In human nature, there is a fear of everything inexplicable and supernatural. That is why a dream in which the main character will be a brownie is capable of causing real panic. But you should not be afraid of such dreams, as the keeper of the house just wants to warn about some upcoming event. You only need to open the dream book to find out why the brownie is dreaming.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
The appearance of a brownie in a dream can be both a good sign and a bad one.
Inviting a brownie to the apartment, the sleeping person lets in harmony and family happiness. If the spirit of the house accepts the invitation, in reality in the life of a dreamer a white stripe sets in. To expel a brownie, on the contrary, is considered a bad sign. After such a dream, a family disorder may begin. Sweeping the floor after leaving the brownie - to big financial expenses, poverty.
Miller's dream book considers brownie a good omen. Meeting him promises a person prosperity and prosperity. According to Wangi's dream book, a brownie comes to warn people from mistakes and unseemly acts. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, such a dream brings success in business and family harmony.
If the spirit of the house is dreamed of by a person on the way, his journey will be safe. The dream simply reminds the person that households are looking forward to his return to his native walls.
A sad brownie portends a replenishment in the family. This may be an unplanned pregnancy, a visit by an unexpected guest or the appearance of a pet. The house keeper is not sad about this. On the contrary, he explains that one of these events will improve the atmosphere in the family.
Merry Brownie recommends that the sleeper not leave the house for a long time in the coming days. It is possible that danger lies in wait for a person outside the home, and nothing threatens him in the house itself.
Brownie in the form of a man, a cat
Many people associate the spirit of the house with the character of the famous animated film about the domino, but it is not always shown to people in the image of a small, grimy creature. Sometimes a brownie appears in the form of a large, handsome man, and sometimes even in the form of a cat.
The feline appearance of the house is often tried on, since the cat is considered a living charm of the home. The color of the cat in a dream rarely carries some secret meaning, since brownies often copy the hair color of the owners of the house. Therefore, if a brunette dreams of a black cat, it does not mean a black stripe in his life.
A fat, sleek cat is a sign of wealth and financial well-being. If the cat is thin and painful, unfavorable energy reigns in the house. This happens if the family often scandal or do not pay attention to each other. Perhaps the brownie advises having a real cat so that it absorbs the negative and purifies the energy background of the house.
In the form of a man, in a dream, a brownie comes to notify about some event that happened at the native person. If one of the family members had such a dream, he should talk with loved ones, establish old family ties. Perhaps some of the relatives need help and support.
Scares, chokes or bites in a dream
There are times when a brownie behaves extremely aggressively in a dream. His discontent can go so far that he begins to choke or bite the sleeping person. Fright is a natural reaction to what is happening, but you should not worry much about such a visit. The brownie strangles a person in a dream in order to attract his attention, and not bring to death. To appease an angry spirit is not enough; you need to find out the root cause of his discontent. It is possible that he tried to reach out to the person in another way, and when these attempts were unsuccessful, he went to extreme measures.
Each of the households should reconsider their own behavior and ask themselves such questions: am I not a troublemaker in my family, maybe I am the reason for quarrels and omissions? After all, often such dreams come to homes with a tense atmosphere.
It is possible that the dwelling needs to be cleaned, brownies can not stand dirt and sloppiness.
Sometimes a brownie scares only one family member, but does not touch others. Perhaps this person is able to commit a sinful act or turn to a sorcerer for some kind of ceremony. Thus, the brownie warns him against committing rash actions.
Evil or kind hearth keeper
According to Slavic mythology, brownies belong to the community of good spirits, called upon to protect the home and the people living in it. These creatures become aggressive and evil after people themselves provoke them, taking them to extremes. An evil brownie may appear in a dream to a troublemaker in order to restrain him. He will come to the rest of the family members kindly or even leave them alone.
Why dream that hugs a brownie
If a brownie in a dream is caring and gentle, hugs or kisses a woman, this promises her harmony in relations with her husband. For unmarried girls, such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent wedding.
If a brownie hugs a person in a strange house, a quick move or unexpected changes in life are possible.
Dream during pregnancy
A pregnant woman has a brownie in the form of a newborn baby. If he comes in the form of a cute smiling child, a kitten or a funny creature, the pregnant woman will receive good news. If the child screams and cries - not far off is a major family quarrel.
Such dreams usually do not portend problems with the baby and childbirth.
Value for women, men
Brownies come to men extremely rarely in a dream. This is explained by a rational mindset and the natural distrust of the stronger sex. Men rarely believe in signs and superstitions, so they do not pay attention to hints of brownies.
A woman dreams of a brownie much more often, since it is much easier to reach her.If a married woman dreams of the spirit of the house, he can gently hint at her problems in the household. The visit of the brownie to a lonely young lady promises her a quick marriage.
The appearance of the spirit of the house in a woman’s dream can portend an early pregnancy. If a brownie tickles a girl in a dream, she should look at the behavior of her chosen one. Perhaps he is deceiving her.
Despite the fact that the brownies remain mysterious and mysterious creatures, you do not need to be afraid of dreams with their participation. You should carefully and responsibly treat what is happening in the house and family so as not to push the brownie to such extreme measures.