The unique healing properties of garlic have long been used in folk medicine and have even received confirmation of official science. Penetrated this amazing product into the realm of the unknown, becoming one of the main means against evil spirits. In this regard, it is interesting to know why garlic is dreamed of and whether the interpretation is associated with its value in real life.
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Interpretation in various dream books
How many dream books, so many options for explaining sleep.
Let's consider some interpretations:
- According to the prophetess Vanga, to see the heads of garlic growing in the garden is an unkind sign that portends losses and the presence of ill-wishers in a close environment. However, when peeled, garlic cloves predict good health and successful completion.
- According to Miller, it doesn’t matter how garlic is dreamed: with heads or cloves - such a dream promises recognition in society, and for a girl there is also a profitable marriage made by calculation.
- Freud explains the garlic seen in a dream in the garden, possible disappointments. There is it in the form of cloves - to unrequited love. But if the sleeper picks up whole heads, then in reality he doubts the chosen partner and thinks about changing him.
- Dream book of Medea does not give positive forecasts. According to his interpretations, whole heads dream of illness, cloves of dreams of problems at work, and eating a product marks an unpleasant situation in which a sleep participant may find himself.
- More optimistic on this score is the Wanderer's dream book. His interpretation promises a person who has garlic cloves of cloves in real life to receive the necessary support or protection. If the dreamer is ill with something, then he is promised a speedy recovery.
Let us consider in more detail the interpretation of the night plot about a large amount of this vegetable crop.
See a lot of garlic
The abundance of garlic in a dream promises in the near future a large profit and subsequent stability in life. The dreamer's authority will grow thanks to the tremendous success that he can achieve.
A woman who observes a lot of garlic in a dream, such a vision predicts the appearance of wealthy boyfriends. However, in the case of a strong smell of a vegetable, felt as if in reality, you need to be wary of an insidious rival, capable of interfering with a happy marriage at the last moment.
Interestingly, a dream with a large number of onions has a similar interpretation.
What does the head dream about, arrows
Small details are sometimes crucial. In the case of garlic, these can be individual parts of the vegetable, the image of which prevailed in a dream.
A dream in which the sleeper takes part in collecting a rich harvest of garlic in the form of large heads, symbolizes stability and order in his life.
Seeing the garlic heads of a still green plant is a positive solution to a difficult situation.
If in a dream a person eats garlic with whole heads, then his health will be all right. Treat the other - to the common well-being.
For a woman, such a dream promises the opportunity to get married very soon. However, the marriage will be concluded out of selfish motives.
Garlic shooters and green leaves of the plant, including those growing on the garden beds, represent the end of the period of failures in the financial sector and the solution of current domestic issues. This interpretation is especially true if the dreamer watches ripening garlic from the side. In this case, he can safely count on the successful resolution of all cases without his participation.
What does it mean to plant or dig a vegetable
Based on the interpretation of the dream book of Veles, if a person in a difficult life situation saw himself planting garlic in a dream, then his troubles will soon end and a bright streak will begin.
In other sources, the interpretation of this nightly picture is no less rosy. Planting a vegetable crop - to the successful implementation of the plan and improving the financial situation.
Walking between the slender rows of growing garlic or its weed - to stability in real life.
In general, to collect or dig out a vegetable is for calm and a quiet measured life.
An exception is a dream in which the extracted garlic is rotten - in this case the dreamer needs to beware of possible troubles.
See the purchase of garlic
If you dreamed of buying garlic, you should be very vigilant and careful in communicating with people, including close friends. After all, such a dream indicates the presence of ill-wishers who seek to find out the dreamer's plans and hinder their implementation. Just in case, it is better to avoid any conflict situations and simply unpleasant personalities. In this way, the subconscious can hint at a hidden enemy in the guise of outward good nature.
Interpretation according to the day of the week
For the correct interpretation of sleep, the day of the week on which he dreamed is very important.
Here is what each time period individually can mean:
- From Sunday to Monday - such a dream should not be given special significance, since there is no secret meaning in it. Most likely, this is a reflection of real events in the life of the sleeper, not bearing a semantic load for his future.
- From Monday to Tuesday - these dreams can prophesy any troubles concerning any sphere of life. And they are also able to indicate serious changes in the near future. You can find out more precisely what exactly is being discussed if you can explain in more detail the content of Koneret sleep.
- From Tuesday to Wednesday - any night vision will personify the inner world of the dreamer himself, his fears, experiences, secret desires. It is important to remember the details of dreams in all details in order to better understand yourself.
- From Wednesday to Thursday - this period is connected with the business sphere.Career growth is possible or, conversely, new difficulties await at work. The specific context of sleep will help to compile the most complete picture of upcoming events.
- From Thursday to Friday - this time is almost mystical. It is in this period that prophetic dreams come true, which will come true with a high degree of probability in the coming days. The deadline is 3 years. After this period, the dream loses its strength.
- From Friday to Saturday - such dreams often become fateful. They contain a hint for solving an important problem or a hint of future changes.
- From Saturday to Sunday - it is on these days that dreams come with mystical content. It can be a figurative reflection of a specific person, event or an entire life sphere. In the plot of dreams, a clue will be hidden, which only an attentive dreamer who can observe secret signs can understand.
By comparing the day of the week with the content of the dream itself, you can get the most complete information about what you see.
Each item encountered in a dream has a specific meaning. Even ordinary garlic can tell a lot about a sleeping person, his environment and the events of the near future.