Why is there a thunderstorm Popular dream books will help to compare real life events with natural phenomena seen in a dream. The raging elements warn of possible cardinal changes in fate, which can lead the usual course of life for the better, and quite the opposite.
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Interpretation in various dream books
Mankind has accumulated centuries of experience in the interpretation of dreams and collected them in collections with different bias and orientation. Upon careful reading and consideration of dreams, it turns out that their semantic meanings are identical, regardless of the time of publication of the dream books and the nationality of their authors.
In accordance with the Universal Slavic Dream Book, one has to see in a dream the natural phenomena associated with rain and thunder in anticipation of many events:
- Light or heavy warm rain against a sunny day, beautiful nature, green trees, meadows with dense grass and wildflowers promise a pleasant change in the near future related to personal life or family affairs.
- Wake up from the peals of thunder - to imminent fateful changes, unexpected material well-being, financial income.
- Destruction of a tree under the thunderbolt is the loss of a reliable friend, supportive and influential patron, and reliable partner in business relations.
- A lightning bolt that hits the head, but does not entail the death of a dreamer and does not cause pain, is a symbol of stability in the service field and in business circles.
- If lightning strikes a lightning rod, troubles will pass by without incurring moral or material damage. However, only subject to the correct behavior in difficult life situations.
Getting wet in a dream in the cold rain at night has before the onset of a protracted illness in reality.
According to the Modern Dream Book, dreams with thunder, lightning and rain also warn of possible changes:
- Wake up in fright from a rumbling rumble during a thunderstorm - to sudden worries, serious problems, complications in business, personal disappointment. Overcoming these adversities will require a great amount of physical and moral strength from the dreamer.
- To hear the rumble of thunder and see the sparkle of lightning in pitch darkness among the heavy clouds that have drawn all over the sky, one has to grief. It can be associated with the loss of loved ones, severance of marital relations and other difficult trials that will require a long time to restore the psycho-emotional state.
According to Zhou-Gong Dream Interpretation, if there was a thunderstorm and rain, then you need to carefully consider certain circumstances that can radically change your fate:
- Thunder, fantastically rising from the surface of the earth and flying up, is a symbol of fulfilling cherished desires and hopes.
- To see how lightning gets into the dreamer, - to a rich inheritance, successful completion of a major financial transaction, raising the status in life.
- To be illuminated by the light of lightning - to significant joyful events.
The sparkle of lightning above his head symbolizes short-term and insignificant successes in business, financial receipts, joyful events.
The interpretation of dreams by ancient Eastern sages and astrologers reports that warm drizzle, pouring in the absence of thunderclouds, wind, lightning and thunder, is seen in a rich harvest and a large profit from its sale.
Explanations of dreams according to Miller's dream book:
- To contemplate summer rain outside the window in calm weather - to happy changes that will not take long to wait. Successful transactions will bring profit and the completion of significant projects, increase the status in the work. In the event of a lawsuit in reality, the decision will be in favor of the dreamer.
- To run away from a thunderstorm and storm in order to find shelter from the weather - to the need to exercise caution. Foes at work tie up intrigue to achieve an unseemly goal.
Why dream a thunderstorm with lightning
What life events dream of a thunderstorm with lightning? Interpretation depends on the nuances of the plot.
- The approaching thunderclouds with a roar and lightning strikes warn of possible troubles, troubles, losses.
- Is the thunderstorm sparkling with lightning outside the window, and does the dreamer observe while being in a warm apartment? Misfortunes will be bypassed without affecting the financial situation and authority in the service.
- To get under a thunderstorm with lightning and lightning, but not to feel fright, go dry or take refuge is a victory in risky situations, complicated business and adventurous events undertaken by the sleeping person or his environment.
- Feel the panic and fear of the raging elements - the inevitability of misfortune, grief, loss.
Night dreams, instilling fear, anxiety and despondency, usually warn of dangers, adversities, losses. Dreams that bring calm and serene state, to star in joyful events, good luck, happiness.
Thunderclap dream
A strong thunderstorm in a dream with peals of thunder can portend both happiness and misfortune in everyday life:
- Hearing a brief deafening roar of thunder - to an unexpected appointment to a new position.
- To feel the fright from the roll of thunder - to gain happiness in love. For those who have seen such a dream, new relationships are possible, which in the future can develop into strong family ties.
- Heavy rain with thunder and lightning is a warning about the disruption of financial transactions as a result of the betrayal of business partners. This is a sign of the failure of large business projects, inspections by higher authorities, which greatly undermine the authority of the sleeping person.
Lightning strike to the ground
A dream in which a lightning strike with a bang hits the ground warns that it is possible:
- dangers while traveling or on long trips;
- conflicts in the service
- anger and discontent of the authorities, fraught with demotion and material punishment;
- major troubles in the family circle, right up to divorce;
- severance of relations with close relatives, friends.
To dream that the whole sky is cut through by incessant lightning to the ground and lit up with fiery flashes - to global calamities:
- large crop failures that may cause food shortages;
- natural disasters - hurricanes, tornadoes, floods;
- armed conflicts on a global scale.
Walking under heavy rain
Walking on the street in the rain in a dream can mean different events in reality:
- Get wet in a warm clean rain on a sunny day - to receive happy news. People around us talk about sleeping only good things, the bosses at work have a high opinion of him and are planning a new appointment, a long-term business is coming to a successful conclusion.
- To get under heavy rain on the way - to a banquet, corporate party, invitation to a wedding or anniversary celebration.
- A walk under a shower with peals of thunder and lightning cutting black clouds warns of trouble at work and at home, warns of a possible illness.
A careful attitude to dreams will help to analyze the current state of affairs at work and adjust their actions to strengthen their positions, to show more attention and care to their relatives and friends.