The train is always associated with travel, a change of residence, some kind of change. However, in a dream, it can mean a lot. Why dream of going on a train? The correct definition can be a warning about future problems, especially if the dream showed a catastrophe.
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Interpretation in different dream books
The most popular interpreters of dreams, the meaning of such a vision will be as follows:
- According to Wangi's dream book, a train that is in motion primarily indicates the internal state of the sleeper, namely that he is currently suffering from prolonged depression. If you just get on a train in a dream, then your life will soon change. And if you are already inside, then the dream can be taken literally - you will soon go on a journey. A large number of wagons will be a good sign - they dream of a good and stable life. Baggage means that soon your relatives will turn to you for help.
- According to Miller, the train means that you have to go somewhere, and far away. An unusual dream in which the sleeper rides on a train without rails means an attractive and profitable business in the future. If a person sleeps on the top shelf, which many do not like so much, then in reality he will have an unpleasant company that he will have to put up with.
- A dream about a train without a railway means success in interpreting Longo. But if the train is freight, then ahead of you is a dreary and difficult life, which will be accompanied by apathy and an oppressed state.
A train on Loff's dream book foreshadows an early meeting with his soul mate.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov gives the following explanations for such a vision:
- the image of the train - the need to sign some important documents;
- someone arrives by train and leaves it to an invitation to a holiday or other event;
- train ride - to the beginning of something new.
Dream interpretation Hasse offers various meanings seen in a dream depending on the type of train:
- passenger - changes in life,
- commodity - profit
- fast - fulfillment of desires.
Please note that in the interpretation, every detail matters, starting from the color of the train and ending with where the sleeper was traveling - just inside the carriage or on the roof.
Miss the train in a dream
Had to be late for the train in a dream? So, the sleeping one will in reality miss the chance presented to him. It is possible that something will change in life, something important will happen, but to cope with events will not be easy, because a person is simply not ready to meet them.
The emotional state of the dreamer in a dream is important. If you are upset when you see the train leaving, then miss and in reality some chance to change your life for the better. If the view of the last car did not sadden you, hurry up, there is still time to grab luck by the tail.
If the cars just pass by, and gaining speed, then you should change the chosen path of development. Continuing along it, you will soon find yourself at a dead end.
The best dream is one in which the dreamer still manages to jump onto the outgoing train at the last moment. A difficult situation lies ahead, but coping with it will not be difficult if you are not afraid to take risks. All the dangers associated with it can also be avoided.
Why dream of riding on the roof of the train
Traveling is not in a train car, but on its roof is usually dreamed by people who are actually ready for non-standard actions and risk. Such people do not like to sit in one place and cannot stand stagnation in business. It is important for them to use any turned up opportunity. For example, they can make a bold decision and climb high up the career ladder. For others, this dream portends the need to commit an extraordinary act and take the risk.
If a girl or a boy who does not have a relationship is riding on the roof, they will soon meet their soul mate.
Had a dream with a man, a woman
When a woman dreams of riding a train with a man, it means that she will soon meet interesting people, and this acquaintance will give her a lot. She will make new friends, like-minded people, will be able to solve her problems with their help. It is especially good if the representatives of the stronger sex from sleep were familiar.
However, the company of unpleasant, suspicious men means that someone from the environment will try to drag the sleeping man into a dubious business. He should be careful.
I dreamed of a train ride in the company of women - to communicate, to receive new information that would certainly be useful.
The interpretation of sleep also depends on the gender of the sleeping person:
- if a woman dreams of male companions, then changes await her in the near future, new beginnings;
- a woman rides with girls - gossip can go about her;
- if a man sees himself in the company of representatives of his gender, he will soon have to enter into fierce competition because of work;
- a man traveling with women - to a stormy and fast romance.
For those women who attach great importance to a career, a dream about a train can symbolize an important business meeting, a discussion of current work issues. Soon there will be something that will affect professional growth or personal life.
What does a dream mean for a pregnant woman?
A train dreamed of by a pregnant woman is a very good sign. This is a symbol of easy and painless childbirth.
The baby will be born strong and healthy. The main thing is not to be nervous, trust your body, nature and then everything will go as it should.
The husband will also support her beloved. You can not worry, because he is really looking forward to the appearance of a son or daughter and also is preparing a pleasant surprise for his wife.
Ride a train without a ticket
If you see in a dream that you were without a ticket on the train, then in reality your plans may fail.Also, a dream may mean that you are not confident in yourself.
If you lost your ticket before the trip, then you have a lawsuit. The ticket, torn into small pieces, warns - give up your plans, they will not bring anything good. If such a dream is dreamed of by a person in love, he will be rejected.
A forgotten train ticket can mean the following:
- your head is full of unnecessary thoughts;
- the work chosen by you brings neither profit nor satisfaction;
- you doubt the correctness of your actions.
Fast train
The dream in which the train travels so fast that outside the window the sleeping person can see only a rapidly rushing landscape, he dreams about the quick implementation of plans. However, if the cars went off the rails, then instead of success, a series of failures awaits.
If a train racing at great speed causes fear, then the dreamer will encounter something exciting. Events in life will develop just as rapidly, but there will be no time to think about them and even more so to control.