In order to correctly explain what the husband is betraying, you must try to remember as many details and details of the dream as possible. Each seemingly insignificant trifle can be decisive. What is also important is what emotions a woman experienced in her nightly dreams.
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Why dream of a husband’s betrayal - interpretation according to dream books
More often than not, a dream betrayal committed by a beloved spouse does not at all portend similar events in reality. Rather, a woman is simply waiting for serious life changes, initiated by a man. Sleeping will actively resist them. But this is not worth doing, a dream suggests that sooner or later you still have to come to terms with the changes proposed by the spouse. It is possible that in the end they will become joyful for the girl.
Many modern dream books (including Miller and Tsvetkov) suggest that the plot with the betrayal of a spouse often turns out to be inspired by a sense of guilt, which has been bothering the dreamer for several days. A woman, in the past or present, has committed an act that can cause conviction in her husband. This is not necessarily marital infidelity. If a dream has just such a meaning, then in it the girl will experience unreasonable fear and experience serious excitement, an imprint from which will remain even in the morning.
If, in the story, a woman does not see the process of betrayal, but learns about it from her husband, this is a clear sign that a crisis has come about in reality with respect to the spouses. The dream may well come true. But do not worry too much about this. There is still the opportunity to correct the situation and establish relationships with your loved one.The main thing is to begin to act actively as soon as possible.
Had a betrayal of a husband with a man - meaning
According to popular dream books, cheating on a husband with a same-sex partner in his wife’s night dreams can be interpreted in a variety of ways.
There are several options for the meaning of such a dream:
- A woman does not feel satisfaction in sexual life and does not know how to tell her husband about this. Probably, the dreamer even thinks about a possible betrayal of her lover herself.
- The man recently began to pay too little attention to the second half. As a result, the girl feels forgotten, lonely and unhappy.
- Sleeping woman dreams of diversifying her own sexual life, deciding to experiment: same-sex relationship, intimate threesome, etc. A woman is not ready to admit this to her husband, so the stormy imagination sends her bold pictures in night dreams.
In any of these options, the solution to the problem will be a frank conversation with the spouse. Silence of their own grievances and desires always leads to serious conflicts in the future.
In a dream, a husband cheated with a sister or girlfriend
First of all, such a plot can be caused by banal jealousy. Perhaps on the eve of real life, the spouse complimented the heroine of the dream or singled her out in some other way. It is worth directly asking the man about the reasons for his behavior and not tormenting himself with baseless suspicions.
It happens that such dreams appear if a girl in reality actively competes with her sister or friend. A woman feels that in some ways inferior to her rival and is very worried about this.
Sometimes the betrayal of a husband in a dream with any relative of the girl portends serious conflicts in the family. It is the sleeping spouse who may be the main culprit in the quarrels that arise.
Why dream of betrayal of a loved one?
It is interesting that sometimes a dream in which one has to endure the betrayal of a loved one has a positive interpretation. For example, if a girl calmly watches what is happening or listens to a story about what happened and does not experience any negative emotions. In this case, the discussed unpleasant dream can symbolize harmony and warmth between a man and a woman in real life.
The dream was a man
If the representative of the stronger sex in nightly dreams saw pictures of his wife’s betrayal and felt obvious injections of jealousy, then he probably won’t be happy with the way the girl behaves with other young people. In order not to bring the situation to a critical point, you need to openly report your dissatisfaction with your beloved.
It happens that the sleeping person not only clearly sees the process of betrayal, but also distinguishes the face of the opponent, who turns out to be his acquaintance. Such a plot portends trouble with this person in reality. It is unlikely that the man he saw carries a threat to the dreamer's intimate life, but on his career growth and work in general, he is able to influence extremely negatively.
Treason dreamed of a woman
If a girl who was unmarried in reality had a dream in which her husband was cheating on her, then no troubles should be expected. The plot is a harbinger of fun adventures and new novels.
A dream in which a woman behaves aggressively after learning about a betrayal of the second half means that in reality the differences arose between the spouses. Husband and wife cannot reach a compromise on some fundamental issue for both. In order not to bring the situation to a serious conflict, the sleeping person is the first to make concessions.
If a dreamed spouse has a dream who cheats on a dreamer, then the meaning of sleep changes dramatically. Often the other half that has gone into the world appears in night dreams on the eve of serious financial difficulties. The betrayal of the late husband in a dream is a sign that you need to be more careful about money. It is especially important in the near future to abandon large expenses and not lend money even to the closest people.
A beloved deceased beloved, who is cheating on a woman with a rival in a dream right in front of others, warns the sleeping woman about a possible fraud. It is worth paying attention to who the betrayal is committed with. There is a high probability that this particular person will want to circle the dreamer around the finger for his own benefit.