Highway, path, freeway - all this is a metaphor for life. What is the dream of the road? A wide highway symbolizes abundance, great opportunities. A narrow path heralds constraining, limiting circumstances. A smooth and even path promises a serene life, and a broken road promises losses. But the devil, as you know, is in the details.

Interpretation in popular dream books

What turns of fate would you expect if you dreamed of a road?

  1. Travel, but not for relaxation. It will be a move or a business trip.
  2. Way to success. It is a victory won by one's own labor, a conscious, thoughtful movement towards the goal. You can’t count on random luck.
  3. The need to move in the figurative sense of the word: to develop, change, improve, set new goals.

According to the condition of the roadway, the future can be predicted: a beautiful smooth road - a prosperous life, a broken and old one - problems, difficulties, failures.

Dreamed about the railway

The railway is dreaming - the dreamer must take control of the circumstances, otherwise others will do it, and the person will be in a dependent position. He who walks on rails will find happiness as a result of his own efforts, he will deserve it with hard work. Seeing an obstacle on the way - to betrayal.

This dream can be prophetic and mean a quick trip, but it will not be a vacation, but a business trip.

In the dream there were not only rails and sleepers, but also a train? It is interesting that the interpreters of dreams pay attention to the class of the car. Riding in a compartment means starting a new business with good friends. A common carriage is a threat to reputation coming from envious people. A freight train portends success for trade workers.A seen electric train warns: one should not drag out with work affairs, otherwise one may remain unclaimed, the work will be given to another.

It's important to know. The train is a symbol of cardinal changes that turn life upside down. The destined destiny may even change.

Dirty road in a dream

The road symbolizes the path to the goal. According to her condition, one can judge what this path will be like.

Dreamed of a dirt road - ahead of a strip of difficulties:

  • life difficulties associated with humiliation;
  • the test of poverty, especially if it is a narrow path;
  • tears if there were puddles, wet mud.

Well, if the path goes uphill, then overcoming difficulties will ultimately lead to success. If the path leads down, the situation will only worsen.

Anyone who in a dream crossed a dirty road to the opposite side runs the risk of engaging in a dangerous conflict. Now it makes no sense to stubborn and stand your ground, it is futile. A compromise will be more profitable.

Why dream about going on the road

This includes the following plots:

  • to pack suitcases - a move is coming, a change of residence;
  • to buy, issue, receive travel tickets - to the long-awaited success in business, which will be achieved thanks to a successful combination of circumstances;
  • to search for travel companions - as they behaved in a dream, so in reality colleagues or partners will prove themselves;
  • to gather in a hurry, to be late - physical fatigue, the need for rest.

The dream of training camps reminds: to realize your plans, it is important to gain strength and patience.

And also to calculate the steps: success is the result of consistent efforts.

Accident on the road

The dream catastrophe calls for abandoning the conceived business, because it will not end in anything good.

Much depends on the circumstances of the incident:

  • to observe the accident from the outside - in reality, to be forced to talk with a person insistent, but not very smart;
  • the train went off the rails - this is a long line of failures;
  • Become a party to the accident - the enemies will adjust the danger;
  • to be hit by a vehicle - to avoid trouble;
  • to bring down a living creature itself - to useless leave, which will not bring rest and satisfaction;
  • to avoid an accident - it is beautiful to get out of a dispute, to prevent a conflict.

The above applies to land transport, that is, accidents involving a car, train, bicycle. What about crashes on water and in the air?

The dreamed plane crash promises a mess in business. New beginnings unsettle. The usual way of life will be destroyed, this will lead to anxiety and confusion.

An accident on the water dreams of success in a difficult business. Especially difficult interpretation of sleep, in which the dreamer dies in a shipwreck. A close person will ask for a request, but it will be difficult, risky, costly to help him. You have to choose whether to act to the detriment of yourself for the sake of saving another or refuse. If the shipwreck is observed from the side, then the dreamer himself will be in the place of that very close one who needs expensive help.

Walk the road

Walking along the road in a dream - in reality, you will have to work hard to achieve your goal.

It is important to remember what the path looked like:

  • a sandy rural path dreams of success on a love front;
  • new asphalt - to change;
  • an unfamiliar route bodes a new business;
  • a wide, straight, smooth road portends the joy of success;
  • a narrow, winding, uneven path warns of problems;
  • A busy, noisy freeway indicates high business activity.

Asking for directions is bad advice. Overcoming obstacles (pits, potholes, barriers, puddles) should be understood as a symbol of life's difficulties.

To go astray, to get lost - this is a conflict in the family, and the fault of the dreamer.

An interesting interpretation of the plot, in which the traveler turned around and saw obstacles behind him. Errors of the past, unfinished business, poorly completed relationships will make themselves felt.They will be resurrected and begin to badly influence today's life. It's time to thoroughly deal with the "tails."

The road led somewhere, managed to achieve the final goal? Then in reality a person will receive a worthy reward for his work. If the path was endless, and did not lead anywhere, then this bodes a lot of trouble, which will be meaningless.

See the long road

It is not enough to see the road in a dream, it is necessary for the dreamer to remember his feelings. Did you like what was happening, was it good, calm on the trip? Then this is a good sign that predicts a long, stable life. But the road, causing discomfort (both mental and physical), promises experience.

Was there vegetation around?

  • Flowers on the road portend luck where it was not expected at all.
  • Trees along the road mean events in which a person will be involved, although he would prefer to remain an outside observer. Although the events are not large-scale, but rather everyday everyday affairs.

A crossroads on a long road warns of a conflict of interest.

The interpreters put a similar meaning into the plot, where small paths branch off the main road. This promises a conflict coupled with the need to make difficult choices.

The dream road is the case when the dreamer himself can be an interpreter of dreams, especially if the plot he saw was not in the dream book. The road characterizes fate almost literally. According to its quality and related circumstances, you can predict your life path.