dream wants to take her workplace and slanders a dreamer in front of her bosses.
Lonely in reality, a girl in a dream sees the betrayal of her future lover? In the near future, you should refuse any offers to go on dates and not start a relationship. Otherwise, they will lead only to suffering and mental pain.
Cheated on with ex-girlfriend
If you dreamed of a betrayal of a guy with a former partner, then this is not at all a sign that a man remembers her and wants to resume relations. Thus, the subconscious tells the sleeping that her partner is on the verge of depression. The representative of the fair sex, passionate about work and daily affairs, simply does not notice this. Beloved needs urgent help. He will not be able to cope with a difficult psychological state on his own.
Often a betrayal of a loved one with the former is often seen in a dream by very jealous young ladies. If there is no reason to suspect a man of infidelity, you need to try to pull yourself together and stop spoiling a happy relationship with groundless accusations.
Cheating on a loved one
If a dream with the betrayal of a loved one in a dream turned out to be very bright and believable, perhaps the betrayal has already happened, or the man plans to decide on it in the next seven days. It is necessary to take a closer look at his behavior. If something suspicious is noticed, it will not hurt to organize a small check.
Favorite man in a dream makes love with some mythical creature? This is a clear sign that in real life the girl lacks his attention and care. She suffers from the coldness of a young man. It is necessary to stop waiting for changes and take a step towards the partner in order to wait for the response.