Treason is an event more than unpleasant. Feeling a betrayal of a loved one in a dream, experiencing resentment and bitterness is not one of the best feelings. It is necessary to correctly interpret the dream, the only way to prepare for the undesirable consequences. What dreams of a husband’s betrayal in a dream, predictions of different dream books of the world will tell.
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General interpretation in popular dream books
Adultery occurs more often when lovers cease to trust each other. Betrayal of this kind leads to divorce, to the transition to a new life stage. It is worth recalling all the sensations obtained during the dream, because only with a full comparison of the details of the predictions will be plausible. In many cases, adultery symbolizes the inner fatigue of the person to whom she appeared in a dream. It is to this general interpretation that many dream books come.
You should not solve the dream of a person who in real life faced the fact of betrayal of the second half, either cheated on his beloved, or was involved in a conflict of loved ones associated with an unpleasant circumstance.
What does the dream of a husband betraying according to the interpretation in popular dream books portend?
Miller's Dream Book:
- If you dream of cheating on your spouse, you should be prepared for changes in life.
- If a man is cheating with a girlfriend, one cannot avoid the troubles associated with a material conflict.
Freud's Dream Book:
- To see a husband and his betrayal in a dream is to feel their complete dissatisfaction in real family life, the incompatibility of characters.
- If cheating occurs with several women, then the spouse should take care of her reputation.
- A man cheats with a man - things will be troublesome and costly.
Dream Wangi:
- To see the betrayal of the second half is to become embroiled in a conflict that could end with the dissolution of the marriage.
- An unmarried young lady in a dream to see her betrothed to another woman means a quarrel with a loved one.
- The wife sees her faithful with her mistress - to family squabbles, husband's jealousy in reality.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:
- If a man changes a dreamer in a dream, a similar plot promises her a conflict at work.
- An unmarried dreamed betrayal of a betrothed promises a quick engagement, a wedding.
Dream Interpreter Longo reports that the infidelity of a loved one in a dream warns of evil forces that try to confuse the dreamer's soul. It is worth turning to God and ask the Universe for help.
Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great:
- Cheating on a loved one is a harbinger of imminent material difficulties.
- If the traitor sees the dreamer and at the same time continues to cheat without embarrassment, such a dream warns of the inner experiences of the sleeping person, of serious family strife.
Dream Interpretation to Phoebe says that betrayal of the second half is seen as its transition to a new level of knowledge in its life.
People's dream book:
- Seeing a secret betrayal of a spouse - to betrayal of the faithful in reality.
- If the betrayal occurs with the dreamer's girlfriend, then this portends family scandals.
- When a colleague at work becomes the partner of the faithful, then this does not portend anything bad for the dreamer, perhaps the spouse will receive a promotion, or a ticket to a long-term business trip.
- To agree to the entreaties of a loved one and to take part in swinging in a dream is a sign that it is worth introducing novelty into the relationship between partners, otherwise dissatisfaction will lead to separation.
Had a cheating husband with a girlfriend
If you dream of betraying a loved one with your best friend, then such a dream portends serious scandals between spouses.
Another woman in a dream is a harbinger of gossip, shame and disappointment.
It is worth fearing in reality the one that has become the mistress of the missus. This woman at this stage in her life can become insidious, do much harm to the dreamer.
Spouse cheated on a stranger
When a woman dreamed of betraying her beloved spouse with a stranger, then such a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways:
- the missus is waiting for a possible promotion, difficult work is ahead, requiring full dedication and a lot of time;
- the husband is in a difficult life position and requires the understanding or attention of his wife.
Note: If a dreamer constantly sees such dreams because of her jealousy, they have no prophecy. It is worth talking with your loved one and calm down.
Why dream of ex-husband's betrayal
Husband cheating in a dream with another? A vision can foreshadow in reality the fact that he is on the side, some difficulties, gossip, or promotion of a loved one's position. It all depends on what kind of life situations the couple are facing right now. But when a woman dreams of cheating on her ex-husband, such predictions hint that the ex-husband is thinking about her and looking for a meeting.
Adultery happens before our eyes
Sleeping in her dream can see the infidelity that occurs before her eyes. What does such a dream say? It is worth remembering clearly all the sensations received during the dream: anger, resentment, chagrin or joy?
- Negative feelings directly predict the onset of a difficult period in the life of a couple. They have to face negative circumstances, with gossip and squabbles. It is worth finding a lot of strength and support in each other in order to maintain a relationship.
- When a woman feels joy from the betrayal of her spouse, this suggests that she does not need this man and is ready to permanently break off relations with him.
What portends the admission of treason
If the husband admitted to cheating in a dreamer's dream, then his confession is interpreted in two directions:
- soon a man will be promoted at work;
- a woman learns some truth about the acts of her husband.
It is worth approaching the prediction based on the circumstances in your own family.
Interpretation according to the day of the week
A dream about treason on Sunday should in no way be told until the next day, otherwise misfortune cannot be avoided.
Betrayal on Monday should not be interpreted, because this day does not fill dreams with meaning.
Among weekdays, it is worthwhile to beware of dreams on Tuesday and Friday, for the interpretation of these days comes true with the highest probability.
On Wednesday and Thursday dreams are real, if there is a full moon, otherwise you should not worry.