Many dream books can tell about what the door is dreaming of. The main thing is to remember all the details and nuances regarding the dream. The exact interpretation of the night plot depends on them.
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Interpretation in dream books
In dream books, a door can be an embodiment of human success. But each of the night vision has its own interpretation.
21st Century Dream Interpretation:
- I happened to open the door - to cash receipts and unreasonable expenses.
- If she is tall and powerful, to wealth and social status.
- When the gates to the house are exquisitely decorated, it means that the dreamer's dream will not come true.
- The door creaks - an unpleasant meeting is expected.
- I happened to see her in an open state - to deception or self-doubt.
- Looking for your door and not finding it is an obstacle to business.
- It happened with zeal to close it - a danger that may come from loved ones.
- To see how the door collapses - an unpleasant situation arises.
- Important events in life are foreshadowed by a nightly plot in which someone is knocking on a sleeping person.
- The doorbell is a bad sign. If in a dream a person discovered it at that moment, then one should expect big trouble.
- An interesting acquaintance promises a dream in which the door had a very beautiful and shiny handle.
Miller's Dream Book:
- I dreamed of a door in my father’s house, and you entered it — the happiness and care of loved ones.
- Enter through it into an unfamiliar room - to get rid of enemies and gossip will not work.
- Frivolous meetings and indecent acts can symbolize a dream in which I happened to look at the door in the rain.
- Difficulties in business and various obstacles can be predicted by a vision, in which it was necessary to observe how some stranger enters or leaves through the door.
- The danger for you and your friends promises a plot where, when you try to open the door, it fell off the hinges.
Small Velesov dream book:
- Closed aperture - to failure.
- To see a broken door is a chance to run into problems with the law.
- To see a new thing is the birth of an heir.
- Unpleasant guests are promised a dream with creaky doors.
- Trying to find a way out is an obstacle in all endeavors.
- To see an open door is to success and happiness.
- It was possible to open or close it, but at the same time unsuccessfully, which means that dreams were not destined to come true.
- In a dream, the door burns - the spouse or spouse dies.
- Big trouble portends a dream in which it was necessary to squeeze into a narrow aperture. The harder it was to do, the worse things would be.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:
- The door burns - to the guests.
- Locked - a meeting with people who are unpleasant to you.
- Open - good news and gifts.
- Buy a new door - a son will be born.
- The doors themselves swung open - success in all matters, you could even take risks.
- Could not find her - an obstacle. It’s worth putting off all things.
Many dream books claim that night scenes about the doors that had to be installed independently promise the dreamer progress on the career ladder. But in reality, this will require maximum efforts.
Value for women, men
The gender of the dreamer in this case does not play a special role.
There are only a few nuances associated with this.
- If a woman dreamed about how she enters the room, opening the door to bad weather, this promises her a frivolous act.
- If a similar plot was seen by a man, then this is a harbinger of the fact that he can expect a romantic date.
Some dream books state that a man who sees a broken door will lose his job or lose another financial source.
More dream books: ring
Open or closed door
When you dream of an open door, it means that in your life there will be no obstacles in the near future. And also a dream can portend the receipt of a well-deserved reward, the respect of others.
If the door itself opened before the sleeping person, it means that in reality a person will appear who is ready to assist in solving all problems.
I dreamed a lot of doors, and they were open - to wealth. It can be both the result of the laborer’s labors and a surprise from relatives. It is possible to win the lottery.
Closed doors always symbolize a certain obstacle. Most likely, you will have to face difficulties in resolving some tasks, or the planned cases will be postponed indefinitely. If she dreamed of a padlock, then you can expect a deterioration in relationships with loved ones or a meeting with the enemy.
Important. Trying to open a slammed door is a sign that you should not commit a plan.
Lock inside or out with a key
In most cases, the vision of having to close the door in a dream speaks of the problems of the past.
- Locking it from the inside means according to Miller’s dream book the ability to forgive insults. According to other interpreters - an attempt to understand themselves.
- I happened to close the door from the outside and throw away the keys - soon an important step will be taken by you. Perhaps in the near future, the work begun will be successfully completed.
