Most dream books suggest that dirt in night dreams is a harbinger of misfortune. Especially if, in the story, a person was splattered with it from head to toe. The following describes the different interpretations of what dreams of mud.
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What dirt is for - interpretation in various dream books
In Family Book, dirt symbolizes money. True, a man or woman will be able to get them only by dishonest means. It is necessary to think several times before using the "dirty" money - they certainly will not bring real happiness to a person.
A female dream book suggests that liquid mud promises sleeping gossip and unpleasant showdowns with colleagues and superiors at work. If you manage to get around it, then the wisdom of the dreamer in reality will allow you to avoid quarrels and negativity.
Miller's dream interpretation suggests that a walk along a very dirty street, during which a man or woman does not get dirty shoes, portends excellent earnings and, in general, a change in his financial situation. The sleeper does not even have to make an effort - the money will literally pour a river towards him.
Walking through the mud in shoes, barefoot in a dream
If a person had to walk through the mud in a dream in high boots, it means that all attempts by ill-wishers to negatively affect the reputation of the sleeping person will fail. You can ignore them and simply ignore them.
Wandering around the muddy liquid barefoot - to public humiliation and shame. What happened will be a serious blow to the authority of the dreamer. Running through dirty puddles and spraying muddy drops in all directions suggests that it is the sleeping person who will be the instigator of the scandal.
Flushing dirt off your feet is a good way to solve problems. The cleaner the water, the faster and easier it will be possible to cope with them in reality.
Dreamed of dirt under my feet
If a man or woman dreamed of dirt under his feet, on which he had to walk for a long time, then in reality you can forget about peace and peace in the family. The dreamer himself will be to blame.
If a person stands barefoot in the mud, those around him will cease to trust him after the mistakes are made.
Does the sleeper see the dirt under the new boots? In reality, he will have completely new problems. If the shoes turned out to be old and shabby, then troubles and resentments from the past will remind of themselves.
It happens that in a dream a person has a large amount of dirt under his feet, but he is not at all afraid to get dirty in it. This means that he will be able to make a bold and right decision.
Fall into the mud
Had to fall into the mud face in a dream? In reality, the sleeper will lose the trust of the closest and dearest people. If, after the fall, he only got his back dirty, then the interpretation of the plot changes dramatically. Under such conditions, he promises a large profit or inheritance. To fall on your back and mess around for a long time in a dirty pool - to real wealth.
If the dreamer slipped in the mud, but did not fall, but restrained, a positive conclusion to the unpleasant story can be expected. A person will maintain his good reputation and good name.
A fall in a dirty swamp is a sign that a man or woman is tired of everyday worries and affairs. If in a dream it was possible to get out of an unpleasant slurry, it means that in reality it will turn out to change the boring habitual lifestyle.
Dirt in the house
Seen in a dream housing is a symbol of human health.
- If you dream of dirt in the house, you need to take care of your own health. It is advisable in the very near future to go to a specialist at least for a routine examination.
- In a dream, does a man or woman live in an untidy, dirty room in which things and garbage are everywhere? In reality, a person will lose the trust of relatives, a disagreement will begin in his family. If some familiar visitor brings dirt to the house, you need to remember what kind of character went in - it will be he who in reality will be the cause of family conflicts.
- If clods of dirt are scattered everywhere in a sleeping man’s room and gold coins are seen through them, then a man or woman reveres an unworthy person who suffers from immense vanity and puts money first. Frequent communication with him can change the dreamer's personality for the worse.
- Does the dirt spread on the plates during dinner? In the life of a sleeping man, a period of prosperity, wealth and carelessness will soon come. The more dirt on the plot, the longer this time will last.
You need to consider the person in which profession dreams of dirt in the house. If a businessman or a farmer, then the indicated plot promises a bad harvest and a decrease in monthly profits.
Wallow in the mud in a dream
Had a dream lying in a dirty puddle? Although this is not the most pleasant story for a sleeping person, it promises him extremely positive changes. A person will be able to earn a large sum of money. Most likely, it will be possible to successfully invest the available capital. On the whole, success in all matters will contribute to the dreamer.
If someone else pushes a man or woman into the mud, then in reality one should wait for a painful "bandwagon" from those around him. A friend or colleague will set up the sleeping person or will try to denigrate him in the eyes of friends and relatives. This behavior of a friend will be a big disappointment for the dreamer.
A dream where you clean up the dirt
The most difficult thing is to interpret the dreams in which the sleeper gets rid of the dirt in his house.
In this case, you need to consider all the details of the plot:
- If you had to sweep the floor, on which a large amount of garbage is located, it means that in reality a person will be cleansed of the soul, which will be facilitated by a new acquaintance.
- Removing the web from the walls in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer learns someone else's secret and tells everyone around him about it.
- But dusting the floor and furniture dreams of revealing his own secret.
- Did the sleeper carefully rub the parquet in the dream? This means that the case, on which he worked for a long time, will lead to the expected result and will bring large profits.
Cleaning dirt in a dream is often a harbinger of unexpected inheritance. If it was required to wash it off from your body, you will soon have to make excuses for the mistakes made in the past.