It happens that communication with the closest people is cut off. To find out what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details of the dream, as well as the reasons why your friendship ended in reality.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Before embarking on an interpretation, consider why you were so caught up in a dream. Sometimes a former best friend only dreams that a quarrel has occurred relatively recently, and her emotions are still fresh. In this case, a dream is just a projection of our waking experiences. We cease to control our own minds when we go to bed, and all experiences come to us in dreams.

Dream Interpretations say that the interpretation depends on why you stopped talking. If the friendship was interrupted due to life circumstances, such as moving to another country, and neither side holds a grudge, a dream may just be a sign that you miss a loved one.

If your friendship was long ago, and you forgot to think about your former friend, and she suddenly bothered you in a dream, you can think.

The main interpretations of such dreams:

  1. Perhaps you simply devote too much time to your past, analyzing it and preventing yourself from moving on. Discard old grievances and past relationships, otherwise you will not be able to find happiness.
  2. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend, after which you communicate nicely, does not bode well. Usually the vision portends quarrels with loved ones, quarrels with partners. If in a dream you talk to a girl in high tones and even break into a cry, this, on the contrary, is interpreted as a good sign. Relations with close people will be established, and old conflicts will be forgotten.
  3. According to Longo's dream book, when in a dream a woman seems to suck up to you, speaks too kind words and tries to build an ideal relationship, be careful. Someone weaves intrigues and spreads rumors. Try to either nip them in the bud, or if you are late, ignore them. But in no case do not give up, even if it seems that the whole world is against you.

So, A dream with an ex-girlfriend can be interpreted in dozens of different ways, depending on what kind of relationship you have in a dream and in reality.

Hugging best friend in a dream

Interactions with a girlfriend greatly influence the interpretation of sleep. If you are connected simply by a fleeting meeting, it can be a symbol of jealousy. Perhaps you perceived your girlfriend as a rival and still can not fully trust your man.

If you had a friendly conversation with your ex-girlfriend, you will face a quarrel with your lover. Ignore the rumors and try to start trusting your man.

If the plot of the dream went beyond a simple conversation, and an ex-girlfriend dropped by to visit you, a major scandal will break out very soon. Its outcome may even be parting with a chosen one. If, in a dream, after inviting a friend to your house, you expel her, the conflict will turn out to be hushed up without any particular victims.

Nothing good promises walks and hugs with former friends in a dream. Such dreams mean that intrigues are woven behind your back, and soon you will become a victim of cruel rumors. Spend more time with loved ones, because only they will always be on your side.

What is the dream of a friend's wedding

It would seem that a wedding celebration is a bright holiday. But even if you are ready to rejoice for the happiness of your ex-girlfriend, a dream about her wedding is not the most favorable for you. Most often, it means that you will face severe trials, among which are misunderstandings with your loved ones, illnesses of family members and trouble at work with someone from close relatives.

If, to top it all, you dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend, the dream becomes less gloomy. Pregnancy in a dream often symbolizes new beginnings and financial luck. Perhaps soon you will win the lottery or get a big inheritance.

A fight with a longtime friend in dreams

If in a dream you and your ex-girlfriend started a conflict, or one of you dragged the second into a fight, there were some misunderstandings between you. Perhaps your former friend keeps a terrible secret from you. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship of her lover and ex-girlfriend. If they intersect for work or other reasons, and the man’s behavior has changed to cold and alienated, they have started a romance behind your back.

Naturally, the dream book is not the last resort in this matter, but after such a dream it is worth being careful and discuss your concerns with your loved one.

See reconciliation with ex girlfriend

Very often, such a plot of sleep means that you should distract from the daily chores and devote a little time only to yourself. You feel trapped. You can endlessly love your work and your loved ones, but every day seems to you a copy of the previous one. If you think that this can take forever, go on vacation immediately. It is not necessary to spend a month on the beach - an evening walk in your favorite places in your hometown will scatter you no less.

In most cases, a former girlfriend in a dream is a bad sign. Moreover, the troubles that await the dreamer will not come from the former friend herself, but from close people.