The bread that appeared in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. For example, a white loaf may be a harbinger of wealth, and a slice of black pastry - troubles in different areas of life. Therefore, understanding what bread is dreaming about, one must take into account not only the general plot of the dream, but also its details, details and its sensations. As a rule, it is they who prompt a good dream, or not.
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What bread is for - interpretation from the dream books
In the famous Miller's dream book, bread can symbolize both positive and negative changes. It all depends on the quality of the product. If the bread is fresh, then the affairs of the sleeper will soon go uphill. A dried crust, on the contrary, promises a person problems.
The Universal Dream Book states that a spoiled stale bread loaf is always a harbinger of the dreamer's health problems. Particular attention should be paid to chronic diseases, as well as the state of the cardiovascular system.
In Aesop's dream book, the most positive interpretation is given to stories with a white bread. It symbolizes abundance and wealth. A sleeping person will be able to easily and quickly improve the financial situation of his family.
White or black
White breadbreads are usually a great symbol. It promises a man or woman happiness, health, prosperity and good luck in a variety of areas of life.
If a person dreams of white bread, which he picks up, then you can expect big profits or good news. Lush fragrant pastries portends the real wealth. And he will achieve it exclusively on his own without the help of others. Eating delicious white bread is for good health.
Black hot bread is often the harbinger of bad news.If you had to eat such pastries, then you should expect material difficulties.
Hold a brick of brown bread in your hands - to overwork and increased stress at work. In such conditions, you need to pay great attention to your health. Otherwise, overwork and constant stress can cause the development of serious ailments.
In a dream, cut, eat bread
It happens that in a dream a person has to cut or try bread. In this case, you also need to consider any smallest details of the plot that you managed to remember in the morning.
Cutting a white loaf of bread yourself - to the need to better control their own affairs. The dreamer lacks responsibility and self-control. If a person takes things on their own, then he will not succeed. It happens that in a dream someone else cuts bread, and the dreamer only observes this process. In this case, the interpretation will be somewhat different. You need to look at your colleagues. The plot of the dream suggests that the sleeping person can be set up by ill-wishers at work.
Already sliced rye bread portends difficulties in life. If a person fed them animals, then a profitable profitable project awaits him in the very near future.
An appetizing beautiful loaf in a dream is most often managed by family people. Such a treat suggests that sleeping is very important home. Night vision is a sign that you need to visit relatives or at least call them so that relations with loved ones continue to be warm.
Eat bread with milk or butter - to prosperity and a long period of material well-being. If the sleeper collects bread crumbs from the table and eats them, then the profit will be small.
The most negative sign from sleep is a snack of burnt brown bread. Such a plot may portend even the death of a dear loved one or a serious illness of one of the family members.
Dreamed a lot of bread
If a large amount of bread was sprinkled with salt, then something is threatening the welfare of the sleeping person. Perhaps envious people will soon put sticks in his wheels and mischief in every way. For this difficult period, it is better to prepare in advance.
A lot of soft fresh bread in the dreamer's house promises him a comfortable life for several years. It will be very easy for a man or woman to make money without putting much effort into it. The main thing is to choose exclusively legal ways to improve your material well-being.
If a woman saw a large amount of hot steaming bread in a dream, then such a plot portends her meeting with an ardent lover. Married young ladies should think several times before agreeing to a fleeting affair. She will become a threat to her stable family happiness.
Spoiled, withered, moldy bread
If the sleeper sees in his dream a lot of bread rotted or otherwise spoiled, then it can be considered a warning of disappointment from his own children.
Old stale moldy bread is a harbinger of failure. Conflicts with colleagues and superiors will prevent a person from climbing the career ladder.
Pieces of dried bread promise the dreamer conflicts with the second half. The main reason for the quarrels will be the cooling between the lovers, the lack of warmth and mutual understanding.
If in front of the dreamer's eyes a loaf of bread is covered with mold, then this is not a good sign. In the near future should not start new projects. None of them will be successful. Also, mold on bread symbolizes envious and ill-wishers.
Buy or bake in a dream
Miller notes that buying bread in a dream is due to gratitude from superiors in the workplace. The leader will evaluate the labors of the sleeper and encourage him financially.
If, before buying, a loaf of bread had to stand a long line, it means that subconsciously a person is not satisfied with his current life. Such a dream is a hint that you need to change something.
Baking a white loaf of bread in a dream symbolizes home comfort and well-being. If such a plot was seen by a lonely representative of the fair sex, it means that soon she will have great family happiness.
Sometimes in a dream only the form intended for baking bread appears. This is a very interesting sign. He suggests that the sleeper needs to change his sphere of activity. At the current workplace, a person is unhappy and cannot fully show his talents. To achieve great success, one should not be afraid of change.
The meaning of sleep from the dreamer's gender
The interpretation of the discussed plot of night dreams often depends on the gender of the person who saw the dream:
- If a woman cuts soft bread into pieces, then in real life she restrains herself in sex life. The girl is not satisfied solely because of her natural modesty and complexes. The same plot promises a man a calm and harmonious relationship with a pretty young lady.
- Fallen and dirty pastries promises the representative of the fair sex poverty, and a man - serious problems at work, which can even result in dismissal.
- If a young man in his sleep holds a fresh white “brick” in his hands, his present happiness will soon increase.
- Had to break the craju into two parts? For women, such a plot promises a breakdown with a loved one. For men, he portends the activity of ill-wishers who attack the sleeping man literally from all sides.