If you dream of former partners, this may just be a coincidence, or it may carry clues from the subconscious. Therefore, you should turn to dream books and find out what the ex-husband is dreaming of.
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Interpretation of dreams in popular dream books
Dreams with an ex-spouse in the title role at least once are every woman.
You can interpret them in different ways:
- Dream Interpretation Longo interprets the presence of former lovers in a dream is very simple: feelings have not died out, and you live memories. If you are forming a new relationship, and in a dream every now and then the ex-spouse visits, be careful: the likelihood of losing your barely born feelings is very high. The chosen one feels your detachment and lack of care.
- In Tsvetkov’s dream book, most versions of dreams with former ones are interpreted negatively. For example, if you had a chance meeting, troubles just as unexpectedly overtook. Flirting in a dream, you jeopardize new relationships in reality. Problems may begin with loved ones at work.
Particularly dangerous are the chains of dreams in which a former man returns home. Women who are visited by such dreams have a black streak in life.
- Freud's dream interpretation interprets contact with the ex-spouse as sexual dissatisfaction and discord in a new relationship. In addition, you may feel abandoned by everyone, need a strong friendly shoulder. In such cases, meeting with the former is an unconscious search for a person who was once close and could support at any time.
- Loff's dream interpretation interprets kisses and hugs with the ex-husband as a sign of imminent pleasant surprises.If in reality they did not quarrel with the ex-husband, and he died, then mercy with him in a dream is a symbol of the upcoming wedding efforts.
- Vanga said that if in a dream a woman sees a plot where she and her ex have perfect, impeccable relationships, full of harmony and understanding, then very soon she will meet the man she can love and get reciprocity.
Kissing in a dream with an ex-husband
By itself, a kiss in a dream is a positive sign, because it symbolizes joy and the fulfillment of desires. But if the kiss was with a former lover, the interpretation is somewhat different from the generally accepted one.
Those women who continue to worry about the problems of the past can kiss in a dream with their ex-husband. If you parted with enemies as a young man, and a dream is filled with passion and mutual desire, look around: someone close to you may lack your love and care. The current partner may lack proximity and harmony in the relationship. Think about whether a former man is worth your head full of thoughts about him, and not about new love.
If something prevents the kiss (noise, discomfort, sudden awakening), then the dream is interpreted very simply. In reality, you are afraid to give vent to feelings, thinking too much not about yourself, but about what others will think. It is precisely because of dependence on public opinion and prejudice that problems arise with the opposite sex.
Miller, on the other hand, believed that kisses with a former dream portend an imminent adventure. Perhaps a trip or business trip is just around the corner.
Holding hands hugging
Such dreams, filled with tenderness and harmony, often indicate that the past still lives in the heart of a woman. Not so much the former young man is lacking as the pleasant sensations and romance that filled the positive aspects of the relationship.
If it happened that the former husband had a drunken dream, and for this reason he was clinging with hugs and kisses, he could interpret the dream in different ways. Perhaps the man actually had a hard time, and he is abusing alcohol.
If a dream with a drunken ex is repeated, take a closer look at him and try to find out if everything is in order with the man.
Perhaps he may need your support, and this is an occasion to pacify pride and lend a helping hand.
Sex with a former spouse
In cases when dreaming of sex with an ex-husband, in reality, a woman can feel strong sexual dissatisfaction. If she has a new sexual partner, she feels a lack of intimacy or dissatisfaction with sexual desires. To solve this problem, it is often enough to discuss this with the newly-born lover. Can help new poses in sex, a change of scenery. If these tips did not help, but otherwise the relationship is impeccable, do not be afraid to contact a sexologist.
If there is no new partner in the life of a woman, then sexual contact with the ex-spouse means that feelings may not have cooled down yet. If a woman does not really feel attraction to an ex-spouse, then a dream may be a harbinger of the fact that very soon one will have to answer for mistakes of the past.
If sex with an ex-spouse does not bring any pleasure, then this is an occasion to think. The subconscious mind gives you a hint: you yourself spoil relationships with others, do not think about their feelings and thereby attract trouble to yourself.
Wedding with ex-husband
Wedding with an ex-man often means that you are too keen on your former relationship. By this you do not allow yourself to go forward, develop and meet new people. As long as the love for the former is warming in your heart, there is no place in it for new relationships and feelings.
If you broke up with a man and understand that there is no turning back, the time has come to change priorities. Do not think about the past, go ahead, and sooner or later you will meet your man.
See your ex-husband with another woman
If you have a dream in which a former young man walks hand with a woman unfamiliar to you or marries her, this is a good sign.
So, you have almost completely come to terms with the fact that your relationship is only memories and experience, and mentally wish him a strong family life and happiness in love.
If in a dream a former spouse marries your girlfriend, be extremely careful. Perhaps these two in real life are hiding something from you and can betray at the most unexpected moment. It may also be that during marriage you were very jealous, unconsciously considering your girlfriend a strong rival. In this case, the dream reveals your self-doubt and your own attractiveness.
The presence of the ex-husband at the wedding is a prediction that soon a fateful choice will have to be made. It is possible that he will change your whole life. Try not to make decisions rashly, weigh the pros and cons.
What does it mean if the ex-husband constantly dreams
If the former partner comes to dreams constantly, this means that even during wakefulness all the thoughts of a woman are turned to him. This means that the relationship has not yet been fully completed.
This does not necessarily mean that she wants to return the man and resume relations with him. Perhaps she was concerned about unfinished business with him. This may be alimony or other official issues, but there could be simple grievances that people did not discuss at one time. In order for such dreams to stop dreaming and bring inconvenience, it is necessary to meet with her husband and discuss them if possible.
Also, the cause of constant dreams with the ex-husband can be a kind of "anchors", that is, associations. You yourself may not notice that a work colleague has the same perfume fragrance or the habit of scratching her nose as the former. The subconscious mind notes and remembers everything, and at night it gives out all the information in the form of obsessive dreams.
Whatever the case, dreams with a former lover in the title role invariably excite a woman. If her thoughts are constantly returning to her ex-spouse, then there is no need to look for hidden meaning in such dreams. When a husband appears in night dreams completely unexpectedly, it is better to find out how he is doing in reality, and to pay special attention to this beloved on this day.