Sometimes dreams are just games of our subconscious, however, nightmares about a fire in a house never come just like that. In esotericism, night dreams in which fire is present are considered prophetic, and they must be treated very carefully. True, it is not always easy to understand why a burning house is dreaming, because the decryption can depend on many factors.

Interpretation in various dream books

The interpreters of dreams agree on one thing: fire in general, and fire in particular, is an embodiment of a raging, human-subordinate element, predicts sudden changes in life. And also the experience of violent emotions, not always positive.


The detailed interpretation of different neuromancers varies:

  • According to Miller's dream book, a fire in the house foreshadows the imminent collapse of some hopes and serious disappointment. However, if no one was hurt in your dream, then, on the contrary, some happy changes await you (although perhaps not the ones you were waiting for).
  • Yuri Longo regards the fire as a harbinger of evil events: failures, quarrels with loved ones, or even bitter losses.
  • But Tsvetkov’s dream book, on the contrary, prophesies unexpected joy.
  • According to Hasse, the fire has a similar meaning: it means the appearance of a reliable defender in personal or business life.
  • The universal dream book offers a different interpretation: the fear of change, which is symbolized by a raging flame. You are afraid to not cope with events or your own feelings and try to avoid responsibility.
  • Freud sees the fire as an omen of a strong carnal desire that will soon embrace the dreamer.
  • Nostradamus adheres to a similar interpretation: fire acts as a symbol of violent passions, unexpected changes in life.A new love awaits you, in which you will rush headlong, or a certain adventure, on which you will be pushed by the desire to break with the routine.
  • Seer Vanga regards a house fire as a prediction of home loss, repair, or relocation. But the strong smoke shows that you are surrounded by gossip, which will be difficult to cope with.
  • A favorable sign is a fire on a village street. This promises the dreamer happy changes in life.

Much depends on whose particular housing is engulfed in fire, where you yourself are and because of what a fire broke out:

  • If in a dream the house belonging to you burns, then in reality big losses await you.
  • Did you see the very beginning of the fire? Get ready for a quarrel with a loved one. If the candle became the cause, then the quarrel will happen due to adultery.
  • The house is on fire, but are you outside? Success in an important undertaking awaits you. But if you observe a fire from the crowd, then the interpretation will be different: the tension in the team, perhaps gossip behind your back.
  • Is the house lit up by lightning? Be careful: soon you will meet your soulmate, do not miss your happiness!
  • If a girl in love has had a fire, it's worth waiting for an offer from a gentleman. The power of the flame plays a huge role: the more violent it is, the stronger the future marriage will be.

And also in dreams about a burning house, it is important to pay attention to the flame itself and to your own emotional state.

Light-colored fire that engulfed your home means success on the business front. Dark flames or an oppressive state upon awakening - on the contrary, to failure and disease.

Why dream of putting out a fire

The attempt to fight fire marks the desire to cope with something that is not in your power. Since fire is interpreted precisely as strong passions, it will have to be fought first of all with emotions, one's own or others.

So, if you had to put out a fire in a dream, try to remember all the details as accurately as possible - it will depend on them exactly what changes await you in the future:

  • Flames can mean your own temper, because of which you risk losing the love and respect of loved ones. You will have to take control of your own "mental fire."
  • If you dreamed that you were trying to fill the fire with water from any small container (mugs, watering cans, etc.), then in reality you will soon have to become an arbiter in someone's quarrel.
  • Did you dream that you were calling firefighters? This is a sign that you own some important information (yourself, perhaps without realizing it).
  • Have the firefighters arrived? Take a closer look at your friends: one of them is fraught with unkind thoughts.
  • An especially bad sign is an attempt to save someone from the fire: some important event in real life will soon end in an unfavorable way.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus explains the attempt to extinguish the fire as a fear of the future, unpreparedness for future changes. Inaction is, on the contrary, a missed opportunity to change your life for the better.
  • The gypsy dream book regards the fight against fire as getting rid of something outdated, outdated: beliefs, things, feelings. But if you lost consciousness in the process, be especially careful on the road: there is a risk of an accident.
  • Miller’s dream interpretation interprets the fight against fire as a premonition of any problems in reality: it may be a failure in business, a disease of a loved one, etc.
  • Finally, participation in the elimination of fire can predict hard work in the cold and strong winds.

