Perhaps you rarely meet a person who says that he never saw dreams. Most people dream. Sometimes they are so vivid and memorable that there is a huge desire to find out what this or that image symbolizes. In this article we will tell you what dreams of eating fish.

Decoding in various dream books

Seeing a fish in a dream is considered a sign of well-being. But in order not to make a mistake in deciphering what he saw, when he wakes up, it is necessary to remember all the slightest details of the dream. In the interpretation, much matters: the variety of the fish, its size, whether it is live or cooked in the form of a dish, the sex who saw a dream and other subtleties.

To know more precisely what the fish is dreaming of, let us turn to dream books. We give examples of the interpretation of the image in different sources.

Miller's Dream Book

In the popular book of the famous psychologist Gustav Miller, a fish seen in a dream is considered a positive sign.

It means:

  1. There is a fish - a quick birth in the baby's family.
  2. Small aquarium fish - small troubles or accusations awaiting a person who has a dream. But do not worry: the attacks will be insignificant and baseless. Everything will be resolved safely for the dreamer.
  3. Catching fish and preparing an exquisite dish out of it is good luck and success in the near future.

Most of those who want to decipher what they saw in a dream trust this particular collection of interpretations of dreams, since the author relied on psychology and his practice when compiling it. He conducted a deep analysis of night visions of tens of thousands of people.

Dream Wanga

The dream book of the great prophetess gives the following interpretation of dreams.

Dreaming about fish:

  1. In clear water: successful life changes (joy in the family, luck, success at work).
  2. In a dirty pond: difficulties in finding a reliable partner.
  3. Large individual caught during fishing: success in business relationships. And detractors will become a victim of their own cunning.
  4. Without scales: the likelihood of disease. Such a dream is an occasion to see a doctor.
  5. Without a head: a warning that you should not trust your first impressions.

In general, a fish seen in a dream is not fraught with great threat.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus dreams about fish for the most part give unpleasant interpretations:

  1. If you dreamed of eating a fish dish, it promises difficulties, instability, problems and obstacles.
  2. Eating live or raw fish portends terrible troubles.
  3. Fish rain represents an environmental disaster.
  4. A rotten fish dreams of gossip and rumors, leading to a deterioration in relations with an important person.

But not all interpretations of dreams about fish are given in a folio in a negative way. For example, three fishes eaten in a row speak about fast luck.

To solve the dream, you should not dwell on the interpretation of the image in one source. For an objective assessment, it is best to turn to several at once. In addition to the above, the dream books of Zhou-Gong, Stepanova, Juno, Tsvetkov, Freud are widely known.

Eating fried fish in a dream

Most dream books have fried fish in a dream - a good omen.

It means:

  1. A quick auspicious trip (along the Wang).
  2. Success and luck in undertakings, speedy resolution of existing problems (according to Miller).
  3. Superiority in power and success over superiors (according to Freud).
  4. Good news and a safe exit for their confusing situation (according to the dictionary-dream book of the wanderer Smirnov).
  5. Birth in the family of a baby (according to Simeon Prozorov).

Interpretation also depends on who prepared the fish, how it was received (bought or donated), what kind and size. But in any case, fried fish portends profit, good luck and good health.

More dream books:grapes in a dream

Why dream big, small

There are different interpretations depending on the size of the fish seen in a dream.

Catching a big fish means:

  • possible successful marriage;
  • a large and profitable enterprise;
  • joy;
  • Significant profit (if you dream of a lot of net-caught fish).

The small caught fish portends:

  • big useless chores;
  • sadness
  • devastation;
  • Lack of money.

Thus, the larger the dreaming fish, the greater the likelihood that a dream marks good luck and success.

Interpretation according to the dreamer's gender

Dreams about fish are interpreted differently and depending on the gender of the person to whom she dreamed.

Such dreams portend to a man:

  1. Unexpected and long-term improvement in material condition, high income from the work started, increase, recognition and honor if you dream of fish splashing in a transparent reservoir.
  2. Great success in conceived endeavors if in a dream you had to stand in the water and hold a fish in your hands.
  3. High incomes if you dreamed of a big flock of small fish.
  4. Financial unjustified losses in the appearance of a dead fish in a dream.

In almost all dream interpreters, fish for a woman is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy and easy delivery.

But there are other signs:

  1. There is a delicious fresh fish - for marriage.
  2. Eating an unpleasant taste of a fish - to the difficulties in his personal life, which are resolved only with the help of loved ones.
  3. To clean a living fish is to cool the interest of young people.
  4. Catching dead or sick fish - to illnesses, bereavements, losses and big failures in all endeavors.

Often dream books contradict each other, so when interpreting sleep, you need to listen to your morning well-being and what your intuition tells you.

Dreaming of smoked, salted fish

Often in a dream is not live, but smoked or salted fish. What are such dreams fraught with?

The following interpretations are found in dream books:

  1. There is salted fish in a dream - a harbinger of the fact that in the near future a reminder of long-standing love awaits.
  2. To see smoked red fish of the salmon family is a pleasant surprise.
  3. Eating salted smoked fish - to quick resentment and disappointment.
  4. Mackerel prepared by smoking, a woman dreams of an unexpected pregnancy, and a man - to an intimate relationship with an insidious partner.

Even in the interpretation of sleep, not only its content, but also the sensations of a person are of great importance. Even if the meaning of night visions is unpleasant, this does not mean that problems must happen in reality if the dreamer woke up in a rainbow-colored mood.