- Stuck key in the well - a painful and painful relationship. If in the end it turned out to be pulled out, then in reality it will be possible to break vicious ties.
- Hide the key after the door has been locked outside, to the wedding soon.
There is a separate interpretation of sleep for a married young lady and for a free girl. In the first case, a woman will begin to doubt her husband’s loyalty. In the second - a meeting with the future spouse is soon possible.
Why dream doorway
I had a chance to see a dream in which there was an empty doorway, which means that you need to be attentive to your health. Perhaps you just need to relax and rest.If at the same time a fire blazed, you should immediately undergo a medical examination.
When in a dream the dreamer cannot find the desired opening in the place where he was, to the problems in the professional sphere, quarrels in the family. Since this vision is a warning sign, it is in the power of a sleeping waking person to prevent such troubles.
Glass or wooden
If you dream of an apartment door made of glass, you should take a closer look at your partner. Possible betrayal on his part. If it was someone else’s home, then the dreamer will act in this way.
In some dream books, a glass door is a symbol that people are haunted by constant fears.
In this case, you need to carefully remember the details of the vision.
- The glass cracked on its own - soon there will be relief, fears will pass.
- The sleeper broke it - attempts to overcome fears on their own will be in vain.
- If the glass was clear, then loved ones know about your problems.
- The muddy material symbolizes the isolation of the asleep person. It is better to find strength in yourself and open yourself to someone from your family.
Wooden doors in a dream can also be ambiguous.
- Massive gates, decorated with carvings, varnished and causing pleasant emotions, dream of unexpected wealth. It may be an unexpected inheritance or some kind of gain.
- Completely white canvas - failures pass by, a bright streak in life begins.
- If the wooden door crumbled into pieces or was in an unpresentable form, then difficult obstacles will appear on the dreamer's path.
- To see how the door becomes old before our eyes - to commit rash acts.
- To tear it down is the solution of a contentious issue in your favor.
Broken wicket in a dream
The gate, seen in a dream, has a slightly different interpretation compared to the door. In most cases, this is an omen of imminent marriage. If you happen to see such an opening in an unusable state, then the marriage will soon be destroyed.
Breaking yourself - trying to strengthen the union, but all efforts will be in vain. If someone else does this, then there is a rival or rival who will be able to complete their cunning plans.
What the new door portends
Most often, in a dream, the front door can signal obstacles in the way. But it is important to pay attention to her condition. If it is new, then, on the contrary, it portends improvements in life, profitable offers, a meeting with influential people, and an increase in social status are possible.
There are other interpretations:
- I had the opportunity to put a new front door on my own - all problems can be solved without much effort.
- To see how someone installs a new door in your house, there will be enemies in your way who will try to ruin your life.
- If you put the door in a strange house, then a meeting will soon take place that can radically change your life.
A new door in the room is a sign of state of mind.
Although there are various formulations of this vision:
- If she was beautiful or richly decorated in a dream, then this is a good sign. Most likely, all your worries and fears will soon disappear.
- If it was installed crookedly, it is worth relaxing before embarking on important matters.
- A new door stained with blood - problems with loved ones. Perhaps they need your help and support.
- To see how a new door turns into an old canvas, from which chips or nails stick out - expect trouble.
The intrigues of ill-wishers are portended by a dream, in which a new interior door breaks from its hinges. You need to look at your surroundings, because the enemy is very close.
See the door handle
Door handles in a dream - a sign that obstacles can be overcome.
However, you must remember the nuances of the night story.
- A beautiful handle on the door - any problems will be easily solved.
- Shabby - will have to make efforts to find a way out of this situation.
- If in a dream it was possible to open the door with a key and at the same time break the handle, then this is a bad sign. Most likely, the plan did not materialize, although nothing portends problems.
- A loose handle can symbolize your indecision. You need to be more confident.
- To put it is to see a way out of a difficult situation.
- Trying to find on the door is a rash step. It’s not worth the risk, as your reputation may be severely damaged.
Since doors are a symbol of obstacles in a dream, it is important for the dreamer to remember all the details of the vision. Indeed, sometimes the real outcome of the situation depends on them.