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See the burning house of your friends

Such dream details in all dream books are tense in color:

  • If a neighbor’s house is engulfed in flames, then in reality you will be expected to be separated from someone dear to your heart.
  • Alien dwelling burns with a bang? Be careful: these are warnings about gossip and intrigue trailing around you.
  • It happens that in a dream fire is not visible, but a lot of smoke.This is a sign that in front of you is waiting for the disclosure of some unpleasant secret: yours, or, conversely, someone else's, but connected with you.
  • It’s good if there were no casualties in the dream of fire: for you, this means changes in life that can do without loss.
  • If someone died in the fire, even think about participating in any adventure: at the last moment everything will turn out sadly for you.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus explains the fire in a neighboring house as a physiological attraction to someone.
  • According to Miller, homeowners expect tough times. The same interpretation is in the Modern Dream Book.

Burnt furniture in dreams

According to the Modern Dream Book, furniture destroyed by fire portends a series of troubles. If this happened in the dining room, you should consult a doctor: the disease has already begun, but it is still unknown or the deterioration of health will occur soon.

If only furniture burned out, and the house itself was not damaged, then the dream, on the contrary, is favorable: you will have a love interest. However, it will not hurt you to think clearly.

The most bad sign for Family Dream Book is a dream in which the internal situation burned to the ground: this portends a series of serious disasters.

Trying to get out of a house in flames

In all dream books, an attempt to escape from fire means that something happens in your life that requires active action.

But there are nuances:

  • According to Freud, being locked in a burning house means suffering from low self-esteem.
  • The universal dream book regards the desire to get out of the fire as a sign of unforgived insults that prevent a person from living and threaten his peace of mind.
  • The dream books of Felomen and Azar interpret the attempt to get out of the fire as a danger to the life of the dreamer himself or a person close to him. But if you dream of a burning house of a stranger, and not your own, then everything is not so scary - you just need to wait for guests.

In addition, the result is important: an unsuccessful (or incomplete due to awakening) attempt to get out of a building covered by fire predicts trouble, successful - on the contrary, a favorable development of certain events.

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If the roof burns in a dream

The meaning of a prophetic dream depends on the nuances of the fire, as well as on which part of the building is engulfed in fire. For example, if the upper floor of a house burns, then in reality soon there will be a risk of humiliation or serious financial loss. Fire destroyed walls or pillars of a building? Ahead is a quarrel with a relative. Is the whole building burning? Expect an unpleasant lawsuit.

You need to be especially careful if the roof burned during a dream;

  • According to Magnini's dream book, this means the loss of a patron who previously protected you.
  • The roof that collapsed with a roar is a sign of a hospital bed, to which you will be confined due to some kind of injury.
  • The neurologist Smirnov interprets such a dream in two ways: as a kind of spiritual growth, or, conversely, a harbinger of meningitis.
  • According to Longo's dream book, a burning roof serves as a symbol of the emergence of a new phobia or as yet unconscious problem.
  • According to Hassa, a man who dreams of a burning roof of a house is expected to fail on a love front.
  • But according to Felomen’s dream book, such an event portends serious, but not fatal problems, which will require all your strength to overcome.

In addition, in all dream books, a roof collapse due to fire is considered an extremely bad sign.

I dreamed about a burning house of parents

To see such a dream at night - to the news, and often sad. It can be a disease of loved ones, the death of an elderly relative, or just a quarrel in the family.

Much depends on the details of the fire and the chosen dream book:

  • According to Miller, a burning parental home means a deterioration in relations with the elderly. And the culprits of this are you yourself, your indifference or mercantile spirit. Fire is a reminder of the need to make contact before it's too late.
  • According to Meridian’s dream book, a flaming father’s house means a quick loss of a close friend or relative.
  • The family dream book regards such a vision as an omen of trouble that will soon happen to parents.

But not everything is so scary. If in a dream your father’s house burned to the ground, you should allow yourself to break away from the “parental nest” and start living your own life. Ahead of you will succeed.

Roam the ashes

You need to pay special attention if you are on the ruins of a burnt building.

There are several interpretations of such a dream:

  • There is a person in your life who does not need your help, and you just need to leave him alone.
  • The analysis of burnt rubble means the emergence of new social ties.
  • According to Tsvetkov’s version, the ashes are a sign of a depressing, painful situation for you. Perhaps it will cause health problems or financial loss. However, if you see the charred ruins from the side, perhaps soon you will be able to solve your housing problems.
  • Freud’s scorched ashes mean a devastated soul: relations with a former lover have exhausted themselves, it is time to let them go and seek new love.
  • Miller regards the burnt coals of someone else’s housing as a promise of great benefit: it can be a successful marriage, a successful deal, inheritance or the appearance of a powerful patron.

In addition, occasionally a fire in night vision has nothing to do with the fate of the dreamer. The ashes in the warm season symbolize the intense heat and possibly drought in the coming summer. In the cold months, on the contrary, it is a sign of the approach of severe frosts.