In a dream, a wide variety of images may suddenly appear. They reflect not only the objective reality of the day, but also the subconscious reactions of man. Therefore, dreams are sometimes strange. Each subject or action manifested in them has a special meaning. Therefore, it is possible to unravel what food is dreaming of by referring to the experience of those authors who spent many years in special studies. They set out their observations in dream books, which are worth listening to.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
The appearance of the image of food in a dream is interpreted by popular dream books in different ways.
Miller's Dream Book:
- The dreamed edible indicates that the dreamer is very careless about business documentation. This can lead to serious troubles in the near future and significantly reduce revenues.
- Eating in a dream - this vision has several interpretations. If the dreamer dined in sad loneliness, then there is a chance that in reality there will be small problems associated with finances, there will be losses.
- Sitting at the table with a pleasant person is a good omen. It is interpreted as business success, making a profit.
- Someone took a plate with half-eaten food from a dreamer and carried it away - in reality they will experience trouble. Resentment comes from a person who does not deserve respect.
Freud's dream book reports that the abundance of food in a dream symbolizes a growing sexual appetite. Self-control is needed and the problem will be solved. However, if there was little food, then this suggests that the partner became indifferent.
- French dream book. Is alone - to financial loss, illness and trouble in reality. Having fun with friends in a dream at an abundant table - to frivolous acts, which later have to be regretted.
- Russian dream book. Food is a symbol of wealth and hospitality. Therefore, the appearance of such an image in a dream portends a positive development of events. People who have dinner with the dreamer will in reality support him as the best friends. If a person experiences unpleasant feelings in relation to his neighbor at the table, then waking troubles are possible in which this person will appear.
- Dream Book of Medea. The image of food in a dream does not always mean it in reality. In fact, it is an informational symbol, "food for the mind." A person who dreams of a lot of food feels the desire to draw new knowledge and experience, which he will strive for in reality. He will definitely get what he wants. If other people dined at the table with the dreamer, it means that in reality it is necessary to combine their efforts with other people in order to solve a serious matter. Working in a team, exchanging information, it will be possible to achieve success.
See a lot of food
Peace of mind, physical health - such is the interpretation of sleep, in which there appears an image of abundant food, beautifully served and appetizing.
A feast with friends, with a large number of delicious dishes portends a lot of joys in real life, positive changes, pleasant surprises.
- Fun at the meal is a symbol of well-being and success.
- Loneliness at a plentiful festive table - to small troubles and minor losses.
- If you dream of a lot of food, a person dines with friends in a restaurant at a rich table, and the waiter unexpectedly takes away a plate of unfinished food from him, then this is realized in reality by troubles. The dreamer will fall into the midst of a conflict situation. Intrigues and gossip are woven around him, a certain one is being conceived under the carpet fight.
What do hair, worms or maggots in food mean
When stale products are dreamed of, rot - this, in fact, cannot be a positive omen.
Worms symbolize ill-wishers, envious people who are just waiting to harm the dreamer.
Stirring white worms and maggots in food intended for the dreamer, warning of a probable imminent illness. It can threaten both the person himself and his loved ones.
The size of the dreaming worms will indicate various significant circumstances:
- Minor personify minor household turmoil.
- Large and long usually dream of a serious conflict, reaching a scandal, with a loved one, work colleague, friend. This may well be a warning of adultery.
Unmarried girls should be very cautious during this period with fans, be sure to look at the men who show her signs of attention. Since among them may be not quite mentally adequate person. He may begin to pursue the dreamer, to annoy her, even to avenge the fact that she, in his opinion, does not spend enough time with him.
Had a table with dishes
A rich table, laden with all kinds of dishes, is a positive sign. Fortune is supportive now, so well-being is just around the corner. Events will bring good changes to life, everything will turn out great, any undertakings will end perfectly.
If the dishes were in a dream not on the table, but in the refrigerator, then this is also wonderful. Such an image means that a person manages his finances well. He expects great success in the business sphere, increasing income.
When a dreamer dreams that he is extracting cheese or sausages from the refrigerator, this is to unexpected guests.
Dreaming woman, man
The sex of the dreamer is quite serious when deciding on a dream about food:
- Girl or single woman. A table with food is a dream - this is the body's need for some trace elements and vitamins, so you should pay attention to health.Especially if you are on a diet, depriving yourself of nutrients, necessary energy.
- Married woman. Delicious food, abundance on the table - “good weather” in the house, well-being in the family, little joys. If the dish was tasteless, for example, burnt, it bodes a quarrel with the second half. She can be prevented by talking about painful, to find out everything that interferes with family happiness. This problem should be carefully considered, because if the situation is not resolved now, it will develop into a protracted conflict.
- Man. A lot of food that I would eat with great appetite - positive for life in general, the long-awaited "white streak" comes. When you dream of spoiled, rotten foods, tastelessly prepared dishes - this is a serious conflict at work, threatening business reputation, a career, up to and including dismissal.
Depending on the day of the week
The interpretation of this dream also depends on what day he dreamed.
- Monday. Is there a beautiful, covered for feast table, with a varied and tasty food? This means for the dreamer complete well-being, family happiness, prosperity.
- Tuesday. Appetizing food in a dream - soon meet a person who will bring a lot of joy and fun. He will become a wonderful friend, will always cheer and support.
- Wednesday. A lot of food, all kinds of dishes and “goodies” - this usually portends participation in a crowded holiday, joyful and pleasant. The dreamer will have a great time and will remember these happy moments for a long time.
- Thursday. Too many different foods, cooking in a dream - it's time to change your diet, take care of your health. If you are on a diet, then keep in mind that it is completely not suitable for the body. He signals this by a similar dream.
- Friday. Prophetic dream. The appearance of a large amount of food in it is quite natural. By dishes and products used for their preparation, one can judge the secret desires, the development of relations with a loved one.
- Saturday. A large number of different foods - stop, there is a risk of overeating, carefully listen to your body.
- Sunday. I dreamed of abundance on the table - to financial well-being. The dreamer has a good job, stable incomes, and this is for a long time.
Not always a dream about food can be significant. It is possible that a person simply went to bed hungry or, on the contrary, overeat. Therefore, you should listen to your condition and then decide how such a dream deserves attention.